Closed Unseen Dangers

Aroha Blenheim

Bold | Adventure-seeking | Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Reed Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Aroha had found the first flying lesson somewhat of a let down, but she was looking forward to more when they'd get more advanced and she'd finally get to fly around. In the meantime, Aroha had agreed to meet up with Helios and explore the unseen dangers of Hogwarts. The Great Lawn seemed innocuous to her, but maybe there was something she didn't know about it. Maybe the trees were dangerous somehow - Aroha guessed if she climbed up and fell that could be bad, but she wanted to hear what exactly the issues with the Great Lawn were from Helios himself. "So what's the hidden dangers out here?" Aroha asked curiously, strolling along and enjoying the scenery. It was a decent enough day; a little bit overcast, but blue skies were peeking out.
Helios was very glad that he was finally getting the time to just explain his cause to someone. He had been looking for people to bring to his cause, and given that he was sure more people should want it. Should care about it. Helios had brought his clipboard with extensive notes. He was dressed for the weather with plenty of suncream and bug spray, just given the time of year that it was. He joined Aroha and began walking. It was overcast but it didn't mean that the sun wasn't dangerous. "So, we can start with the lake," he said, flipping through his notes to the lake part. "As you might've seen, a student has already fallen victim to the lax safety protocols of the lake, but even since then, no improvements, there is no lifeguard or signs to indicate depth, or the steepness," he started. "How can you judge whether you'd be strong enough to swim if there's no indicator? There is also no life guard or magical protection on the lake, AND I've heard rumours of a giant creature in the lake,"
Aroha was surprised with how prepared he was - given the clipboard and extensive notes. In retrospect, maybe she shouldn't have been. Their earlier conversation had let her know how intense Helios was about safety measures. Still, she nodded along in somewhat awe, impressed with Helios' dedication. Aroha did light up at the idea of a hidden magical creature. That sounded intriguing - not dangerous - to her. "Wow, you really have thought this all out," she said, impressed, before pausing in thought. "You'd think there'd at least be signs out saying not to swim. If it was dangerous. Which it kinda has to be if someone, you know." Aroha didn't quite want to say the words. "You really think there might be a creature in there though?" Aroha asked, wondering Helios' opinion.
Helios gave a noise as if it was obvious that he would want to do this intensive, that he would've thought it all out when it was vitally important. He shrugged, "Because it is rare to have something happen, the school is lax about it." he said. "The current minister has been trying but so far efforts have failed somewhat," Helios said before leaning in. "Supposedly it was during the minister's schooling that someone last died," he didn't know how widely known that was and didn't entire want to spread it around if it wasn't. He then just nodded. "I do, it's a big enough lake, why wouldn't it?"
Aroha was impressed again - this time that Helios knew anything about what the minister was doing. At home, it was something she heard grown-ups talk about; minister this, minister that. It was a bit beyond her. "I'm with you though - there should be the bare minimum at least. They warn you about the forest, and not about swimming in the lake?" Though maybe, Aroha thought, if someone told her not to swim in the lake she would be more inclined. After all, she had visited the forbidden forest. She was conflicted. "I guess, yeah, a lake that size...wouldn't be surprised if something was secretly hiding in it." Aroha peered off in the direction, curiosity filling her.
Helios gave a little nod in agreement. "Agreed," he said since he didn't understand why there wouldn't be more protections against the lake like there were with the forest. "People would likely claim it's because people are more aware of the dangers of a body of water than a wood," he said. "But the rates of death by drowning are so much higher, so I think it's rubbish," Helios was looking out at the lake as he spoke and shaking his head, almost more to herself. "I'm sure it has something, but anything giant, or big is naturally dangerous, so the school should find out, so it can warn students."
Aroha nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, there's been a couple of deaths aye?" she said rather somberly. She wondered if she should open up - after all, her younger sister had almost drowned once. But she didn't know what Helios would say to that, if he'd say anything much at all. It made her go a bit quiet, as she pondered how things could have gone had her dad not seen it and rescued her. Mentally, she shook herself. It wasn't the time to be thinking about such things. "But maybe it's a gentle giant," Aroha said, disagreeing slightly. "Though if there is something, yeah, they should tell us. 'Cause people get curious and try to find it and then maybe they'll get into trouble or something," she conceded.
Helios nodded, "There's been one confirmed death in the lake, and another couple in general," he said. "Statistically speaking, it probably isn't too uncommon for deaths to occur at schools, but there should be precautions for preventable one," he said. Helios didn't think it matter if the creature was gentle or not, "It could still cause damage, something giant - gentle or not - would still be dangerous," he said. "But they should tell us, or should find out themselves if they don't know,"
Aroha was a bit surprised by his statement that it wasn't too uncommon for a couple of deaths to happen at a school. She couldn't remember that ever happening at her primary school for instance. "Is it really that common for deaths to happen in schools? Not like, loads of them, but some." Aroha was a bit uncertain by that. "There definitely should be precautions. Maybe if we get enough people together we can make a petition or something," she suggested, thinking it'd be pretty easy to get at least a few people to sign something like that. "Then the professors would have to take notice, right?" She still wasn't sure that a giant animal or something was that dangerous - it wasn't like there were rumours it had been the cause of any of the deaths at Hogwarts. Though if it had, that might have changed Aroha's opinion.
Helios nodded. "Well, like you have a certain amount of students passing through every year, at boarding schools they stay for the whole year, and any number of things could happen, from falling down stairs, to lakes, to a bad cold, if the school was having a death a year then yeah, someone might have questions." Helios said, he knew that random chance played a role in it, whether someone would die or the risk of that happening. He agreed that there should be precautions, minimise the risk. "A Petition wouldn't be a bad idea, but would it be general, like just for general pre-cautions or like, for a life guard?"

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