Tybalt Archer

Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
I'm out on the edge
and I'm screaming my name


Say Hello to

sometimes when I close my eyes
I pretend I'm alright

My full name is Tybalt Lawson Archer. I have no other names apart from those. Nothing else.

Tybalt - Well, I'll be honest, I know very little about what this name means. I'm pretty sure it's of Germanic origin and descends from the name Theobald. Or something to that effect. It means something like brave one. What I do know is that Tybalt is the name of a fictional character from the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet. He is a relation of Juliet killed by Romeo. Which is pretty interesting, and it's pretty unique as far as names go. I have yet to find another Tybalt. But it also means that most people do a double take with it.

Lawson - This is my mama's maiden name. Which is why I have it now. It's got a pretty boring story. It's old English and literally means Son of Lawrence. Which is funny because I'm the son of Branson, my da. You could even say its more son of Bran. But, I don't really use it, or refer to it. So I'm okay with it being there. Plus it makes my mama happy. Although, I dont use it very often, and very few people know what it is.

Archer - It the family name. It's of Latin origin and means Bow man. It's a name that's been in our family for years. Passed down through the males. It worries my granda that the name will die out, since I'm the only male of my generation. He expects a great grandson, but he's gonna have to wait a little while. Although now with my cousin, there are two of us. But since my granda doesnt really acknowledge him, hes relying on me to continue the name.

Well, my da loves reading, as do I. He always thought it was stupid that the males in the family would name their sons after themselves, so he didn't want to do that. Which happened to my granda, his dad, and my das older brother. He had thought about it for my brother, but it had been the same time as his younger brothers disappearance, and that just made more sense. For me, he didnt want me to have his name, as much as I think I wouldve made a great Branson. My da, and my mama had taken a trip to New York, and during that time, decided to go see a play, which turned out to be Shakespeares King Lear. It was around the same time, they found out they were having me, so, my parents took to reading Shakespeare to me, and when I was born wanted to name me after one of his many characters. My mama didnt think that the big names like Hamlet, Macbeth or Romeo, Othello, Iago, Henry. Things like that, and then out of the blue, my older brother blurted out Tybalt, hed loved the fighting between Tybalt and Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, and it had just fit. So that's how I got that. I like it. It's nice and it's different. When I first start school people often thought I just couldnt say Tyler right, but I'd much rather be called Tybalt than Tyler. It's just better.

My middle name, Lawson, is my mama's maiden name. She lost her mama and her da when she was like fifteen, grew up living with her older sister, who was already out of school and in a steady job. They don't get along much, but my mama wanted to pass on the name to me, so now I have it. My brother and I both shared this name. My little sister doesnt, but she doesnt really mind yet. My mama, and da have always said if I want to switch the names Archer and Lawson around then I can.

The last name, Archer, now I love and hate relationship with this name. It's a great name, but I feel it's the reason I am so unlucky at times. It's a silly reason but still. I would rather have it than not have it though. My last name helped in finding my cousin. It helped in assuring him that we were related. But in the same way that with it, it carries a certain connatation with it. Like the eyesight, and the awful luck, but despite all that I think it fits, Tybalt Archer. Anything else would sound stupid at this point. I mean could you imagine me not being Tybalt Lawson Archer, and being something like Romeo Archer Lawson. Really I like my name, I dont think Id ever change it.

When I was in primary school, back in Georgia the nicknames I had were not nice nicknames. They were insults, and they were generally pretty bad ones, so I don't go by any of those nicknames, they called me things like like Short stuff, or pint sized, hobbit, four eyes. Stuff like that. I hated all of those nicknames, and I hated all of them. But things changed as I grew older, my parents started calling me Ty more and more. It was a simple short version of my name, and I liked it. It was good. So, instead of it being insulting, it was nice. At Hogwarts I started getting into the habit of introducing myself as Ty, as well as Tybalt. Now, almost all of my friends call me Ty, Tybalt seems almost too formal nowadays. Ty is so much simpler. I love my name, but I prefer Ty a lot of the time. Its funny, before moving to New Zealand, and starting school here, I would never have dreamed of introducing myself as Ty, now I wouldnt do it any other way. Plus, my mama loves calling me Ty. I dont know why, she thinks it sweet, makes me feel like her little baby again. And I dont mind that. She is my mama after all, and I love her.

I am seventeen years old. The past few years have been incredible to me. I've come along way over the past few years. Im feeling good that the next few years will be equally as good. I didn't really do anything for my birthday. I never do. It's just at the start of the school year, so there is no point doing anything for it, since everyone is just settling back into the new year, when I celebrate my birthday. I dont mind either, I'm not entirely fond of the whole, cake and singing thing. It's pretty embarrassing. I don't like being the centre of attention. So, Im always okay with not doing anything. If people even remember then thats cool, but I dont mind if they dont. I'm also now, finally of age too. Meaning I can preform magic outside of school.

I was born on the 30th of September 2019 at about 8:20pm. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in Atlanta General hospital. My mama was out getting the final touches for my room when she went into labour, at about eight in the morning, and I was born quite a few hours later from what you can tell. I was a little over a month early, and I was tiny. My da always says they worried about if I was going to make it because I was just so small. Now he tells me he knew I'd be okay. Since I am an Archer and Archer's are strong people. Not to mention that a lot of Archers are born early, which my da thinks is why we all end up with the terrible eyesight. The girls, are always born on time, never early. Where as me, my brother, my da, his brothers all born early, all the same terrible eye sight. I dont know about my cousin Stefan, but, I dont knows either.

I am currently training to be a healer, which is what I decided I wanted to be when I was in school

My father is a great man, his name is Branson Archer. He's the second oldest of four. He's a muggle but he's amazing. He is colourblind, just like me, and he has short brown hair, and very bright blue eyes. Before we moved to New Zealand my father is a very smart man, he worked as an architect, in the town where we lived, helping people build and develop properties, he was a very respected man, and despite his slight disability he did very well in his job.

Branson Archer was born in Denver Colorado. He was the second son of Cristian and Isla Archer. He was a small baby, with a tiny lot of brown hair, and like all male Archer's before, bright blue eyes. Later, his parents would produce two more children, a boy and a girl. Branson was a smart kid, he excelled in classes and worked very hard in all he was given. Branson wasn't diagnosed with monochromaticness until he was 7 years of age. When it became clear that he had mixed up an art class in grade school. There had always been suspicious about it, but his father had refused to acknowledge that all three of his sons were monochromatic. Unlike his brothers though, Branson was not diagnosed at birth.

Branson turned out to be very bright indeed, he sat an entrance exam and was accepted in a school for the gifted, he was very happy at this school. He worked hard, and was able to go to University, and get a degree in Architecture in half the time it would normally take. In the year of his graduation, Branson took a trip to San Diego where he met his future wife, Elliot. The two bonded instantly. Branson had never had a real girlfriend before then and was pretty excited to be with her. After half a year into their relationship, the two had moved in together, and he proposed. The marriage was pretty rushed, since they just wanted to make their relationship real, and they were really taking a leave out of Branson's younger brother's book. They just had a proper wedding in the small town that Branson's wife grew up in. It was a small affair, with only family and friends.

Three months after this happened, Elliot happily announced that she was a few weeks pregnant. This was a very happy occasion for the couple, and it was around this time that his younger brother, Mason, was disowned and then disappeared. Branson hadn't always been the best brother to Mason, calling him names, and just not acting right towards him, which is something he regrets a lot. Branson was under the impression that his brother would come back, but when he didn't, Branson got worried. He was later told a few months after his brother had disappeared that he had driven off a bridge in Minnesota dying instantly. On June 24th Mason was born, a month and a half early. He was happy to name his first son after his lost brother. It was then that the two admitted their secret to the other. That she was of magical blood and he was monochromatic, therefore meaning that his son was very likely to have it also.

The two moved to Elliot's hometown and settled into a small routine. During a large family dinner, between, Branson, his wife, and his parents, Branson told them about their son being monochromatic and the fact that he would be a wizard. His son, having turned five a few months before. Branson's father was not happy to hear about this, but it was irrelevant, since they also announced that Elliot was pregnant again.

Tybalt was born, on a very dark and stormy September 30th. Like with Mason, they had Tybalt tested, and he too was monochromatic. They went back to their home and, later their family brought a third child in to the world. A little girl. At this point, Mason would be going to magical school. They had applied for him to be at Hogwarts New Zealand, and on his birthday, he was accepted in. Six days later, Mason drowned, during a whole family trip to the lake. It was the worst moment of Branson's life. It was worse than losing his brother. It was what motivated him to go find his brother. His wife, was barely keeping it together. They spent most of the nights crying over the loss of their eldest son. The family hit a slump, there was a distance that Branson had noticed between Elliot and Tybalt. As if she so was afraid to lose him that she distanced herself from him. Tybalt didn't seem to notice. In an attempt to get his wife to feel slightly better the two booked a week long trip, without any kids, and sent the kids to his parent's.

When they returned, they found Tybalt eating the one food he hated more than life. Branson knew what his father had done. The two of them had a huge argument, which practically tore up them apart. He now doesn't let Tybalt or Lydia alone with his grandparents for any longer than the day. Even at that he worries. Branson made his son promise to never tell anyone about what happened, not even Elliot. Between working, Branson kept in contact with his brother's girlfriend's sister, who was also keen to find her sister. Finally after a lot of searching, Branson was able to learn that his brother had gone to New Zealand, and that was the last trace of him. After a lengthy talk between himself and his wife, the two used most of their life savings to uproot the entire family and move to New Zealand. Branson has been going for town to town, trying to find out where his brother may have gone first. He tried looking into death records, but they are sealed, and he hasn't been able to access them. Branson was very happy to send his son off to school. Since with neither him or Elliot working they are beginning to run out of money. He has however been looking for a part time job, and is hopeful that he will find something. However, when Tybalt got old enough a little later, he was about to start school, they decided to look into settling somewhere, they had been living on the road and it wasnt good they decided for growing kids. It was however thanks to Tybalt going to school that they were able to find out what happened to his long lost brother, and found out he had a nephew.

My mama is a great woman. Her name is Elliot Evans, married Elliot Archer. She's the connection to magical world. She's an amazing person. I think she's beautiful and she's just amazing. She has long brown hair, and blue eyes, slightly less strongly blue, little more clear, but still blue. That's what she tells me. She's the witch but she doesn't actually do anything to do with magic. In our hometown she was a part time tutor for those who needed help in art, and art history, although she does also at times tutor in potions.

Elliot Evans born on December 8th in Atlanta Georgia. She was born into a very normal family who'd lived in a small town in Georgia all their life. She had two older sisters and one younger brother. She is one of two magical people in her family, herself and her younger brother. She attended Salem while her brother attended Hogwarts in Scotland. Elliot's parents were Christian by birth, but neither recognized their religion beyond what it was, they both attended church every Sunday with the entire family. They were very surprised when Elliot got her letter which acceptance into Salem. They didn't quite know how it was possible for her to get one, and for the two older girls to not get it. She went off to attend Salem. The winter of that year, her parents were driving to the airport to collect her, and a driver on the other side of the road, lost control of his car and hit them head on. Both were killed on impact. The entire family went to live with the grandmother, staying in the town they had grown up in, but her older sisters both blamed her for what had happened. And the three haven't really talked since. Elliot went back to school, feeling pretty depressed, but she was a look on the bright side kind of girl, so it didn't take her long to at least put it at the back of her mind and just be able to move on with her life.

