Open Two Minutes to Curfew

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (11)
Gods, it was right at curfew, but Magne hadn't noticed the time fly by. he had had his first transfiguration class and his first astronomy class, and it had gone poorly. He had tried taking notes in both of them, but looking at his notes he was at a loss. They barely made sense. He had tried to get them down in english, but it was a mess of words. Magne had come to the library after the astronomy class, intending to take some time to figure it out, and in a blink time had passed. He'd missed dinner and he was absolutely going to get into trouble for being out too late. Worst of all, Magne felt no better at it. He was frustrated and had several dictionaries and books open. He was hungry and tired, sleeping on a solid bed in school was not what he was used to. Magne missed his parents badly, missed their kind words and soft touches. He missed the easy conversations he could have with them.
Kiara felt like she had somehow gotten through her time as a prefect quite smoothly. She hadn't stumbled upon any troublemakers yet during her evening patrols, nor had she really have to be stern with anyone. Both things that were good for her, because she had no idea how she would actually handle a situation like that. Realizing she had forgotten one of her notebooks earlier she quickly ducked into the library on her way to meet up with her patrol partner, glad she found it on a table near the entrance. Good. Right where she had left it. As she was about to turn around and head back out of the library Kiara noticed something from the corner of her eye. It hardly seemed like the librarian so she was pretty sure it was a student who was cutting it rather close to curfew. Part of her just wanted to turn around and leave, but a bigger part of her felt the need to walk over and see if they were okay. "Hi." She said softly as to not startle the boy since she walked up to him from behind, now recognizing him from the club fair as she got closer. "Magne, right?" Kiara asked with a smile when she arrived at the table. "Are you okay..? Do you know it's almost curfew?"
Magne jumped in surprise when there was suddenly a voice in front of him. He glanced up at the girl, the one that Valerius had been chatting to, from the wild patch club. There was a beat of silence before he frowned and then glanced at the dictionary. "Curfew?" he asked, the word felt familiar like he should know it, but he couldn't figure it out. All of his thoughts were so muddled with the school work he was attempting to do.
Kiara waited patiently for Magne to answer, not minding the silence while he was probably figuring out what to say. From what she had overheard at the club fair English didn't seem to be his first language. "Yeah, curfew." She nodded. "It means, uhm, you need to be in your room after a specific time." She tried to explain it in as few words as she could.
Magne frowned a little and then from under the books pulled out an old muggle watch and realised the time. "Oh!" he said, opting for english in his exclamation. He had no idea where the time had gone, but it had simply, and absolutely gotten away from him. "Time lost. Lost time," he said the sentence more or less twice, knowing the first time that he had it wrong. "συγνώμη..sorry," he was beginning to pack his things up, trying his best to gather the books and notes together, frustrated that he was so close to having broken a rule.
Kiara honestly wasn't too bothered by Magne being out so close to curfew, even if she knew he wouldn't make it back to the common room on time. At least he didn't look like he had done so on purpose which meant she felt no need to act strict with him. That likely wasn't going to help him. "It's alright." She ensured him, handing him one of the books as he started packing up. "I know you didn't mean to. I might have to walk you down to the common room though, to keep you from actually getting in trouble if someone catches you out in the hallway past curfew."
Magne was relieved that he wasn't about to get in trouble for almost missing curfew, he also knew that getting back to the dorm would put him after curfew, so he welcomed being walked back. "Okay," he agreed, as he began to put away the books and notes he had. He was trying to do it quickly so as to not waste more time or get into any further trouble. the girl was being nice but a professor might not be as nice to him. "More..time pieces..." he paused, frowning and had already put away his dictionary. He gave a frustrated huff. "Clocks..needed," he was trying to say something a little lighter.
Kiara was glad Magne didn't seem too bothered about the prospect of her walking him back to the common room once he had packed up his stuff. At least that way she could make sure no professor or other prefect would punish him for being out after hours. "Huh," She responded as she looked around the room after Magne's statement. "You're absolutely right, they should have more clocks around here." She nodded with a smile, mainly trying to make him feel at ease. It had to be difficult to be send to a school when you were still learning the language everyone around you used. "Are your classes going alright? Or are you having trouble?" She asked, nodding towards the books and notes he was packing away.
Magne was relieved when she understood him. It was frustrating to no end for him to struggle so much with this language. He was trying and Valerius was proving to be the most helpful, just in that he was able to bridge the gap that Magne couldn't. He gave a little shrug and nodded. "Valerius is helping," he told her, " a lot," Magne said. There was just so much he didn't know and he had to come at it differently, just so he could understand. "It will be easier soon," he tried to stay positive about it.

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