Closed Unexpected Perks

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx had been held back by Kira, which most days was as good as being held back by a Professor. The Ravenclaw didn't like her brothers' lack of focus in classes. Sapphire went down to the kitchens and started making herself a sandwich, feeling a little hungry after skipping lunch earlier. She felt a familiar presence behind her, and didn't need to turn to look to see who was there. "Your twin sense is off today," She informed her visitor. "He's been kidnapped to study by our Ravenclaw." She finished her sandwich and held it up, offering it silently to the Hufflepuff behind her.
Chrys had been looking for Onyx, but somehow his boyfriend had managed to elude him for over an hour, which was a damn record he was sure. He frowned, had Onyx picked up on the fact Chrys' thoughts had been wandering? Surely not, since he had been so careful not to let it inform his interactions with the Gryffindor, but, he couldn't think of any other reason why his boyfriend would be MIA. As he stepped into the kitchen, last place he looked, he spotted the wrong twin and laughed slightly. "Yours is apparently exceptional," he said, stepping up behind her and taking the offered sandwich. "Are you my wife now then?" He asked, stepping up beside her and pulling himself up to sit on the counter. "Kira gonna break him if he doesn't get those Os, huh?" He asked, not really sure what to say in response. He didn't know the Ravenclaw terribly well, but she seemed pretty intense from the time he had spent in association with her, plus, she was a prefect. Then, so was Sapphire. "Why you down here anyway?"
Sapphire shrugged. "Sorry, pretty boy, I might walk in on you two way more than I want to, but I dont share with Onyx," she teased lightly, moving to remake her sandwich as Chrys sat on the counter. "Shes not after the impossible, Kaster," she rolled her eyes playfully. "He just doesnt pay attention- at all. Shes worried he wont be able to take classes with us next year if he doesnt pay attention. Not like he ever has- he just signed up for everything he saw me in. Er- almost everything. He hates potions." She finished her sandwich and moved to sit next to Chrys. "Food," she answered simply, taking a bite and swinging her legs.
"Can't see why, Potions is such a delightful subject," Chrys said, his face screwed up with disgust. "You'd think they'd stick a window in or something, my delicate nose can't deal." He and Elsie shared that problem in common, Rowan seemed to have no issues though. Luna didn't either, come to think of it. Maybe it was her Slytherin endurance. "It's not my fault you walk in, I tell him to shut the door, but noooooo." He said, rolling his eyes as he took another bite out of the sandwich. He wasn't entirely sure what was on it, but he wasn't paying much attention to the flavour. "Miss lunch did you, Miss Michaels?"
Sapphire snorted at Chrys's distaste. "Sure, delicate," she rolled her eyes but gave a small grin to make sure he knew she was joking. She chuckled at Chrys's protest. "I swear sometimes I think I'm dating you but no one told me," she joked idly. "He pouts being away all the time- worried you're gonna forget him I guess," she shrugged. "Hes working to not be so dramatic though so that's something I guess," she took another bite from her sandwhich. "When you two first got together he would just visibly pout all the time. Now hes managed to reign it in to the occasional sigh," she rolled her eyes again. She grinned at Chrys. "I did. He wanted to practice and kept me in the arts room most of the afternoon. Got it in his head hes going to travel after we graduate and live off of playing in a band." She crossed her legs and flipped her hair, pulling her wand from her pocket. She set down her sandwhich and summoned a couple of drinks. "Pop?" She asked, holding one out to Chrys.
Sometimes, given they were all living in New Zealand, Chrys forgot how widespread they had all been at one point. He snorted at her comment about dating him. "Dunno, don't think Onyx would be too happy with that, but if you wanna give it a go," he said, jokingly leaning into her before pulling back. "Onyx would actually whinge if he found out I tried to kiss you, so lets not do that." He said, shaking his head in a laugh. He liked Sapphire, she was funny, better than his stupid sisters. They were so annoying. "I mean... dramatic is literally in his DNA, I still haven't forgotten Halloween." He told her, shaking his head as he took another bite. Nope that was going to stay with him for a while. He didn't hate it, but Jesus. He hadn't been expecting it either. He took one of the drinks from her, "soft drink," he corrected before flicking it open and quickly downing half of it. "Daaaaaamn, that's good. I'm sick of pumpkin juice."
Sapphire rolled her eyes but played along for a moment, before putting a hand on Chrys's face and pushing playfully. "Now now, you picked your twin. You are wrong about him on that point, though," she took a sip of her drink. "He would easily step aside if we decided to give it a go- told me so last week. Thinks you're too good for him and apparently- oh, what was his wording?" She cleared her throat before doing a strikingly good impression of her brother. "You're a goddess and he is a god, I would never think to interrupt that magic," She rolled her eyes again.