A year later her brother was accepted into Hogwarts Scotland, was sorted in Gryffindor. He comes back to Georgia often, but lives in Scotland now with his wife, working for the ministry of magic in England. After coming pretty much top of her class, and being named most likely to succeed in her year book, Elliot decided to go on a trip of America. She hadn't decided what she wanted to do. She also didn't want to go home, so she rented a car and just started driving around. He would drive through entire states over night, and just kept driving. Near the end of this trip, Elliot ended up going to San Diego. She stayed for the total of a month. During which time she met her would be husband, Branson. She'd had boyfriends, and flings before, but the way she felt with him was completely different. The two instantly hit it off.

Sixth or so months later, the two got married. Her brother Jeremy was the only one of her immediately family to attend the wedding and he even walked her down the aisle. She felt like quite an outside in the Archer family. The family seemed to have a heap of issues she was intruding upon, but she was keen to live in her hometown and they did. However, after announcing that they were going to have a baby her husband's brother disappeared. Elliot knew what it was like to lose family and she felt sorry that she couldn't do more. The two however had to focus on the family they were about to have.

On June 24th Mason was born. Elliot was very happy to let him name their first son, as long as she got to pick the next, with his help. It was then that the two admitted their secret to the other. That she was of magical blood and he was monochromatic. It took her by surprise that he was monochromatic, he'd always managed to hide it very well.

The two moved to Elliot's hometown and settled into a small routine. During a large family dinner, between, Branson, Elliot, and Branson's parents, Branson told them about their son being colourblind and the fact that he would be a wizard. Elliot was hardly surprised Branson's father was not happy to hear about this, but it was irrelevant, since they then announced that she was pregnant again.

A few months later, Tybalt was born, on a very dark and stormy September 30th. Like before, they had Tybalt tested, and he too was monochromatic. They went back to their home and, later their family brought a third child in to the world. A little girl, Lydia. At this point, Mason would be going to magical school. Elliot had suggested that instead of sending him all the way to Scotland, that they should send him to the best up and coming wizarding school in the wizarding community, Hogwarts. They applied, and he was accepted in. The letter arriving on his eleventh birthday. Six days later, Mason drowned, during a whole family trip to the lake. This was the worst moment of her life since losing her parents. She just wanted her eldest son back. He had been the perfect little boy, and he'd been taken from them. Elliot loved her two other children just as much but she was at a loss. They spent most of the nights crying over the loss of their eldest son.

The family hit a slump, Elliot didn't really want to spend as much time with Tybalt over a fear of losing him too. But, this quickly changed when she realised that she wanted to be close to the only son she had left. In an attempt to make her feel better Elliot and Branson took a week long vacation and left the kids with his parents.

After that, she found her husband searching and searching for the man that had disappeared years before, and whom no one seemed to talk about. When he was finally able to find a lead, in New Zealand. Elliot didn't want to go because of the memories it brought of her son, but she wanted him to find who he was looking for, so she went with him. She doesn't regret the decision but currently feels like the only one who is even keeping an eye on money.

Sister - Lydia Archer
I have one sister. Her name is Lydia Archer. She is a little bit younger than me. She goes to school in New Zealand right now. My mama tells me that she has brown hair just like all other in our family, as well as having the same eyes as my mama. Lydia and I get along well. We are close. Whenever our parents fight I sit with her and keep her company. My parents fight a lot, and my sister doesn't deal with it well. She doesn't know I was bullied in school. I never told her. I didn't want her to think I was a pathetic little boy who couldn't take care of himself. She is currently very jealous that I am off to hogwarts and she is not. She has asked me to write as often as I can. I am glad I have my sister, I love her very much. I would protect her with my life.

Brother - Mason Archer
I also had an older brother, his name was Mason Archer. He was 5 years older than me. He would've started school in 2026, but he died during that summer. He was my idol pretty much. We aren't allowed to talk about him, so I don't. But, I looked up to him so much. he was the only person who ever gave me a hand. He was monochromatic just like me, and we just had that connection, despite the age gap between us. He was bigger and stronger. He was taller at eleven than I am now. He was the ideal son, sporty despite the eye sight, smart, and brave. He's everything I would want to be, but he's no longer here. I was there when he died, we were going sailing with my granda, and there was a large gust of wind, or something snapped, and we fell in. His life jacket failed, and he drowned. I almost drowned too, but, our father who was in another boat was able to save me. Mason just wasn't as lucky. I've never seen my da so upset about anything, but he and my mama were distraught. Then we were told to just not talk about it. I don't think my sister even knows much about him, just that he died. Which really isn't much.

I have a fairly large family. My mother has three siblings. Two sisters and one brother. All married with kids. And my dad has two brothers and one sister. His youngest brother died, as did his wife and they have one son. In total I have ten cousins.
On the dad's side

His eldest brother is Cristian Archer. He is now a muggle accountant and works in Boston, USA. He went to the local High School in Colorado and then attended The University of New York. He is pretty fierce, but it's all an act. A face, he's actually a really nice person, who is just making his way through the world. He recently got married to a New York woman. She's a primary teacher in Boston. Cristian felt awful for how he treated Mason, and has tried many times to locate him. But his search has been fruitless and hasn't ever tried that hard. Cristian and Branson were a lot closer as kids. They still get along well, but not as well as they once did. He has one daughter from a previous marriage. Her name is Madelina Archer. She is now 8 years old. Her mother hadn't wanted to have children, so left shortly after the birth. It was around the same time that he met his new wife. They now have a second child Magnolia Archer, 4.

His younger sister was next, she was born Zefira Archer but became Zefira Lyria. She is the second youngest sibling. Branson had trouble getting along with Zefira, she was most loved by their father, and he was pretty jealous of this growing up. He was pretty pleased She has a very short temper, and works as a flight attendant, which is where she met her husband who is a Pilot for the same airline. They had no children, and do not plan on having any.

His younger brother Mason Archer, is the youngest Archer. He and Branson were never very close. Mason being the smallest of the family. He was picked on quite a lot by others and by their father. Mason was disowned by their father for getting a girl pregnant before having graduated. The two moved to New Zealand, where they had a son, called Stefan. Both Mason and his wife are now dead.
On Mother's side

The eldest of the family is Katelyn Gray who was never overly bright, but incredibly beautiful, she married Kevin Gray a doctor who works in a private hospital in Northern Georgia. They have two children, Thomas, and Erin. Neither of whom are of magical blood. Ty doesnt see them very often, and they do not know anything about the face that Ty is of magical blood.

After that is the second eldest of the family, Crystal Dzienny, who was not so interested in school, and much more interested in preforming arts and things like that. She is a very good singer, and now privately tutors kids who want to learn to sing, she married Jeff Dzienny, whose family own a restaurant that he now runs. They have three kids, Joshua Eva and Harley. The family lives in San Diego California, and all three kids are of muggle blood, though for a while Crystal suspected that Joshua might be magical. All three are not very interested by education, and much more in the preforming arts like their mother.

Lastly, and the baby of the family is Jeremy Evans, the only other one who was of magical blood, he attended Hogwarts Scotland, and fell in love with the school, and the country as a whole. He now works for the Ministry of Magic, Scotland division in the protection of Magical Creatures, and the prevent of muggles finding out about them. He married Mhairi Evans, a girl in his year at school, also a Gryffindor, she now teaches part time at a magical school in Iceland. They have three kids, all of whom are magical. Kalvyn who attends Hogwarts Scotland, and is like his parents a Gryffindor, Meghan and Elsa. All of whom should attend Hogwarts Scotland when they become of age.

Grandparents on his dad side

Both currently alive.

Stefan grandmother who prefers being called Mam, is of Scottish origin, having spent the first eleven years of her life living in Inverness in the north of Scotland. She is a small woman, with fiery red hair in her youth and bright blue eyes. She was Isla Holt, before she later became Isla Archer She moved to Chicago, when her mother died, and their entire family moved. She had three sisters, but was the youngest by five years so she felt a lot out of place. Her three sisters later returned to Scotland.

Her life was pretty uneventful, she went to school until the age of seventeen, when she left and attended a local college. She hadn't been very good at school, but college helped her a lot. It was in her third year of college when she was having trouble with a class and her tutor was Cristian Archer, Tybalt's grandfather.

The two got along very well, they got close very soon. Isla found that while she was very much in love with Cristian she was aware that he had some violent tendencies. They grew close and eventually married.

Isla had four children, and did very little in the way of discipline, that was always her husband's line. She was there to comfort them when they needed it. She was always proud of her children, keen to have them do well, so it broke her heart to see how poorly Cristian treated Mason, and then how angry Cristian had been at Mason for marrying the girl, and then getting her pregnant. Isla had begged for him to let them stay, to let them be a part of all of their lives, but it couldn't be.

Isla has not quite been the same since the disappearance of her youngest son and daughter in law. Though she has managed to keep up appearances and appear okay to the growing family.

Tybalt's grandfather is and always has been a proud man. He worked hard for everything he has, and believes that without hard work a person can get no where. He was top of his class, and graduated from Stanford University with a degree in business. But, he took up a small part time job at the local library, tutoring students who were having difficulties. This was where he met the love of his life. Isla. He knew from the moment he saw her that he'd be in love with her. There was no doubt in his mind about them being together. Cristian was an angry man. He couldn't do anything about it, he had tried many things but he couldn't hold it back.

He proposed to Isla after two years of dating and was very happy to welcome four children into his life. However, he was a harsh parent. Wanted everything done right, and upon hearing of his youngest son's impairment, he grew angry. Monochromaticness was a common trait in his family. He'd not gotten it, and being an only child it had somehow skipped a generation. Cristian treated his youngest son more harshly than the rest. Giving him the bigger work load and basically using him as the go to punching bag.

Branson hates the way that his father treated himself, his brother and his two sons. He is well aware of what had happened, despite Tybalt never having said anything about it.

Grandparents on his mothers side

Both dead. Jeremy and Kate Evans both died in a car crash in the summer of 2005.

They were a very traditional family who didnt believe in magic, or anything supernatural. They both attended high school and college together, but didnt get together until the end of college. Where they then had two little girls before decided to get married. It was a very big affair paid for by Kate Evans dad, as she was his only daughter, and his little princess. They had a magical evening and together in the suburb of Atlanta Georgia opened a small bookstore, where Jeremy worked as a manager and Kate did the work around the store. It was a good environment to promote learning in their kids, and rubbed off most on their third daughter Elliot. After that they produced a son. They had a nice little life, and when their youngest daughter turned out to be magical, as did their son. It was on their way to driving him to the airport that the car crashed, and they both died on impact. The family was torn apart, and the family went to life with the very elderly grandparents on kates side. Though they were very old, and not very capable of looking after them. So, the weight fell upon the shoulders of her older sisters.

