🌹 Rose Giving Ulterior Motives

Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Red Rose for @Isaiah Thompson

Leah had been thrilled when she saw that she had a delivery for Isaiah. She hadn't gotten a chance to really go over her big ideas for the quidditch team with him yet. And now that Chase was on the quidditch team it felt a little unfair to give her best ideas away. But at the end of the day her allegiance as far as quidditch went leaned in her house's favor. She knew that wasn't the point of her trip down to the pitch but if the topic came up naturally she would be foolish to pass up the chance. Thankfully she spotted him before he got into the air and she waved him down and held out the red rose. "Hey there! I have a delivery for you!" she called out before jogging the rest of the way to him.
Isaiah's deliveries had been smooth sailing and he had managed to deliver all of his roses in a short time, which left him quite some time to use for other things. With his team up for the quidditch cup this year a little extra practice seemed like the only right choice. He didn't think he had spend as much time on the pitch outside of official practice this year as he had in years before. Zay way about to hop onto his broom when he noticed someone wave at him, refraining from doing so and waving back to show he had seen her as he waited for her to catch up. "Cool." He grinned when Leah had reached him, curious to see what rose she'd have for him.
Leah was a little out of breath but was trying not to show it as she took out the red rose and the not that went with it. "Here....you....go." she got out in between deep breaths. "Getting some practice in? How do you practice beater things on your own?" she asked curiously. It wasn't like a keeper practicing alone but it did make her wonder.

Zaaaaaaaay. Don't forget me once we're in the real world. ~Jordie
"Thanks." Isaiah happily took the rose from her, trying not to snort at how out of breath she sounded. Instead, he focussed his attention on reading the note, grinning at the thought. As if he could ever forget Jordie. He was sure the other boy wouldn't let him. Zay looked up again when she asked him a question. "Yeah, I was mostly planning on working on my flying skills though." He responded with a small shrug. "It can be a little boring." He laughed at her next question. "It's mostly just flying after bludgers and working on strength, precision. Aim not so much since there's no targets to hit. Although I reckon with a little creativity there could be."
Leah listened intently as he explained what his practice was like and she wondered if she should pass this information on to Chase or if it would be some kind of betrayal to her house or something. But she nodded along until he finished. "I don't think I ever congratulated you in person about the win last semester. It looks like we have a real shot at the cup this year." she said. "Do you have any big plans for the team to prepare for the next game?"
Isaiah smiled proudly when Leah offered him a belated congratulations on their quidditch win. "Hey, thanks." He grinned even wider when she mentioned having a real shot at the cup this year. He liked to think they did. Wished with everything he had in him that they would win the cup. That they could go out with a bang. But at the same time he didn't want to talk about it too much, almost afraid to jinx it if he did. "I might." Zay laughed in response to her other question. "I'm not sure if I should go around telling people about those though."
Leah could practically feel herself holding her breath to hear what kind of things Isaiah had planned but was momentarily crushed when he didn't spill. "I'm not just anyone." she insisted. "I wouldn't tell a soul. I promise!" she said quickly and brought one of her hands to her lips to mime locking it with a key.

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