Various Students

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello folks!

So, I have a couple of characters that have pretty much nothing, and I would quite like to get a few things for them.

The first of these is my only Durmstrang student, Yevheniy Kharchenko, now he is a sixteen year old Durmstrang 6th year. He's got a number of issues, mostly anger issues. He gets easily bored and looks out for fights at every occasion. He likes going to durmstrang, but he hates their views on muggles. Yevheniy has many muggle friend and is keen to try to improve his friendships with them. Classes bore him, and he is relatively in different to most school things. When he graduates he's going to go into some issues regarding his anger, the violence he seeks out and all of that. He will probably be unlikely to settle in a job or anything for a long while. He would much rather drift. I also see him ending up possibly in the Scitorari as he finds it would be the best way of him letting go of his anger, despite the fact that he really doesn't mind muggles.
To find out more, click Here.
Now, he needs pretty much everything. Friends, relationships, enemies. Just everything.

The second of these, is my newest character, Vicenzo Antolini, who is a 6th year Beauxbatons student. Now, he's the older brother of Clara(who is RPed by the ever lovely Donna), and he thinks of himself as somewhat different from his family. He is the only one to attend Beauxbatons and loves it. He loves history of art, and just art in general. He's really adjusted and taken on the sort of relax lifestyle of his friends at beauxbatons. He does think of himself as above others, and he doesn't really like muggleborns. He just doesn't think they should be part of the magical world, but he would never state as much unless he was talking with friends. Vicenzo is pretty naturally friendly. He likes flirting, but the idea of being tied down to one person isn't what he wants. After school he see himself travelling quite a lot, and possibly seeing if he can study linguistics, or history of art.
If you want to read more on him, here is his development.
Vicenzo needs everything as well. He needs friends, flings and maybe someone who could eventually become a final.

The last of the three I'm really looking for stuff for is Georgia Rose, she is also a beauxbatons student but she has just gone into fourth year. She a young and energetic young girl who loves dancing and loves helping people. She was given up at birth by her parents in a hospital in Switzerland, her mother was a pureblood witch, where as her father was a mixed blood. Because of this, Georgia was given up for adoption and now resides in Monaco with her adoptive parents. Since discovering that she was magic, Georgia has always thought about her parents and if they are magic or if she is a muggleborn. It doesn't bother her so much, but she would be interested in finding out. My plot for her would be to discover that she was born to magical parents, but that they gave her up for adoption because of family pressures and that she was to her mother's eyes really an impure child and there had been no effort, nothing in place to find her magical parents who could adopt her. This is why, when she leaves school, she is planning, or will plan to set up an agency of some sort which directly deals with children of magical parents that are given up for adoption, and finding them homes with magical parents so there isn't so much of a shock for those. Of course she realises it would be tricky, but her motivation is just so that less people are in that situation, of course she could never account for muggleborns, but she could at least help those with magical blood be able to still stay with the magic.
You can read up about Georgia, Here.
For her I need friends, and love interests, she's young but she's beginning to find boys attractive. I also need people who might share her vision, and possibly something that could maybe become a final. So, just some long term romance.

And that's it!
I hope that y'all can help me out with these characters, I would really appreciate it! And as always, should you have a desire or a plot idea with any of my other characters I'm more than happy to plot it out!

Thanks all!
Emzies :emzies:
I figured that with the new year, that as well as my students outside of Hogwarts that perhaps I could do a few things with my students within Hogwarts.

I'll start with the first years,
I have Isaiah Jeffreys, a ravenclaw, and Ailsa Evans, a Gryffindor.
Now, Isaiah is a kind and caring person who unfortunately has a small amount of anger issues. He is quick to be defensive and doesn't always think his actions through. However, he is a very loyal friend and exceedingly bright. He works very hard, and has always worked hard. He loves stories, he loves telling stories and writing stories. He just loves everything about them. For him, I need everything. Friends, enemies, crushes, and perhaps even suggestions for a final. Isaiah has grown up in a very open household, and while at the young age of 11 he would see himself as straight, as he grows he will grow to be bi. So the final can be female or male.

