
Kaede sat down in the warmth of the corridor with her book. There was nobody around and Kaede could read peacefully. As she opened the first page, she heard footsteps. Sighing, she carried on reading. One person didn't matter.
She had only read the first sentance before she had to look up to see who it was.
He was a fellow Slytherin, one of the Dark Elites. Kaede had seen him around. Kaede was a Green Angel. She knew they didn't mix.
'Hey.' She smiled at him.
Clyde looked down at the girl who was sitting on the floor. He thought he'd seen her somewhere in the Slytherin Tower. Clyde noticed the girl holding a book, remembering how Lykke had reacted to Isobel's reading. "So you're one of those 'scum' the others were talking about." he muttered, not intending to offend the girl. "It's good other Slytherins don't come here often." he said with a cold voice, but then smiled.
Kaede wasn't sure how to react, but then after a moment she smiled back. 'Yeah.' She said, and then laughed. 'Was someone talking about me?' She grinned. 'Or scum in general?' She tried to make him laugh.
'You're in the Dark Elites, right?' She said, having seen him with the other members. She knew he was one, but she wanted to ask to let him talk. She shut her book, being polite.
Clyde watched as the girl closed her book shut. She asked some question, all answered yes. But Clyde didn't really want to talk. He was tired from a fight between the Dark Elites. He wasn't even his usual kind self. He looked down at the girl. "Yes to all," he said curtly. Somhow, Clyde still managed to smile. "I'm sorry miss, I'm not really in a good mood today."
Kaede shrugged and then smiled. 'Miss?' She raised her eyebrows. 'It's all right. I'm never in a good mood.' She giggled a little.
Sighing, Kaede looked at Clyde. She looked away sharpish, not wanting to stare at him. Kaede and Clyde, Kaede and Clyde. Kaede giggled to herself again. She liked it.
'Oh, sorry.' She smiled.
Clyde watched as the girl giggled by herself, though he had no idea why the girl did that. Wait... Did she tell me her name? I can't remember... He shoved the thought once again and looked helplessly at the girl. The girl reminded Clyde of someone, though he cannot remember the name too.

"Do you want to go to the library or something? It's really dull in here." Clyde mumbled, looking at the corridor, checking if someone was there.
Kaede was surprised. He was obviously keen to get to know her. 'Sure.' She said happily. 'By the way, my name's Kaede.' She said, chuckling to herself slightly.

'I kind of like it here.' She said, looking around her. 'Not too busy, at the moment.' She looked at Clyde. 'But I do like the library too.' She giggled.

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