You'd think living in the south meant we had or have lots of animals. My mama and my da are always working, so they barely have time for us, let alone pets. But we have a family cat. His name is Charles and he's my sister's tabby cat. It's an adorable little thing but it don't like me too much. I like having it around. It's nice. We brought it over to New Zealand. But my sister has it. We took him with us to New Zealand, but I dont keep him at school. Instead my little sister keeps him. Which Im not bother about. Im not too much a cat person.

I am half blood. My mama is a muggleborn witch. Her parents were very surprised when she got her letter. Her sisters didn't get one. They were muggle. Probably why the two don't get along. My mama's real proud of being a witch. I like being half blood, best of both worlds. She tells me about how I should always be careful. Respect those that arent of magical blood, be kind to everyone, thats what shes always saying.

I hadn't ever really given it much thought. I like being half blood. My mama as I said is real proud of being a muggleborn witch, and my da's real proud of being a muggle. I have the best of both worlds and parents who'll love me no matter what world I choose. I don't understand why there would be a problem. I don't think it would make much difference to be honest, a friend is still a friend no matter his blood type. I dont like that people get so annoyed about it. Like it really matters. Those people who think they are better just because they are of pure magical blood. They are wrong. So very wrong. They are no better or worse than me.

Blackshear, Georgia, U.S.A. I lived there most of my life so it's my home. It's my hometown. No matter how truly terrible it was, I still think of it as my home town. It's a perfectly nice place. I like it. But, the people are terrible, well the kids are terrible. I'm glad that we no longer live there. As much as it was interesting and how much I hated it, it'll still be the town I grew up it in. I do miss it now. I miss the sunshine all the time, the similar accents, the way of life. It was pretty cool. I cant believe I sort of miss it, considering how miserable the people made me, but I do. And I think I always will miss it.

We just recently moved into this house just outside of Auckland, in a small suburb where my dad was able to get some work. And my mama can start bringing money in by tutoring the local kids, and the kids from the slightly richer areas. Its not too much, I have to share a room with my sister, but its home in a sense, and Im not there most of the time, so it doesnt really matter. I love my sister, and Ill just live with it. My da says its temporary, but I dont really think it is.

Since my parents are American, I'm white american. My father's mother was from Scotland. That's the only close link I have to anything other than American.

I really like my cousins house, Id really like to live with him, in that house. Its really only a little bigger that the one were staying in right now. I like it, cause I get my own space, in a way, my cousin always treats me well. The house was run down the first time we went there, but during the holidays I help my cousin do it up, and thats a lot of fun. I like it even though its hard work. I cant wait till its done, and can properly live in it.

FIRST HOME: my first home was super. Our house was a small house. Two floors slightly out of the main town. It had four bedrooms and a large garden with a pool. My da and I built a tree house together. It was very spacious and had lots of high ceilings. My room was the last room at the furtherest end of the house. It was pretty small but it suited me fine. I liked the house a lot but the folks who lived in the town not so much. I had my reasons, which I will not go into now.

The house was built when the first settlers came to town. It's an old house that has recently been done up. The house is a white color with a large porch stretching all along the house. It's close enough to main town but far enough away to be able to enjoy it. Tybalt liked the house just not the people

SECOND HOME: My second home would have to be hogwarts. Even if I did stay in another house between the hogwarts and my home back in Georgia but, it has been great. It's new, its huge. It's a castle.

Tybalt is the kind of person who until proven wrong will love a place. He didn't love his first home as much because of the people. He likes hogwarts because of the opportunities it has created for him. It's new and interesting. He likes being able to say he's a Gryffindor and that he lives at a school.

Achromatopia -The complete lack of the perception of color in a subject, seeing only in black, white, and shades of grey.
Hemeralopia -Reduced visual capacity in bright light, Day-blindness.
Photophobia -The avoidance of bright light by those suffering from hemeralopia.

I have been monochromatic all my life. I have never known colour. I don't know what it is. It is just something that I can not do. I don't like it. I wish I could see colour. I wish I could know what my mama means when she says red or blue. But I can't and I can live with that. My da has managed to, and if he can then so can I. With the sensitivity to light comes a whole range of other issues. I mean I lived in Georgia. Where the sun is almost always shining. So I am happy to be somewhere less sunny. I have to wear special glasses where the lens changes depending on the light. They help a lot but I hate wearing glasses. I wear contacts as often as I can which don't help. So I guess I don't like any of it, but it is not the worst thing in my life. And I can live with it.

I'm Straight. Like, I'm young and to be fair I wouldn't rule it out completely, but I'm pretty sure I'm straight. I've only ever been attracted to girls, found them cute, or gorgeous. Never with guys. People can do whatever they want in my opinion, but, I'm just not.

It's a little complicated right now. I've not broken up with Bituin, but then again I haven't see her in a long while, so I can't really say if we're still together or not. The worst thing about it, is that I'm not able to talk about it openly. You know. I can't just say, oh hey, I'll talk to my friend about this. No one knows about us, not even RHI knew, so I'd like to keep that way, but I don't know where we stand.

Seeing Someone, in secret. Well, I'm seeing a girl from Ravenclaw house, her name is Bituin. And while we got of to a shaky start there was no denying that I felt something for her. But, due to our history, we both decided it would be a good idea to date in secret, until we were sure we knew what we were doing.

PAST: Before Hogwarts Tybalt had no crushes, he didn't like anyone, and spoke to very few people. Upon arriving at Hogwarts, he had a first very childish crush on Indiana, but that was mostly because of the kindness that she showed him. But it quickly faded, and he didn't develop any feelings for anyone until he first met B, and rather than crushing, they just started dating.

PRESENT: Right, now as of this moment, Tybalt has a few crushes. With the problems with his first relationship sort of just fading away with no real conclusion, he's come to have mixed feelings about a lot of people, unsure as to where to place his feelings. He really likes fellow teammate, Caroline. He thinks that she'd sweet and she loves quidditch which he really likes. But, he also has feelings for Rhi, a slightly younger girl, who he has spent a lot of time with at Club Academia. He really likes her, and thinks she's a really sweet person. He doesn't think anything will come from either, but he wants to know if he could even pursue it, concerning B.

The same night that I ended up getting together with B. She came to me at the Yuleball of 2034, and while I ran off to begin with, she chased after me, and we ended up having a small chat, and then dancing. Before I knew it, I had kissed her. I don't know why I had, but I kept just staring into her eyes, and being like, wow, she's stunning. And I couldn't help it. It felt amazing too. She kissed me back and everything. It felt fairly incredible. I was blown away, and she's amazing. Even if it is in secret, I'm happy we're together.

It was around the same time as the first kiss. With B. I really couldnt believe how lucky I got, she was stunning, and I couldnt believe she even wanted to sort of kiss me. Not just that, that she even wanted to go out with me in the first place. Shes incredible. Kissing her feelings incredible. I generally cant begin to describe how it makes me feel. I just love it. I love her.

None yet

None yet

Not yet, Im still a little young.
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Born on the 30th September in the evening. He was a very small baby, born slightly ahead of when he was meant to. A month, which meant that his mother had to spend a few nights in Hospital with him to make sure everything was in working order. A month after he was born, considering his family history he was tested for the same condition that both his brother and his father had. When it turned out he did, the entire family groaned. Life was never simple for this boy. He was always fairly small, and never really ate much. Where his older brother had grown a lot in the first year, Tybalt didn't seem to grow as quickly. But, he was walking pretty young and just under nine months. Tybalt was also quiet as a baby, his family would often forget that he was even in the house. Tybalt went to daycare at 3 years old, and that was when he started having some trouble. He had glasses from a fairly young age, and a lot of the older kids would laugh at him. It didn't help him much, and Tybalt continued to be very quiet.

Both his parents were very busy people, they had full time jobs, and so Tybalt and his brother were often left with their Archer Grandparents. Their grandfather had a very strict thinking in bringing up Kids. If kids didn't do as they were told, they were punished for it. Tybalt had trouble always doing as he was told at that age, and was a fairly fussy eater. His grandfather would often get physically violent towards Tybalt and his brother. Tybalt is still very scared of his grandfather. He no longer spends as much time with him, but it doesn't stop his grandfather from yelling at him, and being violent. Things weren't too bad to begin with, but they got worse over time.

During a summer vacation out by on the Lake, disaster struck, the boat swerved and both Tybalt and his brother fell into the water. Despite both wearing life jackets, they didn't seem to have the required affect. Tybalt remembers going under and reaching out to his brother, attempting to swim to him, and then he remembers waking up on the shore. He passed out, and was half drowned, but he lived, his brother wasn't so lucky. After this happened, his mother distanced herself from Tybalt, obvious shutting him out. Spending more time with his little sister who had been born, six months before. Tybalt believes that she did this, and does this because it was his fault.

Things at school did not improve either. When he returned, following that summer, the other kids in his class, turned from harmless name calling to violence. They would throw things at him in class, pull his chair away. Lock him in cupboards, etc. Things kept getting worse, but the school wouldn't do anything about it. So Tybalt was left to deal with it on his own. It wasn't until the boy turned seven that things changed slightly. His home was the same, his parents sending him and his sister to his grandparents, and his mother more or less ignoring him, while school was getting less and less bareable. He was left with his grandparents during a three-day break from school, and while still being a fussy eater, he was left without food for the entire time. He tried to take food but was very seriously disciplined. His father got very angry about it, and things readjusted. His mother ignored him less, and he spent less time with his grandparents.

School was always just as bad, so he kept his head down and worked away, knowing that eventually he would be able to leave. He knew he had magical school waiting for him. Around the Christmas after his eleventh birthday, the family uprooted and moved to New Zealand. They moved into a small motel for the next three months. With Tybalt and his sister not attending school, and neither parents working. As summer approached, they moved out of the motel and into the car they had bought. They moved around a lot and visited different places for extended periods of time. However, then it was time for him to go to school. He was accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand, and once there sorted in Gryffindor.

The First year for Tybalt was pretty eventful. In the first few days he met a lot of people. He made some friends he is sure he'll always have, that he will never lose. And he ended up being faced with a new bully. Tybalt has spent the last year working hard and trying to do well in school, despite knowing that upon heading home, he'd be living in a car. His family always forgot to tell him about what was going on, so Ty had little contact with his family. He joined the brotherhood, and also works as one of the photographers for the yearbook. Both of which he never thought that he would do. Both of which he is proud to have done. He also discovered in his first year that he was the kind of looked like someone at school. He was very proud to be a Gryffindor, and found the school endlessly interesting. The people he became friends with.

The holidays of that year were largely uneventful, he talked to his parents about this other kid, that he had been told he looked like. The other Archer. To which is father said that it couldnt be possible that they were related. Telling Ty to just not talk about it. Ty went back to school, feeling a little weird, and it was during this time that he began searching more and more, and ended up running into his cousin, Stefan Archer. The two got to talking, and it was pretty clear to both of them that something had happened. Ty ended up persuading both Stefan and his family to test the DNA. To be sure. Neither side wanted to get into something that wasnt true. When it came back positive, everyone was surprised. Tybalt helped his father write letters back to the family in America before meeting up with Stefan for the first time, in the holidays of that year.

