Tuska Wolf

Tuska Wolf

Well-Known Member

Full Name: Tuskaña Theresa Roanna Roxanna Wolf

Date of Birth: Feb 14th 2009

Current Age: 22

Basic Appearance: Tuska is of average height. She features alot of Spanish Qualities to her, like her dark hair and eyes. Her skin is nicely tan though she does tend to loose some colouring during the winter and become more pale. She features more of a heart shaped face with full lips and very bright eyes. She is very slendor and despite being a ballerina, out and about she is very klumsy and looks to be a bit boney. She was the ideal Swan Princess and played the role with the Spanish Ballet when she was 18.

- Tuska is a very normal person despite her strange name. She remains calm and collective for the most part and isn't easily excited. She does get excited though about books, she enjoys them alot and is very much a bookworm. Tuska is also very clumsy person and is never quite sure how to act around others.

- Fernado Montoya - Father - Deceased - Magic
- Rosa Wolf - Mother - Muggle
- Amba Wolf - Eldest Sister - 25 - Magic
- Toymas Wolf - Eldest Brother - 25 Amba's Twin - Squib
- Ha Eun Wolf - 2nd Sister - 23 - Squib
- Tuskana Wolf - 3rd Sister (character) - 22 - Magic
- Soly Wolf - 4 th Sister - 9 -Magic
- Jackimo Wolf - youngest brother - 5 - Unknown
- German Shepherd named Sphinx (male)

Area of Residence:
- Barcelona, Spain

Blood Status:
- Half Blood

- Mainly Spanish but hints of English and Russian

Special Abilities:
- Wonderful Ballerina

Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading and writing. Dancing.

Additional Skills:
- Knows alot of about both muggle and magical books.

- Her friends and family.

- People offending her family, mocking her.

Describe your character in three words:
- Brillant. Wonderful. Bright.

Favourite place to be:
- La Villa de Amor y Paz. Her holiday home in the Spanish countryside.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- She hopes to go on after school and own a book store so while in school she hopes to learn the most of what books professors like to use the most.

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:
- Potions, Charms

Extracurricular Activities:
- Dancing.

- 2028

Current Job:
- Pending

Plans for your future:
- To own a bookstore. She has quite a lot of cash saved up.

Your Patronus:
- A wolf/ tiger/ otter. It sort of morons but will settle soon.

Your Patronus memory:
- Her, her siblings and all her friends laughing......if was before the fire.

Your Boggart:
- When she was younger, she would dream about this bogey man that would haunt her dreams and he became real on her mind.
Your Animagus:
- Wolf or Large black dog

Mirror of Erised:
- To be back in Spain with all her friends.

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