Closed Valentin's Feast ball.

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Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

🐺Dragonologists , Sweden dragon reservation🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Austin ❤️
Pear Wand 11 5/8" Mermaid Scale
21(10June, 2038.)
Jenna was weiring Wendall and she hoped that he will be here. Right now she was waiting him and know that the ball with be last one.
Wendall was a bit indifferent to the ball, but since it was the last one he was glad that at least he was attending. He dressed smart, a simple suit was appropriate for the occasion, and Wendall made it way to the Great Hall to meet Jenna. “You look nice,” he smiled as he approached the prefect, offering out his arm to his friend before they entered. He knew Jenna would have preferred it if Austin was here in his place, but Wendall would at least be able to keep her company.
''Thanky, you to.'' She smiled. ''Can you belived, it's the last one ball. ''I have a little friendship braclet and Happy Valentin's day.'' Braclet she gave him and hoped that he will be liked. They was good friends and he did for her so much and she wanted thank him. '' Thanky for everything.'' She smiled.
Wendall smiled at Jenna as they headed towards the ball, but he paused as she handed him something. His eyebrows lifted a little in surprise but he was also just genuinely taken aback by the gesture. “That’s so sweet. Did you make this?” He asked, tying it on to his wrist immediately. “Thank you,” Wendall added, glad once again that he had Jenna for a friend.
''Yeah, that you won't for get me when shcool end'' She smiled. She just wanted that Wendall was happy and he find the girl who will be loved him. She was just wanted that he was happy. ''Ur welcome.'' She smiled.
Wendall gave half a grin and watched Jenna for a moment, “you know I’m not going to forget you anyway right?” Bracelet or not, they were strong enough friends that he wouldn’t be able to forget her, and he didn’t think it too wild of a decision if they still saw each other or wrote to each other after graduation too. “Do you want to dance?” Wendall couldn’t promise he wouldn’t fall over his two left feet, but he could certainly try.
''I hope so, if you forget i kick you'' She joked at him and laughded a little. ''Sure, let's go and mayby later some eat?'' She smiled. She hoped he will be say yes and they can take a pause from dancing.
Wendall couldn’t imagine Jenna getting violent with him at all. Even knowing she’d jinxed a girl before, it was a very hard image to picture. He chuckled, and nodded, not quite sure of himself to be able to lead any dancing but he was certainly happy to follow. Once they were out on the dance floor, he did his best to bop along to the music in time, trying his best not to feel silly. “Do you feel better about the other day?” He asked, not wanting to bring the mood down but hoping Jenna had forgiven herself for it.
"A little better, thanky. But i still got this feeling that soon be another drama. Are you okey? I know it's hard belive what i am done." She told him taking a little deep breath. Jenna was think more about Rumania go and find another new life for her pur just go back Turkey and live happily ever after. It was to many choices.
“You really think something else is going to happen?” It wasn’t that Wendall didn’t believe her, but he was a bit concerned if Jenna thought there was another argument lingering in the air. “You know if Tina or anyone else says something, you can tell someone, right?” He asked, looking straight into her eyes. He didn’t want Jenna to think that she was on her own if something else happened and it wasn’t fair if a student was getting picked on.
'They won't belived me. I just wanted gave my soul that drama will be end you know. "She was so tired of this all things and that no one belived her and Austin's mom to. She was just tired. "I alredy told that i not did this, they belive rumors more than me." She told him
Wendall was frowning a bit at Jenna, "Why does it matter if they believe you or not? Surely the only thing that's important is whether Austin trusts you, and if he would rather believe family over you, then he's not the right person for you anyway?" Wendall didn't know a whole lot about being in a relationship, never having been in one before, but he knew that if he was then it wouldn't have mattered what anyone else thought as long as the person he was with was happy.
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