Ailsa on the other hand is a very different person. She loves quidditch and that's about it. She doesn't really care about learning spells and what not, she just enjoys sports and the one she enjoys the most is Quidditch. She was born in England and her brother attends Hogwarts Scotland (if anyone is interested in being the RPer of her brother let me know). She wasn't interested in attending that school. Ailsa is also Tybalt's cousin on Ty's mother's side. Which means that she is obviously not an Archer. She's a loyal person, but it takes a while for it to show. She's stubborn and likes getting her way. She's not one to back down and can be quite harsh about things. She is like Isaiah looking for pretty much everything! When it come to love, Ailsa is straight, she has not romantic interests in girls.

Now, the second years.

Avie, y'all know who he is. Anyway, this stupid and reckless boy will continue to be a little bit insane for the next few years. However, he will begin to settle down, and with the help of Professor Ciro, he's learning to read. Which will improve his grades slowly. Along side this, in the up coming years, Avie is going to go through a number of different things in his life, which are going to figuratively pull the carpet from under his feet. And, because Avie is much more childlike generally, it's going to be pretty hard for him to bounce back. Because of this, I need a few more people who don't like him, as well as someone who would be his friend, but could become something more. This role could be male or female. And the person who wants to do this, I'll probably PM, so that we can plan it out a little more.

Victoire is that other second year I have. Now, she's a young and polite woman who doesn't really do much with herself. She loves learning, and loves being a gryffindor. She has a few friends, and is an incredibly friendly and passionate person. Victoire is right now, just loving the election, her father being a former politician means that she has a number of strong opinions of those kind of things. For her, I'm looking for more friends. She really doesn't have enough and could do with a couple more. I'm also for her looking out for someone who could be a final, or at least just a few relationships for her.

Now, the last three students I have are Graeme, Sage and Tybalt. All of these are busy people, but, if you wanted to RP with any of them, just let me know what you had in mind and perhaps we could play something out!

Once again thank you!
Emzies! :hug:

For Avie in whatever capacity, I have Emily Hayes-Magonus. She is a first year and she is in Hufflepuff, but regardless I think she could be a good friend for him (or if you want, something more). Generally she is a sweetheart and she loves to play so I think she would get along with Avie. Her mother is currently (sort of) dating professor Ciro Raven and she really likes him so she would know all about Ciro and maybe tell Avie more things about him if he finds out she knows him outside of school. I don't have much going on with Emily at the moment and nothing planned for the future so this could go either way really!
You replied to mine, so I'll reply to yours, via Durmstrang student style.
Both of them are in their seventh year, but I have Elijah Zhefarovich, Head Boy, and Caiden Saenger, Head *******. Elijah would probably be easier to get along with, but he wouldn't stand for fighting. He knows how to fight extremely well. Overall, he is somewhat distant, but he is friendly to those that he thinks is worth spending time around. Caiden, on the other hand, is a punk and will love to make enemies with Yevheniy. I'd type more but well, need to work on my paper! D:
Teigan!: I like the idea of Emily and Avie, I think they could be quite sweet. But, I think they'd need to RP at least once to see if it would work with what I have in mind for Avie. I will likely PM you very soon about it!
Do you want to start something, or shall I?

Kaitlyn!: I think both would work with Yevheniy, I think I could see him probably butting heads with both Elijah and Caiden. Maybe trying harder to be friends with Elijah while actively looking for a fight with Caiden. I think both would work, but perhaps we should just stick to one for now? So we could start with Caiden and Yevheniy?
Do you want to start it, or would you like me to?
I'd be happy to start this for you, Emzies! Do you have a specific place you would like them to meet?
Anywhere is good with me!
Cool, I'll get on that and when (and if) you decide to pm me, don't forget to send it to Abby!
Caiden and Yevheniy sound good to me! Do you mind starting? I've always had issues with Caiden without more to go on. xD
Hey Emzies!

I think we can have a fun RP with Jazz and your Ravenclaw boy.
They are pretty different, but I think it could be a fun RP.

Jazz is pretty nutty, but is from a normal household and pretty polite when we wants to be. His only flaw is his fiery attitude. They can become friends or enemies we will see about that, but what do you think? :3
Okies Kaitlyn I will get to it as soon as I can and then PM you it!

Tamara, I think Isaiah would quite enjoy hanging out with Jasper. I think they would perhaps but heads every so often but it would be quite good to play that out. Would you like to start something or shall I?
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