Unexpected Surprises

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden paced back and forth in her living room. She had decided that she wanted to be closer to her mother and her twin sister. Maids ran around the house trying to unpack everything quickly hopping that in doing so they would not have to face the wrath of Eden. The gardeners where also hurrying to get her jasmine garden together and also planting the pink daisy's that Eden had ordered. Everything was as it should be. Well that is except for one little thing. Eden had sent James an owl over two hours ago telling him that Eden needed to see him urgently. It was unlike James to not be in her arms within an hour after she had sent him an owl and it was starting to really anger Eden. Picking up her cup of tea that made the morning and afternoon sickness she had go away. Eden headed out side to sit by the pool and wait for James. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait much longer she was starting to get really antsy and the sooner she told James about there little problem the better.
James had received Eden's Owl and had wondered why she was needing to see him this urgently. Surely she wasn't that desperate for his time and attention? But none-the-less James was looking forward to seeing his extra-time lover again. It had been a while, and James had missed the fun and energetic times that they had shared together.

As James walked towards Eden's house, he could hear the ripples of the swimming-pool that Eden owned in the back-garden. Sneaking around the back, James crept behind the wall as he removed his shirt, before he then leaped over the wall. He then ran and jumped into the pool, before he swam over to Eden, standing infront of her, still in the pool, then immediately kissed her passionately as he placed his hand onto the side of her neck. "Afternoon Gorgeous. James said as he finished the kiss, then winked at her cheekily. "Missing me were you?" James then asked, seductively, unaware of the news that was about to tear his world-apart.....again.....
Eden sat in the back getting more and more upset by the second. What had she gotten herself into? Looking down and her very empty left hand. Eden in her short life had been engaged three times and none of them had ended with her married. Eden put all those thoughts out of her mind. A low whistle went off informing her that someone was on her property without entering the house first. Knowing it was probably James. Eden rested her hand lightly on her wand but didn't grip it.

Watching as James jumped over her wall and into her pool. Eden rolled her eyes and removed her hand from her wand. Eden couldn't help but watch James as he swam over to her. He was everything Eden wanted the father of her child to be. The only problem was James was not her husband or even her boyfriend. This put her in a weird place but Eden could handle it.

Kissing James back Eden couldn't help but smile. It was nice having James here. He didn't know it yet but his world was about to be turned upside down. "Well hello there handsome." Eden said smoothly as she placed her now empty tea cup on the tray the maid had placed in front of her. Without a word the maid left the area and closed the door giving Eden the privacy that she wanted. "Yes I missed you. How could I not? I wanted you to come over today so that we could talk." Eden said as she dipped her feet into the cool blue water. Eden wondered if there was a way she could turn the water a even darker blue. Forcing her mind back on the subject on hand. Eden placed one hand on her stomach and looked James in the eyes. She didn't know how to tell James that they had really messed up.
James smiled as Eden kissed him back, she didn't seem quite so after his attention today, and this was confirmed when Eden told James that she needed to talk to him. James hopped out of the pool and sat-down next to Eden, his legs dangling over the pool-edge and into the cold-water. James placed his hand onto the inner-part of Eden's thigh then slowly moved his hand-up.

"So what did you wanna talk about then?" James asked as he watched Eden place her hand onto her stomach. James' eyes followed Eden's hand, before he then looked-back-up at her, directly in the eyes. "Y-Y-You're Not?" James questioned before pausing slightly, he was in shock. This couldn't be happening to him. "You are aren't you? You're pregnant?" James asked-her, pretty-much knowing the truth already. As-much as this was far from the news that James wanted to hear, he wasn't mad at Eden, how could he be mad at her? James removed Eden's hand from her stomach then placed-it onto his knee, shooting her a sweet-smile. He didn't quite know what to say, or what to do, but James just wanted Eden to know that he wasn't going to be angry with her.
Eden wished that she could just blurt the words out and be done with it. Or better yet forget the whole thing and cuddle and make out by her pool. Anything at all would be better than telling her lover that she hadn't been more careful and now she was having his baby. That was the least of her problems. She had to tell him she was a Seer as well. It didn't feel right continuing to hide that from him. Other things could remain a mystery but somethings had to come out.

Eden watched as his eyes followed to where her hand was. Her eyes grew wide this was not how she wanted to tell him but it would save her some time. James sounded like he was going into shock. This was not going to be easy. Taking a deep breath. Eden looked into his eyes. "Yes James I'm pregnant." Eden said a soft smile crossing her face as her hand rested lightly on his knee. "There's also another thing. Well a few others. I have a twin Elvera and well I'm a Seer." Eden said it all very quickly hoping that James would still be caught up in the fact that he was going to be a father and not listen to another word she said.
James put his hands around Eden's waist as they sat together, and she explained everything. "Eden. I don't care what you are, or whether you're a twin or not, and we can work with the fact that you're pregnant. The only thing I care about is that you even-bothered to tell-me." James told her sweetly before he softly kissed her on the lips. Right now, what was once just a bit of fun, was now turning into something that was extremely-serious.

