useless valentines day fun :)

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa skipped down to the lake front from the forest in her now throughly ripped valentines day dress, she hoped Neita and Angel were following her, it would look really silly if she was the only one soaking wet. Once she was at the edgeArisa pulled the blue flower from her hair and rested it gently on the ground wanting to keep it safe, once that was done she took a few steps back before running towards the water and making a graceful dive letting the cool water wrapped around her, she stayed down there until it felt like her lunges would burst and she came back up to the surface.
Neita ran at full speed toward the lake throwing her earings and flowers at the ground as she reached the lake, Arisa had made it before her but she'd had a head start. Neita dived into the water and giggled as she felt her dress stick to her body. She suddenly needed air and surfaced coughing. "Giggling underwater is not cool" she informed her friends.
Arisa laughed at Neita when she came to the surface, "well we knew that, you sure you didn't hit your head when you fell?" Arisa asked laughing and splashing Neita. Arisa started swimming loops around Neita, she had always been a good swimmer, the only sport she was good at. "This is the best valentines day ever, epically after last year" Arisa said with a smile before diving underwater again and coming back up.
Neita poked her tongue and splashed her friend as Arisa made a comment about her hitting her head. The Hufflepuff girl spun around watching as her best friend swam loops around her. "Yeah" Neita agreed "It definately beats last year for me" she said with a grin watching Arisa dive underwater. She has flawless techniqe Neita realized, after three years of swim team Neita could recognize a swimmer when she saw one. " 'Risa?" she asked "Do you swim?"
"yeah? I'm swimming right now aren't I?" Arisa asked confused by Neita's question.

(( lol, maybe we should wait for Angel now :p ))
Neita giggled "I meant are you a swimmer?"

(okay, ON HOLD lol and she can say she gave up trying to keep up with us and walked or something to explain the lateness of her post :D )
"Nope," Arisa replied doing little spins letting her dress flow around her in the water, "I had never swam before last year in fact, why?" Arisa asked remembering the first time she went swimming.
Neita eyed her amazed "You have amazing style!!" she exclaimed surprised.

The hufflpuff girl floated around for a bit "Arisa, can I ask you something?" she asked a little nervously knowing this would be a bit of an awarkward subject for her.
Arisa smiled at Neita, "thanks" she said at the compliment. Just then Neita started being nervous, "Um, yeah, what is it?" Arisa asked.
Neita bit her lip, she wanted to know, but she wasnt sure if she wanted to know the answer to her question. "No matter what your answer is, can you promise not to tell anyone I asked?" she asked
"Of course" Arisa replied getting more anxious to know what Neita's question was.
Neita bit her lip, "Does Ari like my cousin?" she said with a frown, she knew it was stupid but the idea was really weird to her and she was concerned about her friend, Ares seemed to be becoming quite the flirt.
Arisa sighed with relief at Neita's question, she had made it seem way worse, "I'm actually not that sure, me and Ari don't talk much anymore" Arisa admitted with a frown, "sorry"
Angel followed Arisa and Neita out of the forest to the lake. "Oh!" The small girl exclaimed, tripping over a tree root. Her foot seemed to be quite stuck. "Darn, those were my only good jeans." she muttered, looking at the now grass-stained and ripped jeans. Angel shrugged and un-stuck her foot. The two other girls hadn't seemed to notice that she wasn't with them.

Angel got up and saw that Arisa and Neita were already in the water. A smirked flickered on the Ravenclaw's face as she began to run. "CANNONBALL!" she screamed, jumping off the edge of the lake and pulling her knees up to her chest. AS soon as she surfaced, she grinned at the other two. "Who's your cousin?" she asked Neita curiously, as if she hadn't just cannonballed into the lake.
Neita giggled as Angel cannonballed into the water "Now, what took you so long slow poke, it was meant to be a race!" she teased. The hufflepuff girl smiled at Angel as she asked who her cousin was "Ares Taylor, he's also in your house, do you know him?"

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