Under a tree

Kyle Alcott-Ward

french | theatre dad scrivenshafts asst manager
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Matt ) ( Gay
Apple, 13 1/2 inches, Essence of Belladonna
8/2011 (52)
Kyle was so glad summer was coming. The weather was warm and bright every day, and he had definitely been enjoying his daily walks. He stretched his legs as he headed out, deciding to walk in the opposite direction to yesterday. He skipped slightly, enjoying the song of the birds and the feel of the sun, just generally glad to be alive. He was definitely breaking out of the funk he had been in all Winter, and he felt fantastic. Kyle walked for about ten minutes, until he was tired, and happened upon a tree that looked inviting. He sat down underneath it, and ran his hand through his hair, leaning back and relaxing happily.
Sephora walked across the lawn, smoothing her dress as she walked across the lawn.

Today was sunny, and she spotted many sparrows whom that she swears that she remembers seeing from when she shared her first kiss with Sam. Smiling at the thought, she didn't watch where she was going and managed to trip over a small rock, throwing her handbag in front of her.

"Shoot" she muttered as she got up and brushed off the dirt from her skirt.

Spotting her handbag she walked up to it and saw a boy sitting underneath a tree in front of her, blushing at what he must have saw.
Kyle was almost nodding off to the sound of the outdoors (for the second time that week! He made a mental note to stay awake more.) when he saw a small girl fall over. Leaping to his feet, Kyle ran over to make sure she was ok. "Are you alright?" He asked, picking up her purse to hand it back to her. "That was quite a fall, do you feel okay?" He handed her her purse, smiling, cheeks reddening slightly, simply because Kyle's body hated him, and liked him blushing at the most inappropriate moments. "I'm Kyle."
Sephora saw the boy running towards her;
"aww...merlin!" She thought.

She blushed brightly as she got her purse back;
"Thank you Kyle...I'm Sephora" She gave him a shy smile before continuing;
"I'm okay" She replied to his question before looking at her legs to see if they weren't bleeding.

"Are you in Hufflepuff?...I think I might have seen you before?" She placed her free hand on her cheek, she could feel her cheek turning more pinker as she blushed.
"Why am I blushing?" She bit her lip and smiled.
Kyle smiled. "Nice to meet you Sephora." He put his hands in his pockets, suddenly rather embarrassed.

Kyle nodded when she asked if he was a Hufflepuff. "Yep... Second year this year." He smiled, suddenly realising that that was the reason her face had seemed a bit famliar; he had seen her around in the common room. He saw that she was blushing, and before he could even wonder why, his stupid face took charge, and returned her blush.

"So... you're a first year, huh?" Kyle asked, for something to distract from the blushing. "I don't remember seeing you around last year."
Sephora paused for a moment;
"Yeah, first year." She gave a small laugh before continuing; "Hm...I wouldn't know where I would have seen you then..were you at the Hufflepuff Party at the start of this year?"

She was starting to wonder if she was wasting Kyle's time and hoped that he wasn't doing anything important.
Kyle smiled. "Yeah, I was there. I just passed through though, I don't really like parties, too many people. It feels a bit crowded." He smiled. "And I don't really know what I think of the Hufflepuffs this year to be honest. Didn't two of them have a punch-up in la grande salle earlier?" He asked, not noticing the slip into French. It had been so long since he had spoken his native language it was starting to worm it's way into his English sentences. Kyle missed France like crazy.
Sephora nodded in agreement;
"Yeah...Parties...I sat by the fireplace and drew most of the time there - I'm kinda claustrophobic...but I'm not - if that makes sense?" She smiled.

She blushed violently when he heard about the 'punch-up' and sub-consciously covered the bruise on her arm with her free hand - "....Yeaah....that was me and Maria Madison...not particularly how first years should really act...I'm really embarassed about it, but it seemed like I provoked her somehow and she lunged at me."
Kyle nodded. "Like people-claustrophobia? I know what you mean." He smiled. "I don't really like being around more than two or three people at once. It gives me the heebie jeebies." He grinned, running a hand through his hair and wiggling his toes absently. Kyle wasn't good at standing still.

Kyle blinked, as Sephora told him about the fight. She didn't look like the fighting type at all, she looked like if she was gonna have anything to do with a fight, it would be watching in horror. "Wow... that's awful. Nobody fought like that that I know of in my first year. Hopefully things will get better when you guys get older." He smiled in an attempt at looking encouraging.
Sephora ran her hand through her hair;
"Yeah...well...uh, there's a first for everything as they say" she blushed as she grinned stupidly.

"Yeah, people-claustrophobia...being in the Great Hall sometimes sets it off, but I guess you can't help that"
She commented.

Kyle smiled kindly. "I know what you mean. I usually just sit with my friend Jessy at meals, I don't like being around lots of people at once, it creeps me out. Not cool at all." He sighed.


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