She chuckled as he mentioned Halloween. "Actually, that was Uncle James' idea. He just wanted to catch your attention." She stuck her tongue out at him as he corrected her. "Mhmm. I dont actually like pumpkin juice." She told him. "Or juice, really. Its... tangy," she attempted to explain, but just shrugged and took another sip of her pop.
Onyx was such a drama queen, this was exactly Chrys' point though. Onyx would probably just let him go, and then pout about it endlessly. Chrys sighed lightly and shook his head. "He's an odd one, your brother." God and Goddess aside, Sapphire was gorgeous, a trait clearly shared between the twins. "You are gorgeous though, he's not actually wrong about that." Chrys told her, tilting his head. "Actually... you know you have some of the prettiest eyes I've seen on a girl. And I'm honestly not just saying that." He'd always thought Sapphire was attractive, how could he not, she and Onyx were a lot alike and Chrys didn't have a preference for boys or girls, so it wasn't hard to see the similarities, nor was it hard to see the differences. "Your skin is better than his though, I think that's the maleness coming out in him. I like to use skin products to keep mine all nice. Can't be known as the ugly veela." He laughed, finishing off his sandwich and sliding off the counter.​
Sapphire finished off her drink. "You're telling me. I'm still not used to him." She rolled her eyes playfully, eating the last bit of her sandwhich. She shrugged as Chrys called her gorgeous. She almost laughed as he complimented her eyes, swallowing the last of her sandwhich and summoning another drink. "Careful, Kaster," she teased lightly. "You realize I'm the pretty twin and I might get curious what hes on about," she took another sip of her soda and set it aside.

Granted, she was a little curious. Chrys wasnt actually bad to look at, and he apparantly could be charming. Onyx was certainly smitten with him. And he was always on about how Sapphire was the better twin for the hufflepuff. She shook her head lightly to clear it. Now that was not the sort of thinking she should be doing. Chrys was still Onyxs and Sapphire wasnt one to make anyone think she wanted or needed a relationship. Onyx was the relationship twin.
"So... you're not even a tiny bit curious?" Chrys asked, leaning back against the counter to look over at her. He wasn't sure why he hadn't thought about it before, he'd always been curious, but he supposed his relationship with Onyx had mostly protected Sapphire, now, since he'd spent a lot of time thinking about other people, Sapphire seemed to catch his attention too, as she should, she was just as deserving as Onyx was. He didn't know how much attention she generally got, but he'd give her attention, if she wanted it. He looked over at her as she moved her drink to the side and summoned another one and set it aside, which intrigued Chrys to no end. Was she just as curious then? He licked his lips and turned to stand in front of her, pressing against her knees a little as he placed his hands either side of her on the counter. "Doesn't even have to leave this room if you don't want it to. I can be discreet."
Sapphire rolled her eyes at Chrys, deciding not to answer. What was social protocol? Her brother had been going off about Chrys having twins and mostly she just ignored him. Onyx hadn't been seriously pushing her towards the Hufflepuff, had he? No, that was ridiculous. He knew Sapphire didnt do relationships. And Onyx would pout if she spent more time with Chrys than he did. She was pulled from her musings as Chrys leaned over her. She raised a brow but didnt move away. "Hes the one smitten with you," she clarified, "I'm just irritated you stole all his attention," she admitted, glancing at Chrys's lips and then away. "I'd say it was too bad he found you first, but I'm not interested in anything serious." She wasnt going to admit she was tempted. He was actually rather gorgeous.
Chrys held up his hands defensively. "Didn't say you were, Tiger, just saying we could have a good thing, you and me," he said, moving his hands back to where there were beside her on the counter. He wasn't sure where Tiger had come from, but it kind of fit his image of her. Onyx was a kitten, barely able to protect himself, but Sapphire... she was a Tiger, willing to go for the throat if required. "I'm not pushing you into anything, but we are both interested, why not find out what we're curious about? Kill the curiosity if there's nothing." Chrys had to admit he was well more than tempted. He'd already been thinking about it before, just... not so closely as he was now. Chrys didn't want another serious thing on top of what he had with Onyx either, but stress relief? Something different? He could absolutely go for that. "I'm here, you're here, I'm hot, you're not as hot but still hot," he joked, moving his hand to play with her hair a little. "Where's the harm anyway?"
Sapphire rolled her eyes a little at the nickname. "I dont purr," she teased idly, referring to her brothers odd habit. She scoffed as Chrys teased her, barely leaning into his touch as he played with her hair. "You and Onyx are teaming up against me, arent you?" She inquired idly, hesitantly bringing up a hand and placing a finger on his lips. She bit her own. "Well... it might make him shut up." She teased idly, looking back up to Chrys's eyes. She moved her hand and leaned back a bit, resting her hands next to his behind her. "I suppose theres no harm in seeing what hes always on about," she conceded lightly.
