Upper year students

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Mandy Willis

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Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Hello, so I'm not very good at these things and am stuck on what to write, but I think with Mandy here it's required. She's transferred in to 5th year and I'm looking for 4th/5th years and above to befriend her. I was hoping to find maybe a small group she could slip in with, but after thinking about it I doubt she'd be up for that in her current mindset, maybe a few weeks/months down the line. I fear I'm making her such a sad act of a character and I haven't even begun to role play as her yet, but here goes;
Normally, Mandy's a fun, life loving, head strong young girl but at the moment she's shut down a little, due to the circumstances under which she's transferred. Had it not been for her fathers recent cancer diagnosis, she would be continuing with home schooling, as her dad had intended. As it is, this is not the case. Mandys mother left her, her dad and her brother when Mandy was 9 after having an affair and falling pregnant with another mans baby. She had her reasons, finding it difficult and struggling, as a muggle, to get by in a wizards world (Mandys dad's a wizard and him and her mum met during the summer holidays between his 6th and 7th year at school) but Mandy thinks this is nowhere near a valid reason for leaving her family and never making contact again. At the age of 9, it had more of an effect on Mandy than her 4 year old brother, and after her departure she picked up on several 'mum duties' like trying to keep the house tidy, cooking the majority of there meals and being the best big sister Grant could ever have asked for. She matured dramatically in a short space of time. Mandy loves her small family and they've always been incredibly close-knit, and when her father was diagnosed with lung cancer a year previous to this, it hit her hard. He's about to begin regular treatments, but the doctors don't seem too hopeful, it's not looking like they've caught it early enough. David doesn't want his children to have to watch his health deteriorate and so is sending them both to HNZ. Mandy doesn't agree with this decision at all, she wants to be there for him, doesn't believe he'll be able to properly look after himself, especially when the cancer begins to take its toll and thinks they should be making the most of any time they have left as a family though she doesn't want to think about how short it could possibly be. She doesn't want to argue with her father, she knows it would hurt him to object and go against his wishes and doesn't want to cause him any stress, so will go to Hogwarts against her will.
At the moment, she wont trust or open up easily and will probably be thought of as hostile and awkward. I'm looking for a few people who are willing to give her time, be a friend to her, introduce her to life at Hogwarts and hopefully bring her into herself again at which point she'll repay you by being the happy, bubbly, full of nonsense kind of person you want to be friends with rather than the depressed one you take pity on and feel you have to.

Sorry about the length :tut:
Well I have Camille Jones. She is recently out of a year long Depression and is a Lesbian,but don't let that worry you. She could be a good friend for maybe, she is a Fifth year Gryffindor and is nice. She can be pretty funny and she loves cooking. So yeah. Let me know.
Okay, so this is my fifth year Gryffindor Sammy, he is extremely sweet, kind and tends to befriend people rather easily with his bubbly and easy going nature. Sometimes he can be a pushover and has a childish sense of fun, usually trying to get people to build forts and climb trees and such. So I think if Sammy actually met Mandy, he'd first try to befriend her and make her happy, since at her current state, she'd remind him of his big sister, whom has recently been expelled and he'd be looking to fill that void that was left behind. So I think he'd probably go to incredible lengths to befriend her, because he does it with everyone eelse.

So yeah, tell me if you think they'll work. ^_^
I haves Jordan Trave Vanderhol. Completely orphaned but then adopted right before school. He isn't shy just quiet and has passed through the fours years he has completely basically unnoticed. He at the moment is only on name basis with Star Moon. If she enjoys music then this is your guy. He loves to play his Guitar where ever and whenever. He did tryout for the Quidditch team this year do to his adopted sisters both being famous players themshelves and teaching him the game. But he'd take music over it any day.

Oh and he is a fifth year Hufflepuff:)
I have Star Moon who is a fifth year Ravenclaw.She is a sweet,patient and playful.She was once quiet and unsociable but after last year(mostly Sammy :r ) she has come out of herself a lot more.She is trying to make friends because ever since she was a little girl her twin Ryan was her best friend and she didn't think she'd need anyone else.But then he changed and Star was left by herself.Since then she has been lonely and is trying to be her true self around people and enjoy her last few years of Hogwarts. If Mandy was hostile at the beginning that may put Star off a little bit but she would realize the girl probably has a reason to be like this and she would be patient.And try to make her feel better and happier.She isn't in the best of moods herself as she has found out some things about her brother which has greatly hurt her and annoyed her.But Star would do her best to befriend Mandy.Since meeting Sammy she has become a lot more playful (since they did build a fort together) so she would try and think of fun ways of making Mandy feel better.She loves reading and taking photos.She loves long distant running.

Yeah,so what do you think?
Thanks for the replies guys :D

Kelsey: Sounds like Camille could be a good friend, I suppose she would have a sort of general idea of how shes feeling? Although she's not properly depressed, more mad at the world and attempting to shut it out as a sort of coping mechanism, thinking she doesn't need anyone and bottling everything and all her feelings up.

Lola: I think she'd be great for Mandy! She needs someone to drag her by the hand and force her to live a little. Someone who wont take no for an answer or be put off by her reluctance xD

Tenilee: Aww, I could see her caving to his sweetness pretty quickly to be honest, she'd feel bad pushing him away if he was making so much of an effort. He could probably be the first person she confides in ^_^ and she'll definitely need a friend like him when things back home worsen dramatically near the end of the year (I plan on being pretty awful to her actually :unsure: only for a while though.)

Indiana: Yeah Mandy likes music, lol, and Jordan sounds nice we could have them meet and see how it goes?

Johanna: I think it'd be a similar situation as with Sammy, I don't think it'd take her too long to come around to her with her being so sweet and nice and all. She might come across as torn faced and hostile but this isn't really the case, she's not actually nasty or horrible, just misunderstood, worried, mad and feeling rather useless. A mix of emotions lol.

So, I'd like to rp with all of you! Let me know if you'll be up for it at some point soon and I can post back links and yous could get to them just whenever yous can :)?

Yeah That sounds good with me!
Mandy Willis said:
Tenilee: Aww, I could see her caving to his sweetness pretty quickly to be honest, she'd feel bad pushing him away if he was making so much of an effort. He could probably be the first person she confides in ^_^ and she'll definitely need a friend like him when things back home worsen dramatically near the end of the year (I plan on being pretty awful to her actually :unsure: only for a while though.)
Yeah, Sammy does try to be helpful and nice a lot, he's pretty relentless. Don't worry about being awful to her, I've been pretty awful to some of my characters. :r
Home life isn't Samual's strong point, so he'd understand and give her the nessesary space she needed when home life goes down. ^_^
That sounds great, do you mind starting it?
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