Odette rolled her eyes. "If you did your job properly, I wouldn't have to be rude." She said, though she still mostly snapped out of anxiety. The girl was getting on her nerves, though. And she was glad when she left. Unfolding the note, Odette read it and then snorted. She was actually relieved it wasn't from Hayden, as a red rose from him would have felt awkward when she only sent a pink one. But it wasn't from Harley or Hayley either, that much was clear. Neither of them would write it like this. Harley's similar rose from a few years ago had been in capital letters, shouting at her from the page. There was only one person this could be from, and Odette had to laugh to herself. How dramatic her little sister was. It was hard to feel intimidated by this, as she had a boyfriend and a good friend and as far as she knew Charlotte had neither. Apparently Charlotte had noticed her friendship with Margo, but if she thought she would come between them that easily she had another thing coming. The little 'xoxo' at the end was just childish and silly, as well as the 'biggest nightmare'. Odette dropped the rose and dug her heel in it, smirking. If Charlotte thought this would intimidate her, she had another thing coming.