Chrys chuckled lightly at her comment about purring. "Good, because Tigers can't purr, so you've good company," He said, shrugging as she asked if he and Onyx were teaming up on her. They weren't but he knew what Onyx was like and shed mentioned it herself not long ago. He kissed her finger when she pressed it against his lips, he couldn't help himself now that he knew there was some interest, he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity. He was a go getter. "No harm," he added, as she moved back and he leaned closer to her, glancing down at her lips. He was tall enough that this worked well, last year, not so much. He was much too curious to know if they were similar in other aspects, but would leave it at the kissing for now. He moved his hands over hers, running his thumb over the tops of her hands. "You have really soft skin," he added, the comment probably not necessary, but true none the less. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.​
Sapphire nearly told Chrys to shut up, but he cut her off with a kiss first. Her breath caught and she hesitated a moment before kissing him back. She moved a hand out from under his, bringing it up to thread her fingers lightly through the hair at the base of his neck as she got a bit more into the kiss. Onyx was right about one thing, at least, she liked the chapstick Chrys used. She had been sporting a light cinnamon lip gloss herself, and found that the combination wasnt entirely unpleasant. She moved to deepen the kiss. If they were going to do this, she was going to enjoy herself. Besides, it wasnt like this was ever happening again.
It took her a second, but she dived in just as quickly afterwards and Chrys let her lead for a moment. She tasted like cinnamon, which he hadn't expected, though he didn't particularly know what he had expected, just not cinnamon. He liked cinnamon. She deepened the kiss and moved her hand down to his neck, his sweet spot for this and he pressed himself a little closer to her, breaking the kiss to move to her neck and then below her ear. He wanted to enjoy this, so just sticking to the lips was bloody boring. He was curious what she was going to do, but was more preoccupied with losing himself in the moment with her, rather than thinking about his next action.​
Sapphire almost pouted when he moved away from her, but sucked in a breath as he narrowed in on that spot below her ear. How did he know about that? "Oh you brat," she protested, though she leaned her head a little to the side to give him more room, her grip tightening in his hair and her back arching slightly at the sensation.
Her words didn't stop Chrys, he moved his free hand from the bench to cup the other side of her face and turned her head to the position he wanted it to make himself more comfortable. Standing almost between her legs as he was, he was in the perfect position to move her in whichever direction be pleased, which he very much used to his advantage. "I know what I'm doing," he teased, moving to trail kisses further down her neck, only as he got to where he wanted, they were interrupted.​
Onyx was tired, having finally slipped away from Kira. He wandered down to the kitchen, yawning as he walked into the room. He paused, blinking as he saw what was going on. He pouted a little. "How am I supposed to get a sucker from your bag now?" He asked, moving past them and looking around for Sapphires bag. He yawned, pausing to stretch. "Dont mind me, I'll just- where-?" He looked around, trying to hide his grin and his smug told you so attitude to himself.
Sapphire nearly jumped out of her skin when her brother spoke. What was this payback? She pouted, rolling her eyes. "Stop smirking," she threw her empty can at him. "Its on the other side, Nyxy." She pointed to the other side of the counter.
Chrys laughed as he felt Sapphire jump and moved away from her slightly, moving over to Onyx to tug on his hair. "I nearly had her right where I wanted, dammit, why'd you have to make a noise?" He asked, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. He wasn't really worried about Onyx catching him with Sapphire over anyone else, mostly because he knew Sapphire could easily smooth if over. It would have been harder if she had been Marco, or Elio or that one thing with Elsie that one time. Abian was hot too actually... sh!t so was Alice. He scooped the bag up as he walked and held it out to Onyx, "Honestly, you've literally the worst timing."
Onyx yawned. Why was he so tired? He snickered a little as Sapphire threw her can at him, not bothering to try to dodge. He watched as it bounced off him and hit the ground. He hummed lightly as Chrys tugged his hair, taking the bag from him and blinking at it before grabbing a sucker. He popped it in his mouth, placing her bag back on the counter and giving them both a small smile and a tired wave before turning to leave. He had wanted to cuddle, but if his two favorite people were already busy with each other, it probably meant it was just time for bed. Bed sounded nice. He hadn't made it very far before the world did a slight spin and he started to fall towards the floor.
Sapphire's brow furrowed as she observed her brothers behaviour. Sure, he had been acting out of it all day, but he was neither gloating nor purring in the presence of Chrys. She slid off the counter, moving around Chrys. Just in time, too, as she barely managed to get in the way as her brother fell forward. She caught him, thankful for her beaters strength, but still she wobbled a bit as her brother lay limp in her arms. She cussed loudly. "Bloody hell, you're burning up Onyx," she readjusted slightly beneath him, cussing more. "Chrys," She whined lightly, struggling to support Onyx as he mumbled into her shoulder about unicorns.

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