Closed Unlikely Friends

Linnux Majors

Chaser for Ballycastle Bats // Dork
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
What was Linnux supposed to do in France? There was no Chaser to annoy, no Maggie to pick on, no Pippa to harass. This was insufferably boring. The brunette man sighed, walking past a cafe that smelled of fresh bread and a slightly bitter herb. There were plenty of people around, but socialization didn't feel comfortable to Linnux at the moment, after all - so many of the people around were beautiful girls. Linnux had been concentrating so much on his best friend and his future that girls had horribly escaped him, and perhaps it was for the best. The lanky, awkward man hadn't quite grown up yet, still immature as ever - still a handful even to his mom. Pippa complained her smelled of sweat too often to even stand next to. But Lin had freshly showered today, so maybe it would be different.

As he walked in the crowd he couldn't help but stop, and look. The girl that caught his eye was strangely familiar, thin features and a bony face - hands furiously holding and writing in a notebook on her lap. The charm she emitted even from fifteen feet away drew Linnux closer, and by the time he realized who it was, it was too late. "Aminia?" He asked, a mixture of confusion and disgust in his voice - the woman whom had broken his best friend's heart. This would be quite the meeting.
Aminia couldn't stop writing, it was as if her heart would only slow it's ache when she wrote. She could understand that Chaser had been mad, but to not reply to a single letter. She wished she could make him understand how much it hurt to leave, how much it hurt to watch his face that night, and how much her heart longed to be in the same area code as him. The veela had only half-heartedly danced, had only half given herself to the school - she didn't want to be there when it meant leaving her friends and her love behind. She knew Maggie wouldn't ever talk to her again, not after what she did.

This was it though, she was done in may. Spring break meant being able to breathe easy and spend a week out and about in France, and then come May she was done. She'd already told the headmistress to revoke her tuition and refund it to her mother, much to the calls and dismay of the matriarch of the family. She had said so many hurtful things to the young woman when she found out, but Mini knew it was right, especially after speaking to her father.

Brought out of her thoughts, a voice with a familiar accent called out and Mini looked up, only to have her hopes dashed at the site of Linnux - Chaser's best friend. "Linnux..." She whispered, shutting her notebook quickly so as not to reveal the poems. "Long time no see." She muttered before looking down, frankly too exhausted to hear what horrible things he might have to say.
Linnux was ready to tear the blonde limb from limb verbally about what a heartless harpy she was for hurting someone as innocent and sweet as Chaser, but something stopped him. Something made the brunette freeze as her voice hit his ears. She sounded so defeated, nothing like the blonde whom had punched him in the face when they met all those years ago. Nothing like the girl Chaser had relayed stories to him about. The man started in, "So this is what was so great that you left Chaser for huh?" But when he spoke, and she reacted, he realized he couldn't just harass her, not like this, it wasn't the kind of person he was. "I... Are you okay?" He asked gently, leaning down slightly, to try and get a look at her face, which was pointed down at the cover of her poems book - only obvious by the label on it. She had only just been writing in it, and the man couldn't help but wonder what about.
It wasn't a surprise when Linnux started in on her, and Aminia lowered her head more, eyes focused on her notebook as tears welled in her eyes. She felt her heart beat increase and her face turn red, she'd never cried as much as she did now - while thinking of how badly she'd hurt her best friend. Aminia waited for the abuse to continue, the verbal hatred to sink in and the truth to be spoken - she was a terrible person. She'd hurt the one person she'd wanted to protect with all her heart.

however, it didn't, instead Linnux tried to get a look at her now reddened face, and asked if she was okay. The blonde had no reason to talk to him, he would just use her sadness as ammo against her. After all, she had been the one whom had left Chaser - it wasn't as if anyone would understand. "I tried... I tried to get him to run away with me, I returned my tuition for the next three years and I wrote him every day over the summer and he never replied. I tried Linnux... i never meant to hurt him, I didn't have a choice." She sobbed, not even ashamed to be crying in public. What did her image matter anymore. "My mother threatened to cut off all my funding, I didn't have an option." Finally Aminia looked at Linnux. "I miss him every day."
Linnux was prepared to hear any lame excuse she could give, anything she could try adn convince him with - but the words that left the blonde's mouth were so earnest he felt the heartbreak in his own chest. Linnux slowly let his dark orbs soften and he sat down next to Aminia as she cried, slowly moving a hand to her shoulder. He expected her to shove it off, having always been so proud - but she didn't and she cried and explained her pain to him. Having never been in a relationship Linnux couldn't quite understand, but he knew she must have hurt, to be crying so openly in public.

Linnux was silent for a moment before what she said truly hit him, and before responding to her pain he first inquired of a sentence that sounded so foreign - like a lie. "Wrote him? What are you talking about?" He asked, incredulous. Chaser hadn't mentioned letters, and Lin was sure if she had really wrote him that he would have responded in some way.
Aminia knew her composure should have been kept, but seeing Linnux alone had brought back so many painful memories. From the day she told Chaser she had to leave, to the moment she and Chaser had told each other they'd loved each other - every single moment flashing in her mind like a sad movie. Without him Min felt there would never be a happy ending. As Linnux put his hand on her, the blonde only cried more. "Yes!" She insisted. "I wrote him letter after letter, I told him I was sorry, that I wanted to run away from him. I wrote him the moment I'd decided I wouldn't attend another year of dance. I even wrote his sister to tell her I was sorry and to make sure that Chaser got the letters. if he didn't want me back I wanted him to at least know he'd always be my favorite weirdo." The girl sobbed and leaned into Linnux, who was a strange amount of comfort for her. "I loved him, I still do - everything, even his weird ideas and cheesy one liners and... everything. His fluffy hair." She spoke, hands over her face muffling her voice.
Linnux felt increasingly awkward as the blonde broke down further and further. Perhaps she needed to be somewhere more private to talk about this. However all thoughts of standing up were replaced with thoughts of suspicion as Aminia noted she'd written Maggie about the letters she'd sent to Chaser. Everything suddenly made too much sense, and the brunette relaxed with a sigh of frustration leaving him. "Aminia." He whispered, getting the blonde's attention gently. "Let's get you some water, I'll walk you to where you're staying and we can talk. Let me tell you though, Chaser has missed you too." He spoke in a hushed tone, not a hundred percent sure he was right, but he needed to reassure the girl, whom he had under his arm as they walked to a more private place for her to let out her feelings about a man they both loved.

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