
Justin Cliffeton

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Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Justin had always had a soft spot for Lennon Cohen-Knight, most of the time he had seen him as harmless and just someone who was passionate about his cause, but his stunt at the Quidditch match earlier today was unforgiveable and blatantly stupid. He knew there would be backlash from this, and a lot of people would be unhappy with what he had done today. Justin stood in the Trophy Room, where he waited for Lennon to arrive so that he could serve out his punishment. He was still furious.
Not only had Lennon had points taken off for his protest at the Quidditch match earlier that day, but the Ravenclaw was also given detention at the trophy room. He had never been to that room so he wondered what he was supposed to do there as a form of punishment. Professor Cliffeton had given him a time to be there so Lennon made his way down from the Ravenclaw common room begrudgingly and sighed. Once he reached the room he looked in and was slightly surprised to see his Head of House there. Of course he should've known that he would be monitored but for some reason he hadn't expected it. "Hi," he said hesitantly to the professor.
Justin raised an eyebrow when the boy seemed surprised to see him there. Did he think that he would just leave a note telling him what to do and then leave him there? As if that would get done. "Thanks for coming," Justin said somewhat sarcastically. He gestured to the bucket next to him, "I want you to clean every single one of the trophies in here until they sparkle. If you don't finish tonight, we'll come back tomorrow night and every night after until the job is done correctly." He stated. "You're not to use magic, I've provided a cloth, a small towel, a brush, and a toothbrush. Clean, dry, then polish." He flicked his wand, causing the bucket to fill with soapy water, and then conjured a chair for himself to sit in. "Start with the Quidditch trophies." He said, smirking.
Lennon briefly thought for a moment that his Head of House really must not have anything better to do than sit here and watch the boy do grunt work instead of trusting him to just get it done, but as soon as he mentioned that he was not to use magic, Lennon understood. He resisted the urge to groan because he looked around and saw that there were so many trophies around the room, it was going to be a long night. Part of him didn't know whether he wanted to be here all night long or space it out between a few days. Lennon shot the professor a look for a moment as he instructed Lennon to start with the Quidditch trophies, but the Ravenclaw clenched his jaw and didn't say anything because he didn't want to give the childish man the satisfaction.

Lennon simply picked up the supplies that were provided and walked over to the case with the stupid sport's trophies and picked one up, half-assedly polishing it before putting it back in the case. Given how fond the school was of the sport there didn't seem to be many trophies that needed shining because they were still in good condition. Lennon picked one up from an old year before he was even born. As he was polishing the 2022 Quidditch cup trophy, his grey eyes landed on the follow year's trophy and its accompanying plaque. Lennon dropped the trophy in surprise after seeing his father's name engraved on the plaque stating who all the players of the winning Quidditch team were the season. The trophy he had been cleaning fell with a loud clang and hit his foot and then bounced against the glass door of the case, shattering glass everywhere. Lennon hissed at the pain in his foot but looked up at Professor Cliffeton apologetically because he had definitely not meant to do that and he worried the Flying professor would punish him for his accident.
Justin appreciated that Lennon was at least trying to contain himself right now. He had messed up, and at least he accepted that and was willing to behave throughout. Before he could finish that thought, however, he heard some glass shattering behind him, and he winced as he turned around and saw the smashed glass all over the floor. Picking up the trophy that had been dropped, he had to stifle a laugh when he saw the name. "Ironic." He said, "Are you hurt?" He asked as he flicked his wand to repair the damage.
Lennon's response to Professor Cliffeton was a bit delayed as he processed what he had just seen. He nodded weakly as he said, "Yeah I'm fine." His foot was throbbing with pain from the trophy but other than that he hadn't been hurt by the shattered glass. He put away the trophy he had cleaned and picked up the one that had his father's name on it. He cleaned it as he was supposed to do it, but stared at it for a while longer. "I knew my dad played Quidditch at this school, but I didn't know they had won a championship once," Lennon commented out loud. He didn't know why he was telling his professor this, but then again Lennon had never talked to anyone about his dad at all, it was not a subject they were allowed to bring up at home. It was both exciting and weird to find out new information about his father even if it was in an unlikely way. He quickly tried doing the math of how old his father would be now and wondered if Professor Cliffeton had been at the school when his father had been too, but he didn't know how old his Head of House was to guess.
Justin smiled when Lennon said that he was fine. He couldn't imagine the questions he would get if he returned to his friends with cuts all over him. People would definitely think that Justin had caused some shenanigans since it was pretty obvious that Justin held some form of ill-will towards the student, if only because he was a thorn in Justin's backside. "I remember being at the game when they won the championship." He told him. Justin hoped, but doubted, that this would change his stance on the whole Quidditch situation and maybe he'd be a little bit less obnoxious about it, but he was doubtful to say the least.

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