Two Sunshines

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Norton Gillespie

astronomer | astronomy y5-7 (temp)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13" Rigid Redwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
2/2032 (25)
Norton loved spending time with April, he knew that her spirits might not be as high because of the quidditch game and how that had turned out, but he was absolutely determined that they still have a good time together. He was determined to have a whole load of fun. If only because he was thinking about how good she always was for him. How they had seemingly quite easily moved into this new aspect of their relationship. The transition from friends to this had been a little complicated but he felt they were able to easily hit a stride. He wore a slightly more casual suit, blue trousers and white shirt with a blue design on it. He had dressed in a way that he would enjoy. The Hufflepuff prefect was once again waiting for her, with a little less time than before but he had two snacks, two lollipops. One of them was already in his mouth, staining parts of his teeth red like the deep red colour of the lollipop and holding on to the other, clearly for April. He was so sure that he could make them have a great time. Norton was more than eager to have a good time and show April a good time.
April wasn't really in the mood to celebrate today, but she knew she couldn't just stay inside her dormitory. It was Valentine's day, and her boyfriend would want to spend the night with her. Truthfully, she wanted that too, but she wished they had their victory to celebrate as well. The fact that they didn't was because she had failed as a seeker, and that made her very sad. She had put on some nice clothes, though, and made her way to the great hall where Norton was waiting for her. Her mood lifted a little immediately when she saw him, and she smiled at him, though it was not her usual bright grin. She made her way over and noticed the lollipop. She hesitated before giving him a brief hug. "Thanks." She said softly.
Norton let his face break into a happy smile when he saw her. He returned the hug happily, smiling at her with a fondness in his expression. He held out the lollipop for her and smiled, ”Hey April,” The teen said to her, holding it out to her, ”I got this for you, so you don’t steal my snakcs like last time,” he took his own lollipop out of his mouth while he spoke. The teen knew that April might not be in the best spirits following the way that the game had gone but he was more than happy to go the extra mile for her. To do something more for her and make sure that she forgot all about what had happened and they could just hang out and forget all about it. ”You look amazing, April. Do you want to dance like crazy and show all these gross couples that just because you’re with someone that you don’t have to be all love dovey?” Norton asked with a wide grin, dancing like crazy and having a good time would surely lift both of their spirits, would help her forget everything.
April took the lollipop from him and held it close for a moment. "Thanks, I won't steal your snacks anymore if you don't want me to." She added, her voice a bit more subdued than normal. She was feeling happier with Norton, but the game was still weighing on her. "But I love this, thanks!" She tried her best to keep her spirit up and appear happy and excited. She didn't want Norton to think for even a moment that she wasn't excited to spend the evening with him. At his suggestion for the night, she laughed and nodded, taking his hand. "That sounds amazing." She said, squeezing his hand. "Let's show them how to have fun."
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Norton could tell that she wasn’t feeling as excited as she might normally. He could see that she was trying and he wanted nothing more than to make sure she had a truly wonderful time. He thought she absolutely deserved it. He put his lollipop back into his mouth and took her hand and led her out to the dance floor where they would be able to have some fun. Once he’d found a spot he stopped and looked at her with a wide grin. ”You know we’ve been going out like a year now, and I don’t want to get gross on you but I want you to know, you’re my stars,” he knew it was a cheesy little line, but he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of what was confetti stars and threw them up around them. It would create a dumb little mess, but as he started dancing he hoped she would know that he cared, that he was proud regardless, that she meant more to him than he’d have thought possible. That he maybe….loved her. He also thought that the little mess he was creating, while smiling and laughing would show that despite it being a true and serious statement that she brought him such joy he could only say it with joy.
April followed Norton onto the dance floor, already feeling a bit better once they were there. It was always fun to dance with him, and she knew today would be no exception. But when she saw his grin, she knew there was more he'd had planned. His words made her heart melt a little bit, and she felt her cheeks heat up. "You're silly." She muttered, but then laughed as he threw confetti stars. He'd clearly brought them for just this. April started dancing with him, taking both his hands. She realized in this moment that she loved Norton, and while that was a terrifying thought, she mostly just wanted to kiss him. She did so, preferring not to think too hard about anything. She leaned in and kissed him as they danced.
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