"So what do we do now?" James asked as his hand gently rubbed around Eden's back, he couldn't really afford to spend yet another night away from the Castle, and away from Daisie, but he would push his luck to the limits if he absolutely had to. James was beginning to feel something towards Eden, but he didn't know what, and he didn't know if it was just the shock of the pregnancy that was mxing-up his feelings, but there was something about Eden..........Something that James just found Irresistable.....
Eden couldn't have been more happier when James said that he didn't care about any of it. This put Eden's mind at ease. It also gave her the perfect cover-up should she ever need one. Kissing James back just as softly. Eden rested her head on his shoulder. "James you don't know how happy this makes me. I was so scared that you where going to run and I would be left to raise our child all by myself." Eden admitted out loud for the first time.

"I don't know what comes next. This is all so new to me. I told my family about the baby and they are excited about it but I'm still scared." Eden said not really sure what to say or do next. Just feeling James rub her back was making her feel better. "We have seven months to figure it out that's all I know right now." Eden whispered more to herself and the child than to James.
James was confused as Eden began talking like they were a couple.....I mean.....they were a couple.....kind-of anyway.....But not in the serious, committed-way that this relationship was heading-into, James had Daisie for all of that kind-of stuff. "Well I'm glad that your family-know, I think my family would kill-me if they knew what I'd been upto." James said with a cheeky-giggle. James meant his parents, but he still didn't fancy telling Eden that he had already been married and divorced with one-child, Ben, and was now with Daisie, but also pregnant with Eden's kid.....What a mess this was.....But that was just James' life for you.

James placed his hand onto Eden's stomach and gently rubbed-it. He couldn't keep little-Ben a secret from her any-longer. "Well.....I suppose now would be a good-time to tell-you that this little-one here is going to have a half-brother.....Ben.....but don't worry.....I'm not with his Mother anymore.....we split-up a while-back." James said with a smile, hoping that Eden wouldn't be too put-off by that statement. She didn't need to know about Daisie.....not just-yet anyway.....
Eden could sense that James was taking what she said the wrong way. "I don't mean to imply that we where a couple. I just hope that I will get to see you more. You know so that you can watch your child grow bigger in me." Eden said with a small smile on her face. Eden couldn't believe that his family would kill him. "Why would they kill you? I mean sure this isn't the ideal situation but all we can do is make the best of it." Eden said resting on his shoulder. Eden started to think of the time when Chase would be out of Azkaban. She was sure that they would get back together but what would he think about Eden already being a mother?

Eden couldn't help but smile when James rubbed her stomach. Of all the things James could have told her Eden was not expecting him to tell her that he was already a father. "I'm sure Ben will back a great big brother to this little one." Eden couldn't help but smile every time she mentioned or even thought about the child growing inside of her. She knew that she wouldn't be able to raise her child, but she would try and spend as much time with her son or daughter as she could.
James looked-down as Eden asked why they would kill-him if they were to find-out about this new-baby. "Ahhh.....well.....my family have been through enough with myself and my brother in the past.....I don't they could take much more mischief.....besides.....I don't think they even know about Ben yet....."James said shamefully. It wasn't that James didn't want to tell-them, it was just that it had been dragged-out and dragged-out, and now that Ben was almost 4, James feared their reaction to Ben if he told-them now.

James smiled as Eden told-him that she was sure that Ben would be a great-big-brother to their baby. "Oh I'm sure he will be. I'll have to bring-him around-soon so that you can meet-him.....although.....If we could leave the baby matter out of the conversations with Ben for now.....he's been through enough when Me and his Mother split-up, I don't want to confuse-him....." James told Eden, truthfully, but it was also partly because James knew that Ben would-end-up blabbing to Daisie about this, and James couldn't afford for that to happen.

James leaned-in and kissed Eden on the lips, and began to change this awkwardly serious-mood into a more fun and happy-mood. "Ya know.....as-much as I'm happy that you're pregnant with our baby.....it also means that I'll have to go easy on you for the next 9 Months, and that could be a struggle for-me....." James told-her cheekily as he gently encouraged-her backwards, so that she was led on her back by the pool, James lay back with her, and leaned-over her slightly, his hand resting on the ground on the far side of her, before he leaned-in and passionately kissed her on the lips once-again.....
Eden knew what that could be like. Her father had screamed for the head of James. When Eden heard that she had to spend hours fighting with her father over every single thing. She had finally accepted the punishment of being stuck working in her mothers ice cream shop until the baby was born. "I know about family, my adopted family was not really happy to here about this child." Eden said sighing softly. Thinking about little Ben and finally getting to meet him. "Whatever you think would be good for him." Eden would do anything to make James happy. She wasn't falling in love she was just tired of being alone. Eden had decided that she would do everything in her power to keep James happy and be with her for just a little while.

As soon as James kissed her. Eden forgot about everything. Eden let out a giggle. "More like seven months, but yes we will have to be careful." Eden said as she let herself lay back on the ground by the pool. Kissing James back Eden let herself get lost in the moment. She knew that no one would come out her and disturb them. They knew if they did Eden would make there life hell.

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