Tybalt was glad to have found some of his family, another male that he could talk about everything with. This would be good for him. He had spent a second year gaining in confidence and working hard. He got on to the team and actually played the match. It went well, better than he had expected it to. However the teen was without his best friend, he missed her, but managed to make a few other friends along the way.

cause my echo ,
is the only voice coming back

I have dark brown hair, well, that's what I've been told. My mama's always says that I have really nice brown hair. It's fluffy and it grows down to my ears. My mama is always cutting with my hair. She was always making it just the right length. She cuts it every so often. Though when I'm at school, it just grows out. It's always a messy, unruly. Even if I try to do something with it, it just looks like I rolled out of bed. Sometimes I slick it back, but only on the days when I can really be bothered, if not, it's just a bit too much work. I don't think I need to do much else.

My hair has never been dyed. God, my da would kill me. He doesn't ever think dying my hair would be a good idea. Plus I agree. I wouldn't see it. I agree with him. I mean what use is dying my hair if I then can't actually see what the end result is. I could look terrible and I'd never actually be able to the tell the difference. I know that if I wanted to my mama would help me out. Pick something and help me with it. Make sure it's the right kind of colour. But my da wouldn't like it, so I'd much rather not do anything like that.

My mama always says that I have bright blue eyes. I don't know what that means but, I have blue eyes. It's the Archer trait. To have blue eyes that most people would die for and none of us actually being able to see them. I think it's quite interesting that my eyes are a genetic thing. Like all the male Archer's have the same eyes. My grandda loves that a lot, he just doesn't like that with it, comes all our colorblindness. Since the females, my aunt and my sister and my cousins all have greenish eyes. According to my mama and by sister.

For most of my life I've been the smallest in the year, which has been endlessly annoying. I was smaller than my dad was at my age. I just didn't seem to be growing at all, but this has changed recently, as I've gotten older, I've sort of shot up, I went from being under 5ft, to now, when I'm standing at 5ft 6/7. I'm still growing. I'm the same height as my ma now, if not a little taller, but not near my dad who says I'll probably be about his height. It makes sense, all the guys in my family stand at about 6ft. So, I might grow a little more in the next few years.

Much like with my height, my weight has been fairly small until Hogwarts. I was a small boy,and it didn't really seem to matter what I ate, because I very rarely actually grew fat, I was just skinny. But, it got a little worse, when we moved to New Zealand, because we didn't have much money at all. Now, it's different. Between all the meals at school and the sports I do, I have a fairly healthy weight. I've some, but not much muscle. According to my ma I've lost the baby fat that was on my face, so that's a good thing, I think.

I have a small birthmark on my right shoulder. It's small and I have to point it out to people so they see it, but apart from that I don't think I have any more. I do however have this fairly large dent in my nose. Where I broke it and it just didn't heal right. Like it's fine, but it didn't heal back into the normal shape. Which is a little annoying. But I've had it since I was six, so it's just as much a part of me as my real birthmark that I have have had since I was born. Though, I should just say that I might actually have other birthmarks, I just can't see them and no one has told me about them.

I've grown a lot over the past few years. I wasn't really the sporting type, but I've grown a awful lot over the past year or so. I do a lot more sports, I play qudditch, and I run almost everyday. I'm always pretty active, I have my head in a book or out doing something good and fun. I'm a lot less quiet than I once was, that's for sure. I don't even know how the change happened, but the sports has helped a lot. That and the fact I grew quite a bit too. I've less the body of a thin little boy, but a sports kind of guy. I'm getting better built that's for sure.

I am O+
I know that because I've had to get blood transfused into me. I don't actually really understand the whole blood type thing. I mean it's just blood sure it's all the same. But the way the doctors had talked about it, you'd realize it's very important. All I know is that I give my blood to anyone, but only people of my blood type can give to me. It was my mama who gave me blood when I needed it. Which is pretty cool if you think about about. I have two people's blood in my veins, not many can claim to that. I think it's cool. The kids at school that it was disgusting. But what do they know. I know that my mama's blood helped save my life.

I am left handed. I write everything with my left hand. If I try and write with my right hand it looks like a baby was given a pen and some paper. I have always been left handed. My da is left handed too. He says that I used to watch him write. Like when I was younger and my baby sister was getting all the attention, I would watch my da write and I tried to copy him. My da says the first time I wrote my name I was three. It was bad, but he could make out all the right letters. Which I guess is pretty cool. My granda he doesn't like when I use my left hand in front of him. He's always going about it being a sign that the devil is inside me or something. It's kind of a little crazy, but my always just tells me to ignore it. Since no one can actually have the devil inside them. That's just silly.

I was born and raised in the deep south of America. I try and convince myself that I don't Have an accent but I do. I have a southern accent. I know it, I can hear it every now and again. I can hear it when my mama talks and in my sister, so I have to have it too. Not like I can be immune to it. I din't actually how to describe how I sound just that I have a southern accent. There ain't no escaping it. Although, since starting at Hogwarts in New Zealand, I've found that it fades during the term, and then gets a lot stronger when I'm with my family during the holidays. It just sort of slips out and I can't really do anything about it.

I can only really speak English. In primary they tried to teach me Spanish but I wasn't very good at it. I tried really hard, I did all the work and more and I just never got it. I can however speak a bit of Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic because of my grandma. She's Scottish and likes to pass on little traditions. Like we celebrate Burns night and St. Andrews day along with all the other little festivals in America. I'm actually pretty good at Gaelic. I can speak it and somewhat understand it. I am pretty good at writing it. It's pretty cool that I know it. It means I can impress people. Especially since in New Zealand very few folks speak it.

I am allergic to strawberries. I hate it. I mean everyone always goes on and on about how fantastic strawberries are and I can't eat them. The one time I tried strawberries I got a really bad rash on my arms. And my throat closed up. It wasn't nice but, now I can't eat them ever. Or strawberry jam, or anything that has strawberry in them. It's actually really annoying a lot of people don't realize how much strawberries are in things.

A personal style, I don't think I have one. I mean, I dress in more or less the same kind of clothes each day. Dark jeans, t-shirts. I have a couple of large jumpers, most of which my mama bought me and says I'll grow in to them. I also have a couple of blazers, to mix it up a little. My mama always says that it is important for me to wear colour even if I can't see it. It's why she always helps me shop, tells me which colors match, which don't. I'm glad to have her, if I didn't shopping for clothes would be a mine field. I have a few pairs of shoes, mostly trainers, but I also have smarter shoes for special occasions. I like to dress comfortably. I prefer it to being uncomfortable. It's just better. For school, I have my usual shirt, long sleeved that I roll up the sleeves. It's also too big for me, but I will very hopefully grow into it. I have my tie and my smart black trousers. But I didn't like the shoes, so I think I'm going to wear my black or red trainers. Whatever suits the day. I like to be casual. I think it's silly to judge people by what they wear. I mean what difference does it make to the other person. Really? I don't know. But I know I dress for myself and not for what others think.

Douglas Booth

my shadow, shadow ,
is the only friend that I have

I like a lot of things, I like snow, even though I have only just seen it this year. Before in Georgia I had never seen it, it just doesn't get cold enough. It just does not snow there. Which is good because as much as I like snow, I don't think I would like it as much if we had it constantly. I like learning, and I like reading, the two kind of go hand in hand. I like reading, so I like learning. I love learning new things, and just knowing things that others may not know. I think it's cool. I like reading a lot. Like a lot. I have read a lot of books, and I like a bit of everything. It took me forever to learn to read, and it takes me a while to read a book, but I love everything about it. It's good. I read a lot. I love fantasy novels, and I like comedy. I like running. I mean, I'm good at running, and running away from people isn't always fun, but I like it. I like being the fastest. It's a good feeling. I don't think I could ever be an athlete. I'm not quite cut out for that, plus I saw on muggle tv, that those guys are huge. I don't think I could quite compete with them. I really don't think I could. I do like a lot of other things, I like mornings, and I like sleeping in. I like soft drinks more than soda. I like apples, but I do not like pears. Oh, and I love, like really love thunder storms. I love heavy rain, and I love thunder and lightening. It's not great for my eyesight, but I like it.

I dislike bullies. I think dislike is even a bit light, I hate bullies, I think they are the most stupid thing ever. I mean why would you be like that? I mean I was bullied forever, up until I left school, and it's not fun, it didn't make me feel good at all. All the time it happened I was just thinking that I wasn't good enough. They made me feel horrible. I dislike bullies a lot. I dislike people who complain that life isn't fair. I know that I do it at times, and I hate it, but unless you have an incredibly valid reason for why life isn't fair, then I can understand it, but I think as much as possible people should just look on the bright side. How much harm could that really do. Honestly? What could it do. I also dislike pears, and strawberries. I don't like the texture of pears, and well, I'm allergic to strawberries so there's a reason to hate them. I also dislike hurricanes, and I dislike the beach.

My good habits, I guess that's a pretty short list. I'm polite, I don't like judging people before I know them, so I guess that's a good thing. I like to give everyone a chance. I know it's a very simple thing, but, it's not done often. I don't talk back, I think it's very rude to do such a thing. I eat very healthily. My mama always told me that if you eat well you grow up big and strong, while this hasn't quite happened yet, I know it will. I am just waiting for it to happen. I guess that's a good habit to have.

My bad habits, well, there are more of these. I don't really meet people's eyes often. I mean, I try to, but I was always not to. In a sense because my granda always told me it was rude for me to look anyone above me in the eyes, which was always according to him, everyone. It was pretty hard, and I get really nervous when I talk to new people, I guess it comes back to that. I also on occasion bite my nails. Not often, but if I'm really nervous, and really stressed, I will bite my nails. Although, I'm much more likely, if I am feeling nervous and stress to just throw up. I just get really sick, like not able to walk it hurts so much sick. Another bad habit, is that I struggle to be on time to things. I mean, you'd think with my upbringing I wouldn't be, but, I get pretty distracted pretty easily, and it takes me forever to get dressed, so I end up being late. I just don't ever hand work in late.

I have never had many goals in life. Before it was make it through primary school, and I managed that just fine. I know that with my eye sight there are a lot of things that are just not open to me. I know that whatever goal I set I will have to work as hard as I possibly can. If not I would will not get it. I think for now my goals will be to go through school with as little problems as I can. Maybe be a prefect or something like that. I think, for me, goals just include doing well in the coming exams, and being able to do something with my life, I don't really know what I want to do yet, but, I'm definitely interested in doing something that means I can help others.

I'm not sure, I mean, a lot of things scare me. But, I guess it would have to be either my da, or my mama, or even Lydia dead. I love my family. They mean the world to me, I don't know what I'd do without them. They mean a lot more to me than I think they know. I mean I don't tell them often because I don't think they actually need to be told, because I just do. But, maybe I should.

