Valerius Stefanovich Bianchi

Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (18)
Valerius Stefanovich Bianchi

Playby: Nick Robinson
Birthday: 4/24/2044
Astrology Sign: Taurus

Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. People born with their Sun in Taurus are sensual and tactile, considering touch and taste the most important of all senses. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction.

Taurus is an Earth sign, and has the ability to see things from a grounded, practical and realistic perspective. They find it easy to make money and stay on the same projects for years, or until they are completed. What we often see as stubbornness can be interpreted as commitment, and their ability to complete tasks whatever it takes is uncanny. This makes them excellent employees, great long-term friends and partners, always being there for people they love. Earthly note makes them overprotective, conservative, or materialistic at times, with views of the world founded on their love of money and wealth.

The ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet of love, attraction, beauty, satisfaction, creativity and gratitude. This tender nature will make Taurus an excellent cook, gardener, lover, and artist. They are loyal and don't like sudden changes, criticism or the chase of guilt people are often prone to, being somewhat dependable on other people and emotions they seem to be unable to let go of. Still, no matter their potential emotional challenge, these individuals have the ability to bring a practical voice of reason in any chaotic and unhealthy situation.

One always has to be prepared to have patience for a Taurus lover. They are extremely sensual, touch, smell and all pleasurable senses being extremely important to them, but they also need time to create a safe environment and relax in their sexual encounters. When they create enough intimacy with a loved one, they become a bit gooey, sometimes even needy, and have to keep their emotions in check, holding on to practical reasoning, while embracing change and initiative of their partner at all times.

For long-term relationships they often choose people from the same social environment that are able to respond to their intellectual needs, but also the expectations of their family and close friends. Holding on to traditional values and the practical side to life, this is a sign that rarely chooses a partner who won’t fulfill basic expectations of their upbringing, often showing and receiving attention through gifts and material things.

Friends - People born in this sign are loyal and always willing to lend a hand of friendship, although they can be closed up for the outer world before they build trust for new social contacts they make. Many of their friendships begin in childhood with a tendency to last them a lifetime. Once they make a clear intimate connection to another person, they will do anything they can to nurture the relationship and make it functional even in the hard times.

Family – Home and matters of the family are very important to every Taurus. This is a person who loves kids and appreciates time spent with people who love them, respecting family routines, customs, and being present in all events and gatherings. They will enjoy hosting house parties for both their family and friends, and don’t mind cooking a meal for a room full of people if they just have fun in return.

If you are in search of a strong, loyal and generous man, Taurus is the person you are looking for. He is trustworthy, patient and tender when in love, always in search of a returned emotion. He will not pick on subtle hints and suggestive looks from those who flirt with him, being a bit slow on the uptake as if waiting for someone to ask them out. He dislikes artificiality of any kind, and values conversations filled with genuine statements, especially when it comes to compliments and love declarations.

A Taurus man needs time to build trust and anyone on a chase for his heart needs to take the time earning it. As a person of very few words, he will seem impossible to penetrate at times, as if nothing can touch him. An invitation for a delicious home-cooked meal is always a safe bet when dating this man, as well as choosing a place that is comfortable and cozy, rather than popular or modern. Turned to nature and common thinking, he will see sex as something that comes when the time is right, rarely puts any pressure on his partner and feels like it is something to be enjoyed, not so much something to crave for. A part of his fixed, static character is the potential inability to forgive betrayal, and he needs to feel truly safe to settle down with one partner for good.

House Astrology
In some ways, this seems almost a contradiction. A head-in-the-clouds, theoretically-oriented Ravenclaw, born under the pragmatic, materialistic sign of Taurus? However, a surprising number of philosophers (including Socrates) have been Taureans. The intellectual Taurus is gifted not only with prodigious mental capacity, but also the sensible logic, determination, and assurance to see a theorem through from start to finish. Ravenclaws born under this sign make excellent magical researchers and are gifted with the unusual capacity to write sensibly and fluently about their results and interpretations of experiments. Because Taurus is a patient sign, and good at communication, many Ravenclaw Taureans eventually end up teaching at Hogwarts.


Hair Color/Length: Shoulder length, rich brown, fluffy
Eyes: Hazel
Face: Square
Height: 6 foot (182 mm)
Clothing Style: Expensive, well put together, clean lines


: Lobster Bisque
Dessert: Cherry Flambe
Animals: Swans
Drink: Sparkling Water
Color: Blue
Books: The Hunger Games
Movie: The Hunger Games
Music: Epic Instrumentals



-Hard Worker


-Valerius has an ear for languages.


: Blair Silver
Father: Stefan Bianchi

Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core

Length: An impressively long wand, not easily concealed - used by those who desire to make a statement.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: Birch provides little added value to a wand, but supports its core and can be depended on to perform well for a wide variety of witches and wizards.
Core: Erumpent hide cores help to create unstable and unreliable wands. It tends to add quite the punch to spells, making them more powerful than they should be at the most inopportune of moments.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

School Life

: Ravenclaw
Clubs: n/a
Favorite Class: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Class: Potions
Boggart: His father, cold and disapproving
Patronus: Hedgehog
What It Means: Cute and loveable inside and out, those who possess a hedgehog Patronus may thrive on giving and receiving love and may feel they need more of it than others realize. While upfront about their endearment and affectionate personality, hedgehogs are also known to be anxious and overly cautious. They often worry about their own and others of their kind’s safety. Those around must approach the hedgehog with care and precision, though, because when defensive and hurt, hedgehogs are remembered not for their sweetness, but for their sharp spikes.
Mirror of Erised: He wouldn't look, afraid of what he might see.
Plans for the Future: Valerius plans on taking over his fathers company; he's decided to improve it by making it an international company, and intends to learn as many languages as he can, travelling to everywhere himself to build up new branches of the company to expand his fathers empire.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Valerius just wants to graduate with a solid grade profile, and a few good friends.



Valerius was raised for a long time as the only son of Entrepeneur Stefan Bianchi. He was perhaps a little spoiled, but he managed to keep a strong head on his shoulders. He was raised by a good man, and thankfully that was passed on at least a little bit to his son. Even if the sudden addition of an older sister put Valerius on edge. Not because he had any real issue with Blair; no, he just worried she would take the comany he'd been training to look over.

When she insisted she didn't care for the company, the two of them got on splendidly, and he turned his attention back to his schooling. He made a new friend in Aine Thompson. Despite a few misunderstandings, and the way they generally butt heads, the two have formed a solid friendship that they always tend to fall back into. He's also become good friends with Monday Weeks and Dahlia Doherty. He's content with his friendships, and he's recently taken Eloise Aster in under his wing.

As far as his love life, no one would say that Valerius was really intelligent emotionally. His first girlfriend was Aika Chen; the daughter of a skilled chef his father adored. Valerius and Aika got on well, and in his efforts to please his father, Valerius asked her out. Eventually, they'd decided that they were better as friends. Emotionally, however, his heart always drifted more towards the soft, sweet Margo Fox. He doesn't know if he'd ever have a chance with her, but he's definitely spent a good amount of time pining away after her.

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