Open Uninteresting Halloween

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Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree had put nothing together for this halloween, he hadn't bothered with a costume, hadn't bothered to try and go with anyone. He was just going because it was his last one and it seemed like a bit of a pity to miss out on the last one. He had always found halloween a little odd. It wasn't quite the celebration he remembered doing as a muggle and he knew it would be a whole lot better once he was out of school and could host his own celebration, something for adults his age and not kids. He walked into the hall, trying to let his face not sit in a frown, but trying to appear genuinely interested in people as he grabbed a snack. Perhaps a friend was about and he'd be able to spend the time with them. But he wasn't actively looking for one. Perhaps this would be the year he actually properly tried one of the other supposedly fun things this celebration offered.
Jenna was not so far from Daintree and she was not so sure what she was doing there? But she walked closer ti table and take some snacks. She definetly needed something eating. She was enyoi her halloween so far and hoped there soon find Iris and definetly talk a little with her.
Daintree glanced up as he noticed someone close to him, and spotted Jenna. He hadn't spent a lot of time around her in recent years. They hadn't spoken in a while but he decided to go over to her. "Hey Jenna," he greeted with a little charming smile. "You wanting for someone?"
''Hi, i just try hide! Nicol wanted and hoped i be with her and Ajaccio, i feel bad but i don't wanna feel like third vale.'' She looked woried and she feel like a bad friend. ''How are you?'' She asked Daintree. She know that she was not talking to him but she was not mad to him and forgive him to.
Daintree nodded along with what she said. "You mean a third wheel?" he asked, not sure a third vale was what people said. "I'm sure if Nicole invited you she wouldn't mind it," he knew of Nicole vaguely, both from when he'd dated Jenna but through the prefect stuff. "I'm good, just enjoying the snacks," he motioned to what he was eating. "How've you been?"
''Yeah, that right'' It was nice feeling talk again with Daintree but she know they are no friends but she hoped they still was friends. ''You think? Ajaccio and Nicol are dating.'' She take deep breath and all her friends was dating and she felt more like a loser. ''Snacks are realy good, but i miss donats more'' She giggled. She loved donats somtimes. ''Not realy good, my brother don't talk me at all, becouse he blames becouse i spend time with you Australia but he was with Tina from your Slytherin house, so i don't understand him. But right now he is revenge and don't talk me and he spend all time with girlfriend. So a little bad. How are you?'' She was know that her brother was a more like child not grown up man.
Daintree did think it was a little different if the pair she was looking to hang out with were dating, but she'd implied third wheel so he did think if they weren't dating that they would be dating soon. "You can always find other people," he said, but he knew it could be difficult to find others to spend time with, and especially if as she was saying she was having a lot of issues with her brother. "Why would he still be annoyed with that? He's your brother not your minder or whatever. He sounds really terrible for you Jenna....even if he's family he shouldn't be terrible to you." Daintree told her before flashing a charming smile. "I'm great!" He assured her.
"I not sure if i wanted find, i am good!" Becouse she wanted small time be alone and take deep breath. She was to much try find but nothing. "Yu are right, but he is realy bad at somtimes and it's important that twins are always so close. Can i ask you something? Can you please talk to him? I not sure what i am doing wrong. I know we are not realy friends! Mayby he will listen to you" Jenna asked Daintree and hoped he will be help and she was not so sure that she was doing right. "I'm realy happy to hear that!" She smiled snd take some snacks.
Daintree wasn't going to comment any further on whether she should or shouldn't go find her friends it had to be up to her to decide what she did, he couldn't say anything on it. He then frowned as she asked him to talk to her brother. "," he said, "I'm not going to get involved in your family issues," he didn't want to get involved in his own, he didn't think it was right for him to do so, he didn't know how he, the ex-boyfriend would be able to solve anything. "If he has a problem with me, then he can take it up with me, but I'm not...going to get involved in your issues...,"
"Thanky anyway for talk and i am sorry for this". Jenna apologized and he was right. They both was not together and she needed some time forgot.
Daintree wondered if she had really approached him just to ask him to get involved in her family problems. It felt a little odd that she wouldn't want to just talk to him. "It's fine." he said to her with a little shrug. "I'm gonna go, you should go find your friends,"
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