In reality what he fears the most would be anyone, including himself, drowning. Ever since he almost died, and his older brother did die, he's had a huge fear of drowning and of deep water. He doesn't talk about it, so it doesn't occur to him that he is scared, but he will avoid pools of deep water, and anything that could cause him to drown. A boggart for Tybalt would literally form the shape of himself, or anyone he loves in a pool of water crying out to him to help, reaching out their hand and looking at him with a scared expression. The fact he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, would be what scares him.

My mama says my patronus would be a bat. I didn't entirely know why, but I think she might be right. Of course I can't do the spell right now but a bat seems like a good choice. It's a creature that has terrible vision, but has great hearing and other senses. It a night creature and I like the night. And I always wanted one as a pet. But they are odd creature you are not allowed as pets. I am very excited to learn the patronus charm when I am old enough. It'll be amazing I know it. Hopefully I'll also have a good enough memory for it to. So it can be real powerful.

The day I got to leave Blackshear. I mean I grew up in that town and it will always hold a place in my heart, but the day I left was the greatest day of my life. I had not told anyone I was leaving. The flight away was that evening and I had to still go to my last day. I didn't even mind when I got pushed down the stairs that day. I got to finish my day early and then a few hours later just leave. Pack up all the stuff and go. Driving away was the best. I will be very happy if I never ever have to return to that town ever again.

I guess right now, my dream is just to keep doing so well. I often dream of the day my brother died. He just sort of looks at me, in the moment it's about to happen, and I stop it from happening. Then the dream switches and he'd congratulate him on making the team, on doing so well in school. I'd be beaming with pride at me, the little brother, and we'd talk about different things, and just hang out. I guess for him, I still want to keep doing well in school, and then maybe my cousin could be like my brother. I'm pretty sure he's incredibly proud of me.

The worst day that I have ever felt, that's pretty simple. Well, it's a tie between two days, maybe three. I'll start with the third. This one is pretty simple, just the day I got pushed down the stairs in school and I ended up breaking my arm, but I had a test that day that I couldn't miss so, I had to go to class and do the test while my arm was broken. It hurt really bad.

The second is probably a lot worse than that. It was a little before my 7th birthday. I was a really picky eater, and I was staying with my grandparents. My granda really didn't like that I was a picky eater, so, he said if I was left without food for three days that I would eat anything that was put in front of me. And I thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn't, he then actually went through with it. I was not allowed any food for three days. I tried to take food from the kitchen, but this made my granda really angry, like so angry. He dragged me away and locked me in the closet beside the front door. I spent the rest of the day in there. At the end of the three days, my granda put a plate of what I used to hate the most, chicken, and I ate it. He called me cured. I thought during the second and third day that I was gonna die. I mean, I was so hungry. My stomach had been rumbling for the entire time, and I thought I was just going to keel over. I guess, I was overreacting slightly, but when I think about it, in the back of my mind, I was telling myself that it wasn't going to just be those three days. When my da found out, he was furious. That made it worse, my da scared me with how angry he got. It was just a really terrible few days.

And, the last was the day Mason died. I mean we were having a great day, and the next thing I know, the two of us are in the water. He's sinking faster than I am, he's panciked, and he can seem to swim to the top. I kept trying to reach out to him, but I wasn't strong enough. My father pulled us out, me first and then him. It was too late for my brother. We couldn't bring him back. Everyone was upset, my mama kept screaming. She wouldn't stop. My da would just sit and cry silently. It was terrible. I felt like a part of me had been ripped out of me. It's the worst feeling in the world.

I guess it's the memories of my brother dying, you know. I know it wasn't my fault. I know that. But it doesn't stop me from feeling bad about it. I just think about it, and I get upset, and then the nightmare always gets worse and worse. He just starts yelling at me, blaming me. Telling me how much of a failure I am. Which isn't fun at all. I always wake up when he starts heading towards me with a murderous look in his eye. Which is never reassuring.

The truth that I would tell, it's hard to say. I think I would probably just spill all the times that my granda raised his hands to discipline, me, or my brother when he was alive. It happened a lot more when we were younger. We could do no right with him. He called us so many bad things. We just never talked about it. Mason always tried to protect me, and we made a pact to never say anything. But, I think I would tell someone about it all, I hate keeping it a secret. I just block it out my mind.

I'm pretty sure that I would also be able to see colour. I guess it would be very colourful. Which I would never actually be able to see. I don't think I'd see much else, maybe I would be with B, and we wouldn't have to hide us from the fear of her twin. Maybe my family would surround us, and my friends. I know that it would be filled with the richest and best colours. That it would be bathed in every colour under the sun. I would never see it, not unless I got my eyes fixed. I don't mind not being able to see colour, but, it would be nice you know. And this is my deepest desire.

Smells I love, I love the smell of a fruit market. That was one redeeming quality of the town. It had this fantastic fruit market in the summer months. Every weekend from April to the end of September. I love the smell of all those fruits. I love the smell of a freshly cut pineapple, or of a juicy orange. I think those smells are incredible. I also love the smell of the sea. We barely go because it is generally too bright for my da and me, but I love the smell of the salt water, and the crisp air. I also do love the smell of mint. Okay I really love the smell of mint. It's so strong but it is so lovely. I do not understand how people can not like mint. I do not understand it.

My da. I look up to him. He has always tried to be there for me. Even when he's fighting with my mama he'll always make sure that I am okay. He always protects me when my grands gets angry. Since my granda hates me more or less. He works a hard job and has taught me hundreds of things. He's lived with his monochromaticness all his life and I have never once heard him complain about it. He is supportive of the magic side and he is always helping people out. I look up to my da a lot. He means a lot to me. I don't think I could be the person that I am today with out him. But like everyone my da is not perfect, he just does the best that he can with what he has.

My favourite place to go used to be this little lake by the house in Georgia. Not the one my brother died in, but this much smaller one. I used to climb the tree right next to it, whenever the others in my class were chasing me. They were never able to get up the tree, so that was where I hid. It was great, despite the height which petrified me, I liked it. It was quiet. Kept most of the heat away. Just, it was good.

I went to church to every sunday until I left my town in Georgia. I was never super religious. I mean I tried to be, since my mama was and our whole family tired to be for her, but my dad always talked about how he had lost his faith long before, that he put up with church because she loved it. For me I don't really know I have been trying and trying to figure out what it could all mean. I don't know if there is a god. I don't know what will happen whe I die, but I have had nothing truly terrible that would make me wonder about god and if he exists for now I am just happy to not think too much about it. To just take it in my stride. And deal with this at the end.


Every adolescent Libran's fantasy is to find the Prince or Princess of their dreams. As their lives unfold, the experiences, false starts, dramas, broken hearts and disillusionment they encounter seeking this personal Holy Grail, often shapes their futures in the most extra-ordinary manner. Love and love-lost makes a big difference to the Libran although their often happy-go-lucky appearance against all kinds of odds may not reveal this as fact. Librans can switch off from the world around then and during these periods much more occurs on the deep innermost levels of the Libran's psyche, than their closest companions imagine. Many Librans after establishing a lifestyle that somehow falls short of their childhood dreams, manage to conjure up a most independent life and keep up an image of being dedicated to a "close relationship". They can escape into obscure role playing - and often this makes them extremely successful business people. When it comes to romance and love, Librans can be difficult to fathom yet in business many Librans discover they can not only be creative, but it provides an opportunity to express the more diverse sides to their personalities. Their charm can win jobs and provides powerful friends. But in both work and play, looking for peace and harmony, Librans often say "yes" when they should be saying "no".

How would I describe myself. Well this is hard, I don't really know. I mean I'm nice, I'm friendly. I'm a little shy, and I get scared pretty easily. I am really hardworking. That's all I've got for now. I'll get back to you with more as I think of them.
Confident, Self-conscious
When Tybalt started at Hogwarts he was very unsure of himself, and he wasn't too sure of what the school would bring. He was a small boy who didn't have any friends growing up aside from his brother, who died when he was young, this means that he didn't have a lot of confidence when arriving at the new school. Slowly through the years, Tybalt has grown in confidence, and has many friends. His genuine and friendly nature means that he's easy to get along with, and doesn't like fighting or arguing, so he finds it easy to keep the peace. He is no longer scared of just about everything, though very often doubts his own ability. Always thinking that his best isn't good enough. That people expect more from him. He also doesn't in the slightest think of himself as attractive. Aside from sports and his photography Ty won't very often show his work to others, and he's more likely to wear comfortable clothing than anything fancy, because he doesn't think people would want that from him. His confidence would be very deflated if he ran into any trouble from others, or if people started picking on him again. He's older now, but he wouldn't probably stand up for himself any more than he would've when he started.
Tybalt loves his family, despite it's faults and the problems he's had with it, Ty loves his family, and would do anything for them. HE loves his sister, and would do anything to protect her. He's proud of his parents that moving to New Zealand has brought them closer and how they've worked hard to right the wrongs done to his cousin. He knows that every family has it's faults and his is no exception. He realises this, but thinks that it'll be alright. Because they have each other, and there is nothing worse that could possibly come out about his family. He enjoys the company with his family, and helps out when ever he can. He is glad however that they are no longer living out of their car, because as much as Ty loves his family, he has a limit as to how much he can put up with them when in small spaces.
Hard Working
Tybalt has always worked hard in school. He doesn't see himself as naturally smart, so he revises and reads a lot. Sometimes he's better at things and reads less, or finds that the reading just bores him. For the most part however, Ty will work hard at whatever task that is put in front of him. He doesn't believe in not doing a job well. If this means that he'll do double the work, and way more than is actually required then Ty will more than likely do it. Ty does love learning, so working hard in school comes pretty easily to him, and in working on his quidditch, he's discovered that he also loves that.
Tybalt Archer is a fairly easy going person, and for this reason he is also simple. He is brainy, but he is simple by his way of never really wanting much. He doesn't need a lot of things to keep happy. Whatever he does want he would try to get for himself. He doesn't think that he needs incredibly fancy clothes, or the best of everything to do well in life. Instead he likes simple foods, and small things. Acts of kindness towards him, and generally met with surprise on his part. Extravagance is something that Ty only likes in small doses and anything above that he would find unnecessary.

I would take a whisper if,
that's all you have to give

I attended a muggle primary school in my hometown called Sherwood Primary. It was not a great school, but it was the only school in our small town. The town is in the middle of nowhere, there is one elementary school, on grade school and one high school.

I was there from the age of three to the age of ten. I spent seven terrible years in that school and I am very happy to see the back of it. I hated being at the school, but unfortunately, the next school was a little too far for me to attend and my family wasn't up for moving just because I was having a bad time.

We did not have houses at this school. It was an incredibly normal school where we were just all kids in one class together. I don't know why we didn't have houses, aside from the whole sorting aspect, it's pretty good for making friends and such, even if the friendships are forced slightly.

I liked the school. My brother had liked the school. It wasn't an overally massive school, there were about twenty kids per class. Sometimes more, most of the time just the same as in all the other classes. It seemed like it would be a good school, but the kids in my class picked on me so quickly into that first day that I had no idea that it would become an almost daily thing.

