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Laura Hennessy

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laurs ^^
Right, so clearly, this character is new, and I was hoping for some roleplays so that I could suss out her character and such.
Any takers? I'm hoping for her to be a Gryffindor, so friends and/or enemies in any forms will be appreciated.
I have Delilah Richarde who could roleplay with Laura. I'm pretty sure she is not being sorted this year but will be the following one (I'll have to check her age and talk to Emmah) but they could still meet. She would probably be more of a Ravenclaw or Slytherin... maybe even a Hufflepuff so I'm not sure how they would get along but we could just put 'em together old school style and see what happens.
Hi there, I have Isabella here. She is pretty nice not sure about her being Gryffindor, she's probably more of a Hufflepuff but we will have to see 0.o But they could meet and become friends. She is originally from Italy and just moved here so she needs friends. :) Let me know what you think
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