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Swetha Shankaran

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Swetha is kind, shy and brave girl. She is an Orphan, raised by an Indian Orphanage. She just moved to New Zealand upon receiving the admission letter from HNZ. She is looking forward to make new friends or foes a like. She wants to be in Ravenclaw, who knows, Time decides everything.

OOCOut of Character:
Guy's, Swetha is looking for friends here on HNZ. I hope she gets some. ;)
Hey :) This is Chandler Bronette(Bro-net) Dunley. She's really sweet, friendly, and always up for a good time. She has a lot of people living in her house so she loves to get out and do things. She sings and loves to dance although she's not good at it. She doesn't care what people think of her and she will always stand up for her friends. Always looking for someone new to talk to :)
Hello vamsi. and welcome to the site
I can offer Tara Sitara as a friend and mentor once she gets sorted. She is a Huflepuff third year, she is very nice and innocent, but is currently becoming aware of the rest of the world. She comes from India and is as far as i can tell currently the only indian student at HNZ.
@Chandler Dunley : That's great, I'll be looking forward for them to become friends. <3

@Mia: That would be wonderful, since Swetha would become second from India. <3
Yay :) okay so would you like to start a topic thing? I would but my internet is being weird and I can only get on from my phone.
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