I passed all my tests and exams. I managed to be the top of my class. Every year and that seemed to annoy them more. The teachers were always very surprised almost like they thought because I was colourblind and I was bullied everyday that I would just stop doing so well, but I kept working. And I did very well.

I really like math class. It was good fun. I never had much issues with it. It had always appeared nice and easy for me. I have no idea how any could actually find it hard. Once something is explained well enough it is as easy as pie. And I like maths a lot. My da likes it to, if ever I am struggling he is always there to give me a hand. He also loved maths at my age.

I think this would have to be Sports. I mean I am terrible at sports and all the people in my class would use it as the best opportunity to hurt me. Even if the sport was meant to non contact. Plus I was never very good at it, so that did not help either.

I did not have one. I really didn't. I hated everyone at that school. The teachers didn't do anything. They just let everything happen to me. Treated me terrible too. So, I didn't like any of them.

All of them. I really hated this one teacher. He was the second teacher I ever got. He just hated me so much, and I have no idea why. He made me stand up in front of the class so often. Used to tell me to read without the silly glasses, that I look stupid constantly pushing them up my nose. He would always give me detention for nothing. I had no idea why he picked on me so much. Honestly. I thought it was awful. Out of all the awful teachers I had, he was most definitely the worst.

I never skipped school. Okay, maybe I didn't do it very often. Just every so often. Mostly just because I hated the people, and if they made me really miserable in the morning, I saw no point in sticking around the entire day. It was silly. It really was. So, I would leave, spend some time reading alone. The teachers didn't care about me, so they never did anything to change it, or make me feel better.

I didn't go to any school clubs, because I didn't like anyone at the school. I really didn't. Which is better. I hated all of them. So, I didn't really want to spend more time than necessary. And really anything over the sort of few hours was unnecessary time spent with them. I get that I might've made more friends, but I was the small, four eyed kid with the weird family. I wasn't going to do well

I didn't achieve any because I never went to anything or took part. I wasn't happy at that school, I didn't want anything to do with it, or the people.

I don't really know where the world is ,
but I miss it now

Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone

Birch is a powerful wood, and combined with dragonstone it forms a brilliant master piece of a wand. It is designer for duelling and attacking, not for the faint hearted it is capable of performing the most power spells out there.

I have not had much of a chance to use my wand yet, but I like it a lot. It feels great in my hands and I feel like I am invincible. I think it's the first time I have felt confident about anything. I know that with my wand, a wand that is just mind I will be just fine. It's a good shape, and it is the right length to fit in my pocket. I am very scared I might break it, but my mama says that it'll be fine. I have wanted a wand ever since I can remember. When my mama would shoot bright lights from it. It was amazing. And I am excited to use my own to do the same.

Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Ivy wands are best suited for social wizards and witches who adapt well in difficult situations and thrive. They also seem to have a knack for healing magic.
Core: Wands with this core appear to be useful with healing spells. Spells from a wand with vampire blood may be stronger than the caster intends, however, so they are advised to take note of this.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

I attend Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in New Zealand. It is the newest of the magical schools I have been told.

Wow. It was so huge. Before coming to New Zealand I had barely been out of Georgia. I had never seen a castle before in real life. It was huge and it was magnificent. I mean I don't really see it, I struggle at night to be able to complete make it out but it is amazing. I love the stone walls inside and the candle light. It is perfect for my eyes. The paintings are incredible and the whole atmosphere is great. I think I fell in love with a school. Hardly surprising with how amazing Hogwarts is.


Coding Done by me, Emzies. If you want to use them, just let me know, I'll PM you the code!
Lyrics: Echo - Jason Walker
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I was super nervous. I didn't know what to expect. My mama had told me little about how we were to be sorted. Plus when I realised that it would be in alphabetical order I was worried. My hands shook the entire time. I mean, in the crowd of my fellow students I could barely see over people's heads. I was just on the tips of my toes trying to see. Then When my name got called I could barely walk. My legs literally felt like jelly. I mean how nerve racking is being sorted. When I sat I saw all the people in the school. That made me less nervous, if they had all been sorted then I would be fine and I was.

Tybalt Archer was a small boy. He would be one of the more elder people in his year, yet he would be one of the smallest. At 11, Tybalt had hoped for a growth spurt, but little had happened in terms of his height. It had never bothered him, it had bothered those around him, which had in turn bothered him. Not being tall enough had meant he wasn't good enough, but that was behind Tybalt now. He was eleven, finally eleven and he was at magical school, something he'd been looking forward to since his mama had first made a stream of bright light appear from an odd looking stick. The tales she had told him of it, had filled his mind with many ideas of what it would be like. Now, after all that time he was at a magical school, with an odd looking stick of his own about to embark upon what would be the greatest experience of his life. Well, that was what his mama always claimed. His da had always found it hard to understand how it could be so important, but he was proud of his son, proud of the little Archer who would be the sole to carry on the name. The only male Archer left in the lastest generation, the only one of that generation to be completely colourblind. Tybalt was looking forward to this school for many reasons, mostly that it would differ from his muggle school before. The last school he had attended had been in a small town in Georgia, in the United States of America. The town he'd grown up, and the town his mama's family had spent years in. It was a close knit community, people talked a lot and yet school had been terrible for Tybalt, he'd had difficulty reading, difficulty writing and he'd always been the smallest boy. He was a shy little boy who didn't always know how to talk to people. It also hadn't helped that him and his da were the two colourblind people of the town or that his mama had been the one who left mysterious at the start of September for some school they never got the name of. Nor that Archer's were new to town, and the town wasn't all too friendly with outsiders who'd married in and weren't from the south. All in all, the day the entire family had packed the family SUV and driven up to the airport to leave once and for all had been the greatest day of his life. Tybalt didn't know how to be with Hogwarts. He felt excitement, and he was also petrified. What would it be like? What would he learn? What wonders would he see? Hogwarts would open doors for him, no longer restricting him to a small mundane life in a town where all magic would have to be hidden. He was glad to be there, but his small stature didn't give him a lot of confidence for this first year. He stood at slightly smaller than all the other people he'd be in classes with from here on out. All the colourblind pre-teen wanted to do was have a better experience of here than he had had of the previous muggle school. Which he would only find out later, or as soon as he was put into a house. Tybalt knew of all the things he was nervous about, the whole sorting process literally made his knees shake. It made his heart hammer in his chest, so much so he could hear it in his ears. The steady beat of his heart pushing blood through his body at a quickening pace each time his mind lingered on the topic of sorting. Where would be end up? Happy was what his parents would be wherever he was placed, he just wanted somewhere good. Somewhere that suited what he needed.

The problems of the sorting was purely in not knowing what he was really like. He hadn't really discovered who he was. He didn't know if he was brave enough, smart enough, sly enough or even hard working enough. He knew he wasn't brave. That much was true, he would run from his bullies, climb up trees and hide in places most wouldn't even give a thought to. This all didn't mean things ended well for him, but when he could be ran. He didn't think he was sly, or self serving, he hoped he wasn't. He was hard working, he worked very hard but he didn't think it would be enough to get him through to that house and then he didn't think he was smart enough. Not by a long shot. Although this was very untrue. Tybalt was smart, he was the kind of guy who worked hard for what he could achieve and so would in the end achieve what he wanted. He worked and he got it. So he figured he was one of two, hufflepuff or ravenclaw. While he secretly desired Gryffindor. In the end, he was just looking to keep his head down and just get some friends. Really anyone who was willing to talk to him would be good. Anyone who wasn't just completely wrapped up in bullying him. Tybalt Archer had what his da claimed as the Archer luck. No matter how hard they'd pushed against the bullying in the first days nothing had been done. The Archer luck was not good luck, in fact in batches much like a stream. The colourblind pre-teen's first experience of this bad luck was the time he'd had his nose broken. It left a small dent and it was pretty obvious he'd had his nose broken, pretty obvious to anyone looking at him. This however was because he'd been elbowed in the face in the playground when he'd been about six. From then on a steady flow of terrible luck had followed. Obviously it had not been horrible, just bad enough that he somewhat believed. Tybalt was just hoping for something less like bad luck here. Hogwarts would be a new leaf for him. He just needed to do well. He just really wishing for something better than before. Tybalt was aware that he was pretty much in the centre of the group of people, and that his robes were the only ones trailing on the floor. He had to stand on the tips of his toes to see near the front. He moved his fringe slightly away from his eyes. Tybalt wrung his hands nervously as the doors opened in front of them. He took a deep breath. His hands were sweating heavily. His heart was beating hard in his chest. He was breathing heavily and just trying to keep seeing what he was meant to be seeing. Tybalt stumbled slightly as the crowd got moved forward. As they were made to move forward. He was soon lost in the crowd. He couldn't really see over people's heads. The crowd moved to the front of the hall, he pushed though to the front and stood. He wanted to see it. All of it was amazing a huge table of professor, a huge hall. The head mistress was first to speak, then the hat sang a song. Tybalt did a double take. A hat, sung a song. He couldn't believe it. Would that be what magic was like all the time? Then the names started being called. He knew he would be first. He had a second name with A.

"Archer, Tybalt"

His body was shaking as he heard his name. He looked up and nervously stepped forward. He kept his eyes on the floor and then made his way to the chair. He sat down, for a brief few seconds his bright blue, (another gene passed through the Archer's males), eyes washed over the hall. It was huge, it was amazing. It was perfect. He'd be fine he knew it. Just as that thought crossed his mind, the hat was placed upon on his head.

"Gryffindor, hmm? You know, any other hat would put you in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff on the spot. But I can see you being there - being a Gryffindor. The whole romantic ideal of what Gryffindor stands for could be you, and there's not even a chance at that unless I put you there to become a lion. So you have it, sir: GRYFFINDOR!"


I am currently in 6th year.

