Open Unusual Place to Be

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Eliza Reynolds

'el' | happy smiles ✨ | geek 👓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
15 (04/2047)
Honestly, these school events weren't the usual places that Eliza would attend. But she guessed she should at least try and be out of her comfort zone. The girl made her way to the Yule ball, an unsure feeling laid at the pit of her stomach. When Eliza arrived at the great hall, she was impressed with the decorations, looking around with amazement. The Gryffindor decided to make her way to the snack table and looked around at the possible snack choices. There were many different types, she wasn't sure what one she wanted to try first.
Dances were stupid and people were stupid and dates were stupid and this whole thing was stupid. Cornelius was only even here to see just how stupid it all was, so he could revel in the knowledge of how stupid his classmates all were, and how much better he was than them. With their dancing and pashing and stupid outfits, it was all dumb. Only those who were too stupid to know better would be seen dead at something like this. Which was why he was here. To laugh at them.

It had nothing to do with spin the bottle, and definitely nothing to do with Vanity. Only a moron would even suggest as much. Cornelius had taken a spot a ways away from the door with a good view of it so he could watch everyone as they came and went, not just look out for Vanity. That said - radiant in bright pink, it was hard to miss her. She was the only bright spot in an otherwise dull crowd of idiots, dullest of all the idiot beside her. It was the bad boy appeal, he supposed. The glitz and glamour of having the worst, most worthless kid in fifth year on her arm. Cornelius was just mentally conjuring up a dramatic scenario where he swooped in and saved Vanity from her tedious date when his view was obstructed. He scowled as what's-her-name blocked his view, a pointless Gryffindor he had never bothered to get to know. "Excuse me, some of us are trying to see." He snapped. "Get your big head out of the way."
Eliza was happily minding her own business on what to decide on to eat when her thoughts had been interrupted by a snappy voice. The Gryffindor whipped her head around, noticing it was someone she recognised from one of her classes, she didn't really know him all that well, and she was terrible with names. "Excuse me?" Eliza frowned, her voice up in defence, as she patted her head quickly at the mention of the size of her head. Sure she had a big head but there was no reason to point that out. "Someone's in a mood, what's got your underwear in a twist?" Eliza spoke with an annoyed tone. She didn't come to this event to be ruined by a party pooper. The Gryffindor tried her best to follow the boy's gaze, there were a lot of people around so she couldn't exactly see who he was looking at. "What are you even looking at?" Eliza asked curiously, her annoyance slowly disappearing and her being nosy appeared.
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