Open Usual Disappointment

Fiona Burke

irish ☘️ | adventurous 🏕
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Chestnut Wand with Fairy Wing Core
14 (06/2049)
Fiona had been disappointed that she hadn't made it on the team, yet again... It had been her dream to be on the quidditch team for as long as remembered. She enjoyed quidditch a lot and it hadn't been something her older siblings were interested in. Sure Nolan had played with her from time to time, but she knew he only did it so she could at least play some quidditch when they were home. But Fiona had been disappointed that she hadn't made it. Of course she was happy for her friend, Aroha for making it on the team, but what about Fiona? Was she ever going to make it on the team? Fiona wasn't even sure at this point. But she knew she was going to keep trying. The Gryffindor sat in the quidditch pitch stands as she watched the Gryffindor team have their practice, wishing that it was her up there instead.

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