It was really, so much better than I ever expected it to be. I spent the first few days of the holiday telling everyone in my family of the wonderous magic that Hogwarts was. I was so nervous when I first arrived, and sure, I've had some pretty unplesant experiences, like that Slytherin girl who just seems to have it out for me. But, all the classes are great and I've made some fantastic friends. There is Indiana, Kyle and Juliette(cousin). I feared it would be too much, that people would spend the entire time making fun of me, just like my last school. But it has been magical. I can not wait for next year!
SECOND YEAR: Well, it was different from first year. For one, I barely saw Indiana. I mean I saw her around, but not that much. That or Juliette, or really anyone. I guess it was sort of an odd year. I had told my parents and grandparents about my cousin who was at the school, and then I found him in the school. That was probably the best thing about the year. I really got to know him during that time. And that really improved my year. Classes are good. Different and harder but still good. I was really happy with everything. I could've done better yes, but I had other things. I joined the quidditch team, hopefully I will again, I'm in the brotherhood, I'm on the Accio! team. It's all really good. Nothing really got in my way during this year. Not like it had before. I'm really excited for next year. Hopefully it'll be even better than this year. Though, that'll be pretty hard!
THIRD YEAR: Third year was great, I did really well in all my classes, and I made the team again which was good. Now I can fly without much trouble at which is an improvement from when I first started. I guess sometimes I get a little worried, but it's better now. I'm still the photographer on Accio! which is good. This year, I also got a girlfriend, B, it's a secret so you can't tell anyone. My parents were really happy with my grades, and with the fact I was on the team which is nice. I've been working really hard so that I can teach Lydia. She's getting good despite being young. This year I also spent a lot of time during the breaks getting to know my cousin. Who is great. It was during this year that I ended up becoming the top points earner for the school and Gryffindor
FOURTH YEAR: This year was both good and bad. I once again made the team, and I'm still on the yearbook, but I was also made the club leader of the Club Academia, which brought with it so much more work than I had thought would. The first term didn't go as well as I had wanted it to go. I got sick midway through the term, and well this wasn't good for the rest of term, I was pretty lazy essentially, but, it took going home, and spending time with my family that got things to be back on track. The second term I did a lot better. Things with B were a little more rocky this year, we both are annoyed by the fact that we can't spend too much time together, but you know, we can't actually do anything about that. Not really. All things considered I'm happy with how the year went. In this year I was only the tops points earner for Gryffindor
FIFTH YEAR: This year was incredible, but so busy. Between the clubs I'm a part of, and the OWLs, it was all hands on deck from the very moment that I stepped into the school. I was a little worried about the amount of work I had taken on, but it turned out to be pretty simple. I worked really hard, and got good grades at the end of it. It really paid off, all the work that I did for it. Admittedly I could've done more with the club that I run but, with some many classes, it was tricky to have everything going as well as being able to do the yearbook and quidditch. It was a lot of work, but I'm feeling pretty great at the outcome of it. It's pretty amazing. I also managed to be the top points earner for both Gryffindor, and the school. It's pretty incredibly, I'm so happy that I've managed so much during this year.

I graduated in 2038.


Tybalt Archer could not quite believe what was happening. He had been working so hard throughout the seven years at this school for this moment and yet it being here filled him with amazement. It was strange to think of all the things his year had been through all the exams, all the heartache and friendships was at a close. It was funny to him that he'd worked so hard and now it was over. Today was graduation day and in Ty's mind he honestly couldn't believe it. Tybalt had worked hard over this last semester, and he was hopeful about getting his NEWTs and being able to become a healer. He was hopeful about all the things he might be able to do when he left this hall one final time. There were so many emotions running through Ty that he didn't quite know which one to latch on to. It was as if the head boy could suddenly feel everything under the sun. He'd dressed nice for this occasion, he'd attended two previous graduations both of which in his uniform but this time, he'd worn a suit. He had been given it by his mother over Christmas. Where in first year his clothes were all much too big for him, with too little money in their house to get him better fitting ones to replace them, now he'd grown and the clothes he bought fitted him with ease. His family had come along way since that fateful day he arrived at Hogwarts. He'd grown in confidence, found part of his family and his family had started to move on. Tybalt was nervous, he'd grown in confidence but the thought of speaking in front of this large crowd made butterflies flutter in his stomach. He had something prepared, well, he had a few things in his mind that he thought he should mention but other than that nothing concrete. He'd tried to prepare something but all he'd really managed was just awful. This felt so huge, so momentous that whatever he wrote did not quite cut it. Tybalt Archer knew as the headmistress got up to speak that it would soon be over to him. He looked to her, and found a smile reaching his lips. A nervous smile but really his pride and joy shone too. All too soon, his and Rosie's names were mentioned and he knew it was time. Time for him to get up and address all of these people. Himself and Rosie had agreed that he would go first, so with a small nod, the boy got up and stood at the podium. He looked out over the audience and remembered the first and only other time he'd stood up and faced the hall like this. To be sorted, to have the next seven years decided, and now that was at a close.

"Good afternoon folks," he started, knowing he should probably be more formal, but this was his graduation. "First I would like to offer my congratulations to my fellow graduates, and offer my thanks to our friends, families and professors who join us today." he cleared his throat slightly. "It's funny, don't you think? The last time any of us got up on to this stage it was when we first arrived to get sorted. I was about half the height I am now, and nervous about what the future would hold. I was in a new country and just desperate to not fall on my face" He paused slightly "Being a small first year in such a large and magical school is daunting, you are desperate to find a place, find friends and find out what path you'll take. Somewhere down that line we grew up. Sat our OWLs, forged bonds that will last lifetimes or that we'll happily break off the minute we leave this room. We found a place, friends and maybe a path. School teaches us about the values of friendship, about strength, about being true to ourselves and of course it taught us a little bit of magic." Tybalt took a small pause and a little breath, "In our time here at Hogwarts we've learned a good many things. Like don't annoy Professor Styx unless you want to sign your own death warrant, try to not fall asleep in Professor Spenser's history class, don't question the usefulness of turning a chipmunk into stone in Professor King's Transfiguration class, or even why do so many electives involve telling the future. We've learned that being a professor at Hogwarts is hard because a lot of them don't last very long, and that the new first years were always more bratty than any of us ever remember being." he smiled glancing towards where the professor's were sitting, hoping they didn't mind what he'd said. "We came here as young children, with brand new wands, and a new house, we leave as smart, young adults who can achieve anything but will likely need to get a new house. On the matter of houses, after we leave this hall our Hogwarts Houses will no longer matter. The core values that each of them teach us however is something we should carry with us, the determination of Slytherin, the wisdom of Ravenclaw, the courage of Gryffindor and the loyalty of Hufflepuff."

"Today is the first chapter of the rest of our lives. Today, we graduate. We should hold our heads high and be proud of everything we've done so far. We are amazing young people who will continue to be amazing in whatever we do next. Find love, find a career, explore the world, do nothing. The world is ours, it is at our feet. We leave the comfort of this home today to join the wider world, it's scary but we can do it. Congratulations fellow graduates, I wish you all of the best. I hope you achieve all that you want. Graduates of 2038, let's show all these old guys what young people can do." Tybalt smiled slightly, "Thank you" He finished. A smile on his lips, he wasn't sure how good his speech was, but he was glad it was over. He felt good about it. Happy. He made his way back to his seat, he had been nervous about leaving Hogwarts, but was feeling pretty confident now. He knew he could do it, he would miss Hogwarts but he was ready to move on.

Tybalt Archer was very pleased when his speech was over, he was incredibly happy about it. He felt that he managed it fine, and since she'd listened to him, he made sure to continue listening to her. Rosie's speech to him was great, it was perhaps a little more formal than his but it was good nonetheless. Happily he couldn't believe how quickly all this was passing. To the teen it honestly seemed like just a couple of days ago he'd arrived at Hogwarts. He'd first stepped into this room and then managed to get himself sorted into Gryffindor. he couldn't believe how time had passed. The friends he'd made, the enemies, just everything. He missed Indiana, and he missed B, he wished they both could've been there for him, and him for them, but thus was life and he wouldn't wait around for them before he moved on. Happily the teen gathered himself as Rosie rounded off her speech. He clapped with the others but also straightened out the tie and wiped his hands down on his trousers. Just attempting to be more presentable for this moment. For this. He couldn't believe how quickly it had come. Much like in the same way that they'd arrived Professor King read out names.

Ty's surname since it began with an A was pretty early on. He walked up on stage to get his diploma. He could make out his cousin in the audience this time around as he shook the headmistress' hand and muttered a quick thank you. Ty's parents hadn't been able to make it, but he hadn't been fussed by it. They were busy, and Ty hadn't really wanted them there. He liked it just being him and his cousin. Now he had his diploma, Tybalt went back to his seat and sat down. Watching as the rest of his class did the same. His heart felt heavy, this was it. It was over. No more school, no more Gryffindor, no more quidditch team. It was over. He had to say really, the passed 7 years had been pretty great. He thought he had done pretty well. Tybalt clapped along with the others in the hall. The head boy was just happy to have his, and to have made it. This had been great. Tybalt wouldn't change one moment of it.

Well, my mama always taught me about photography, so when there was an application process going around to apply. I did. I thought it would be a good way to meet people and perfect what I like doing. So I am proudly part of the yearbook staff. Accio!

Apart from that I am not yet old enough to receive any positions just yet, so this is a none for right now. Though I am kind of hoping that I maybe get a prefect thing when I reach the proper age.

In my second year I joined the quidditch team, became a team beater. God, my mama was proud. She was all happy when I told her. As was my da, though he understood less. I got the impression that my mama had never really expected me to get so far, or to even bother. But, I wanted to get better, to learn so that I could teach that sister of mine. And I'm happy I did. Hopefully I'll keep getting on the team. That would be great.

In my third year, I once again made it on to the quidditch team. I had sort of thought that my first time on the team had been because they felt sorry for me, but, that has turned out to not be true. I might actually be good at it. I'm still a beater, the easiest I find. Nothing but swinging and hitting. As long as I can see, I'm all good. My mama and da were super proud, and my little sister, she was so happy. I'm going to start showing her how to fly this year, so when she gets to hogwarts she'll be really good at it. I'm also still on the Accio! yearbook. I love it also, but it's hard work. Well, they both are, Accio and quidditch, but in different ways. Since I'm at almost all the school events for one, and playing almost every night for the other. I have barely any me time. But, I love them both, and wouldn't stop for the world.

In fourth year, I joined the team again, and my dad went out with me and my ma and we bought a whole bunch of new quidditch gear, which was great. I know now that I'm actually fairly good. I'm not the best, but I'm getting better and I work super hard so it's good that I can do it. I practice a lot, and take so much more joy in practicing than I did when I started. Accio! is also good. I do a lot of work for it, and I have generally hundreds of left over pictures from various events that don't actually make it into the year book. Sometimes I give them to folk who are in them. This year, I became the leader of the club, Club Academia. I hadn't thought I would be the person for this, surely someone in an older year would've been better suited for it. But, I've enjoyed it so far, it's a lot of work, and it's definitely not easy but I'm looking forward to doing more with it.

In fifth year, not much changed from the previous year, the only major change was that I was made a prefect. Which came as a huge surprise to me really. I never ever expect to be able to do that with my time at school. At the same time I've remained the president of academia and I've kept on at the Accio! In all of the things I've worked really hard, and continued to try to provide the best experience for those in the clubs I'm a part of, and I was really pleased to be able to be a prefect and show my strengths in that.


OWL Results
History Of Magic:
Defence Against the Dark Arts: OCharms:
Muggle Studies:
Ancient Runes:

My best class? Now that's hard. I don't know what my best class would even be at this point. I've worked hard in all my lessons. I've tried ridiculous hard in all of them, but I guess if I had to really pick it would probably be either Potions or Charms. Both of these lessons are easy to follow, well taught and give the student a lot more freedom over what they can do in it. I do have some problems in Potions because of my eye sight, but other than that, they are easily my best classes.

The worst class, ah man, I think it would be divination. As much as I enjoy it, and I like the professor I'm just not as good at it as I am with other subjects. Other subjects are easier than this one. I've just not got the same open mind as others clearly do to be able to find the class much easier and simpler than I do. I've really struggled with many aspects of it, but I'm always keen to keep an open mind and try a lot hard in the class. It's why despite being able to drop the class, I'm continuing with it in NEWTs.

