Tutor Opportunity

A.J. Maxwell

OOC First Name
11" Holly, Essence of Phoeinx Feather
A.J. walked into the library, head held high, chin up, and ready to read all about the wizarding world. He opened up a first book titled "Voyages with Vampires" by Gilderoy Lockhart. It was so fascinating to learn about fighting real life vampires. A.J. continued to walk through the library, picking books here and there, until he walked into a door labeled "Restricted". Restraining his curiosity, he turned around and walked back, looking for the most interesting book he could find. He stumbled upon a particularly interesting one titled "Unfogging the Future". He was already very interested in predicting the future, so this book seemed like his type of read. He read through the pages, and became even more obsessed. Crystal balls and palm reading were all at the tip of his hand. Alas, he read the cover, and quickly realized that it said "For wizards of their third year and up". Why couldn't he learn all this stuff now? Aloud he said, "Isn't there anyway I can find my 'Inner Eye?'"
Lucy Harris was up in her new office organizing her desk for the past two hours, and it was really tiring having to sort and label everything. After all of her work was done, she went downstairs to the Library to go see what the students were like before she began to teach them. As she walked around, she saw all kinds of kids reading all kinds of books. It was a great sight to see. Lucy was a Ravenclaw in her days at Hogwarts, so she knew the value of a good book since she spent a great deal reading them. Lucy was strolling down the Divination section of the Library and as she was looking at all the books, a first year picked up "Unfogging the Future." Lucy felt like she should say something to him about it being a third year book, but she figured that wouldn't stop him from reading it anyway. In a few seconds, she heard "Isn't there anyway I can find my 'Inner Eye?'" A lightbulb went on in her head as she figured this would be the perfect chance to start tutoring. That semester, she only one class a week so she had a lot of free time to help students with their Divination studies. She turned to corner to the see the student distressed about the book and the Third year restriction on it. "Um... Hello?" Lucy took a seat at the table and continued, "I'm Professor Harris; the new fifth and sixth year Divination teacher, and I heard you're having some trouble with Divination." She hoped the first year wasn't too taken back by a Professor randomly approaching him. Lucy realized the irony of the situation and giggled a bit, "And no... I did not "see" you having trouble. I just heard you from over there. Now, I'm willing to help you if you want. It's no trouble for me to hold a little tutoring session!" Lucy smiled kindly and hoped she didn't scare the poor kid out of Hogwarts forever.
A.J.'s heart was thumping wildly. Originally he thought he was getting in trouble for nearly entering the restricted section. But after he heard the kind demeanor of her voice he settled down a bit. Now for his answer. Divination tutoring? That sounded very fun. He could become a psychic, or whatever they called them. "Sure, tutoring would be fu- great! It'd be great!" He said. He was nervous talking to the older teacher. In his nervousness, he dropped the copy of Unfogging the Future on his foot and yelped with pain.

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