Twilight The Movie Discussion

Katalina Harker

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Here it is!! Discuss away whatever you want to about the TWILIGHT movie!!
Harry Potter Harry Harry Potter

Katalina Vanderhol said:
So what are your thoughts on the actresses playing Jessica and Angela?
Or how about Mike, Eric, or Tyler?
I personally didn't like them because they weren't like I'd imagined them but they were cute actresses.

Mike and Eric however, O.M.G. SO CUTE! :D
I liked Angela (though they could have made her a bit more shy like she was in the books), but Jessica was just waaaaay to ditzy for my taste....and they left out Lauren the uber biznitch :p
Mike was way to perfect and he had some hilarious lines in there which made him an unforgettable character.
Eric and Tyler I'm still undecided on, but they were pretty good in those parts.
I thought they were good. I loved Anglea's character, but she could've been a bit more shy. Jessica was too much of a ditz for me. Mike just outright bothered me. Eric was perfect but he seemed a bit gay, which I loved. Edward was sooooooooooooooo akward.
My fave scene was the one in the Biology class the first time that they actually interacted with each other. His face was epic!!
I loooved Eric!!!! The best "human" character for me I think. Though he did seem a bit too gay to like Bella so it was like what? when he was trying to ask her out.

There was something off about Jessica that I didn't like.

I liked Jacob's friends Sam & Quil right? They fit the part well & Billy Black was like perfect!
i could say robert is sooooooooo handsome in twilight than in harry potter..
He's grown to look more mature since he was in GoF that's for sure. He was very cute-ish then, but now he's just incredibly gorgeous.
Ok. My views. lol

Eric -- did not picture him Asian, but think it worked. Liked him. Not perfect, but will do.
Mike -- OMG perfect! Fits the image that I had for him.
Jessica -- worked for me. not perfect but ok
Angela -- sooo did not picture her Asian either, but I think she was cute. Not as shy as the books.
Lauren ?????? what happened there? Seriously.

Quil/Sam/Embry - Not sure who the 'friends' were in this flick, but they were hot!
Jacob -- great choice. i was not sure before seeing it if sharkboy could pull it off but he did. love the hair!
Billy -- soooo great and funny!!

Charlie -- damn! he was great! and quite the looker too, but that stache HAS to go! lol

I really liked all the Cullens. Alice was perfect, so was Jasper. Emmitt cracked me up. Rosalie played the b1tch perfectly. Esme and Carlisle were great.

Overall, I really liked the movie. The added scenes were great!

My favorite moments were:

1. Carlisle 'yelling' at Edward telepathically when he drops off Bella after Port Angeles.
2. Billy and Charlie trying to be 'hip'
3. The first Bella/Edward meeting in the lab. The 'wings' behind Edward were soooo great.
havent seen the movie just waiting for Mama to buy me a copy...
Watched it again this morning...can't wait to see it in theatre where the picture will look good. :lol:

I thought Jacob was adorable, but his dialogue they wrote for him was off.
Bella's portrayal grows after a few watches...I think there should have been more tension and time before they're like hey I love you! :lol:

Of course nobody was like how I pictured in my head (that'd be impossible ;) ) but I think they did a good job considering how 'low budget' this film was.

I'm interested to see how the second one will be...the actors maturing and what not in their profession. A little stage seasoning. :lol:

I think I can see why they picked Kristen Stewart to play Bella...when she's in scenes with Charlie, it really works and fits together. She's shy, awkward and hesitant about a lot of things, just like Charlie. :)

Um...think that's all I've got on it right now...except the soundtrack is killer!
Alot of the Twilight Fans think it's awesome, but all the movie critics are calling it, "A complete movie failure that's going to go on box records because of the book itself, which really says something about the book. I went to watch the movie at the threat of a rampaging army of teenage girls, and I found that the Director really couldn't do anything because the plot was set, so she kept playing with the camera angle to the point where it becomes completely ridiculous. When Bella finds out about the Vampire Secret, the camera actually zooms around them a full 360 degree turn..."
I know I ought not to comment, as 1) I haven't seen the movie and 2) I'm sure most, if not all of you know my feelings about Twilight, but honestly...urgh.
It's light teen fodder for teens who think they are 'dark' on the inside. And only teenage girls. Really, it shouldn't work, but because of the romance aspect, it has.

Also, I do not find Robert Pattinson attractive as Edward. I saw a promo for it on television, and they way they've filmed's like they're trying to make it all dark and introspective...when really it just looks, well, to be honest: dodgy.

I've heard that Bella is worse in the movie. Oh, gawd. She's terrible in the book.
I'm sure many people will find it enjoyable, however, so as long as people like it, it's going to be around.

It wasn't worth pushing Harry Potter back, though. Definately not.

I will go and see it and comment properly once it is out in Australia. ;) :p
I COMPLETELY agree with you Violet on the fact that it was NOT worth pushing Harry Potter for it. <_<
As much as I like Twilight, I would always and forever prefer Harry Potter over it.
At least Harry Potter can attract male viewers too, without having to be dragged to it.

I have to agree a little with people that don't like Twilight because it's just all about Bella & Edward and how much they love each other and it does get annoying fast. But I'm not saying I love the book so much because of its amazing literary content, I love it because of the way it makes me feel when I read the book. If a book can make me feel a certain way throughout the whole thing, then the author did their work right. Others may have a different feeling, like the feeling of wanting to puke, and so be it, you can't please everyone. There's nothing wrong with liking a book because it makes you feel...giddy or excited reading it.
I will say "the book is better than the movie" but I still liked the movie on its own for entertainment value. It's a lot better than I thought it would be and I'm a huge stickler for canon. I think people who don't like Twilight already are trying to find a reason to not like it even more. It's the same romance movie, with a different set of characters. Why not hate Titanic or any other romance movie? What's so horribly wrong about Twilight?
I don't get why people hate Twilight so much, so if someone could please explain it to me? :-? ^_^

One of the only things I didn't like so much was that they didn't let the Cullens personalities really come through. Okay so I'm JUST talking about Jasper :r: but come on!!! He totally needed more screen time!!!!!! :p

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