Having done a lot of classes, I've gotten to know a lot of the professors, and I would honestly say that my favourite of all of them is Professor Le Fey, the divination professor. It's pretty easy to know why. It's a good subject which I do struggle with, and she's always happy to lend a hand, or be there for the students who need it. Her classroom is warm and inviting and she creates an atmosphere necessary for the subject as well as just nice. It's a good class, and I'm really glad that I've taken it. Professor Le Fey is an amazing person, and I think that a lot of people miss out when they don't take that class.

I've never really had a least favourite professor, it's difficult because I respect all the teachers that we have, but, I think it would probably the Transfiguration professor that we have for 5th through to 7th. She's a good professor and everything, but, going from the incredibly friendly headmistress to her is a little tricky and admittedly I do prefer the other transfiguration professor over her. Her classes were just easier to follow and I found it easier to really pay attention in them. It was just better. I can assure you of that. Maybe others prefer it, but I don't.

Yearbook Photos:

Rumor Has It Mentions
V5: Finally one dies, and then another one pops up? Really? How sad is this place? We were just getting used to being without a bloody Archer and now we have one? This just sucks. Anyway, this isn't about Tybalt. This is about the slob that is obsessed with him, Indiana Night. Girl, you are eleven (or twelve). Don't give it out to some freak and have a baby that can't tell the color green from red. I know you probably can't get any guy to like you because of your desperateness, but well, why settle for a freak? Ten bucks says that he is orphan too and wants someone to love him. Want to turn into a bulimic Kate Moon? Be our guest because we need someone else to spotlight since she is getting boring anyway. She tries to latch onto so many guys, like Preston and Damon. Boys, unless you want to go to the free clinic, get the hell out of there.

Just when you thought we were rid of the Archer's, another one comes along. It's no surprise that this idiot is colour-blind too, but he is also a cry-baby. Oh the joy! One drama-king to the next. I suppose nothing about Tybalt Archer should surprise us as we've probably seen it from Stefan already. But here's something we didn't see coming - this dude got punched by a girl. Not only did he bleed but I bet he cried his little heart out. I vote that we keep hitting this little girl until he is gone, like his Archer-relative.

V6: Stefan Archer has kept himself under the radar lately, is this due to a new lady in his life? Perhaps it's due to the fact that he just had a reunion with his good-for-nothing cousin. Oi vey.

V7: Boohoo, poor Tybalt Archer is alone in the world again. With the glorious moment that Hogwarts had when Stefan and his drama-queen girl friend left, it probably left Tybalt feeling alone. Which is what he is - he literally has zero people that like him. Any kind of attention he receives is only because people pity him - and want a better conscience. It's no surprise though, he's just as friendless, annoying and pathetic as his cousin was. Get used to it Tybalt, you are just another Archer that is soiling the ground of Hogwarts.

You could come and save me ,
try to chase the crazy


4 MONTHS OLD The boy was crying softly in the middle of the night. It was a cold winter's night, much colder than it would be normally. The boy moved a lot in his sleep, causing the sheets to become loose and causing the cold to affect the young baby. Tybalt Archer was not a loud baby. He was a small baby, growing slowly. The boy was awoken often in the night, by the smallest of things. He was crying so quietly that the little baby monitor beside the bed was unable to pick up the noise. However, the boy was cold, shivering, and upset. Suddenly the patter of small feet came into the room. The window was closed, letting the last of the draft fade away. The noise caused the baby to cry even more, beginning to cry louder. The other child wandered over, he was equally as small, too small for his age, a thin boy with brown hair, and bright blue eyes. He grabbed a nearby chair and put it up against the crib. He looked over the edge. Smiling down at the little crying baby. "Hey little brother" He whisper in the small voice he had, quieter than normal so as to not wake their parents. He reached down and put the sheet back over the boy. But, the baby only seemed to quieten his tears. Mason, reached over the edge and wiped the tears away, before deciding that he needed to get in too. He was a little worried, it wouldn't take the weight, but, he just lay down next to his brother and this let the little baby fall asleep. Tears gone. Mason fell asleep, and in that moment vowed to always protect his little brother.

1 AND A HALF YEARS OLD "Mr and Mrs Archer?" The young doctor called in the waiting room. Two fairly young parents rushed to their feet and rushed over to the young doctor. A young boy holding his mother's hand followed behind, slow steps, attempting to keep up. The mother bent down and brought the child up into her arms. As she hurried to keep up with the doctor. They had both just spent the better part of the day working, taking the time out to go to the doctor's for their young son, Tybalt. They followed the young doctor into his office, where he motioned for them to both sit down. "Now, like with your other son," The doctor paused, looking to the file, "Mason" Branson interceded, with a small forced smile. They had been going back and forth from this hospital, testing, like they had done with Mason, and they were hoping for more positive results, but Branson already knew. "Yes, Mason Archer, we conducted the same tests, and well, I'm sorry to say, but, Tybalt's tests came back positive, he has Achromatopic." Mason looked down at the little boy in his mum's arms. Smiling sadly at him. He looked up at his wife and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. They hadn't expected him to be immune. They had hoped, but, it would be impossible. He was an Archer, his son was an Archer, both of them had it. All of the males had it. "We thought he would, we just wanted to be sure" The young mother said, glancing from her boy to her husband. "Thanks anyway"

5 YEARS OLD The young boy had fallen somewhat silent. He had barely spoken a word since arriving. It had been a difficult few months. He had been supposed to be starting primary school, but due to the recent events the boy hadn't. Instead he had found himself locked in the bedroom at his grandfather's house. Hungry and basically pleading his grandfather to give him something. The most words that the boy had spoken at all since it had happened. His grandda was not a nice man, he had realised. He seemed to hate the fact that he had the same eyesight as all the others in the family. Hate the fact he was of magical blood. The world magical scum had been said too many times. Along with many other choice words, that Tybalt was sure he wasn't allowed to say because they were bad words. He heard the door unlock, and looked round. His grandda stood at the door frame, beckoning him forward, and to the kitchen. The dish that he had refused on his third day at this house sat in front of him. Without a spare moment's thought he began eating. It didn't matter that he really hated it. That with each mouthful he felt sick. He had just never been so glad to eat. "I told you it would work" He heard his grandfather say to his grandma, victory clear in his voice. "Three days, four nights was all it took. He's learned that being fussy will get him no where"

8YEARS OLD Blood was pouring freely from his nose. He was running, a wad of toilet paper held against his nose as he pushed forward. Running, and running. Not sure where he was going, but knowing that he needed to just keep going. Their jeers sounded behind him. They were catching up. Tears were streaming down his face, mixing with the blood. He was aching, he couldn't believe them. He just kept going. Never looking back, not really paying attention to the direction that he was heading in. Just running, and running. Never thinking twice. Never wondering if it was the best idea. Never. Just keeping on going. He stumbled, tripping up over his own feet, falling down on the ground with a large thump. Using one hand to break the fall, he heard a distinct snap, but the pain didn't wash over him, as it should, all he could do was glance back, it was lost. He was doomed, his little mind told him. There was no hope, he had no hope. This was it. Once again, Tybalt found himself stuck in a situation that he would just have to grin and bare it. It couldn't get worse, surely. He curled into a ball, and just waited, hoping they'd tire out quickly.
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1st Year
The Wand Process
People In RP: Kailie Styx
Date Started: 31/7/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Change Of Scenery and People
People In RP: Kovu Lothorien
Date Started: 2/8/12
Group At Time:Gryffindor
The Start of a New Friendship
People In RP: Rose Bellard
Date Started: 1/8/12
Group At Time:Gryffindor
The First Morning
People In RP: Indiana Night
Date Started: 3/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Familiar Looking
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 3/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Practicing on Benches
People In RP: Cato Austman
Date Started: 2/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
A Ghost of the Not-So-Distant Past
People In RP: Sara Moon
Date Started: 3/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
People In RP: Kyndel James
Date Started: 7/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
The Confusion Starts Now
People In RP: Josefina San Buenaventura
Date Started: 12/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Splendrillia eburnea
People In RP: Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart
Date Started: 11/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Welcome (back) Cubs!
People In RP: Various Gryffindors
Date Started: 12/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Speck of Dust
People In RP: Indiana Night
Date Started: 15/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Where Are All the Brother(hood) Boys At?
People In RP: Various Characters
Date Started: 13/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
The Day Off
People In RP: Kyle Cavanaugh
Date Started: 20/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Water, Heat and Death?
People In RP: Juliette DiSnow
Date Started: 24/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Everything will be okay
People In RP: Juliette DiSnow
Date Started: 28/8/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Wanting To Swim
Josefina San Buenaventura
Date Started: 8/9/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Wherefore Art Thou
People In RP: Indiana Night, Preston Paine
Date Started: 9/9/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Getting Closer
Kate Moon
Date Started: 4/11/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Yas Man
Kyle Cavanaugh
Date Started: 5/12/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor

2nd Year
Good Time
People In RP: Jasmine Smith
Date Started: 27/12/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Y17 Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts!
People In RP: Various Gryffindors
Date Started: 31/12/12
Group At Time: Gryffindor
The Noble House of Godric Gryffindor
People In RP: Margo Liddell
Date Started: 6/1/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Being Lazy For Halloween
People In RP: Mel Woods
Date Started: 27/1/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
People In RP: Stefan Archer
Date Started: 28/1/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
SlytherDor v HuffleClaw
People In RP: Various Quidditch Players
Date Started: 17/3/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Post Game Trauma
People In RP: No one - Closed
Date Started: 31/3/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Chase The Devil At Night
People In RP: The Archers, Kate Moon
Date Started: 11/3/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Post Game Trauma
People In RP: No one - Closed
Date Started: 31/3/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
One Final Get Together
People In RP: Various Characters
Date Started: 1/5/2013
Group At Time: Gryffindor

3rd Year

Project: Have Fun
People In RP: Kieran Adam Boneheart, Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart, Kyle Cavanaugh
Date Started: 8/5/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Y18 Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts
People In RP: Various Gryffindors
Date Started: 15/5/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
People In RP: Amelia Saltzman
Date Started: 17/5/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
People In RP: Indiana Night
Date Started: 17/5/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Club Meet and Greet!
People In RP: Various Characters
Date Started: 25/5/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Catching Up With The Roomies
People In RP: Liam Kale, Kyle Cavanaugh
Date Started: 11/6/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Tearing Us Apart
People In RP: Taylor Blare
Date Started: 31/5/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
People In RP: Rhiannon McGowan, Bituin San Buenaventura
Date Started: 14/7/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
We're Radioactive
People In RP: Bituin San Buenaventura, Indiana Night
Date Started: 18/7/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Christmas At the Archers
People In RP: Bituin San Buenaventura, Stefan Archer, Tara Sitara
Date Started: 23/7/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Early Risers Assemble
People In RP: Rose Bellard, Indiana Night
Date Started: 30/7/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
Even A Cub Needs Sleep
People In RP: Bituin San Buenaventura
Date Started: 10/8/13
Group At Time: Gryffindor
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