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Margo Fox

daily prophet reporter 🌸 old soul 🌸 '62 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (20)
Open after Kaitlyn posts with Monday

Margo couldn't believe how swamped she was with assignments already. It didn't help that they had their OWLs at the end of the year and she was trying to start reviewing while she had the chance. But schoolwork felt like a welcome burden after the stress of last year. If the only thing she had to deal with was long reading assignments she would be ok. As content as she was to spend her afternoon studying, being cooped up inside didn't sound like her idea of fun. There was still a chill in the air but it was sunny inside the courtyard so she took up residence with her books and got comfortable. But before she pulled out her Ancient Rune's book she couldn't help but grab the novel her aunt had gotten her instead. It wouldn't hurt to have a little fun before she got to work?
Monday Weeks finished up most of his assignments - which was a sheer miracle but who needed a social life when he had classes, Quidditch, and prefect duties? People his age should be worried about appearances, friends, popularity, and romance. Monday, on the other hand, seemed to be a few years behind in that aspect. It never crossed his mind that he would be a little behind, which he doubted he would even worry about it until he graduated. The blue-haired lad walked outside and into the courtyard to try to practice some of his Ancient Runes, but even he was skeptical about them. Would they work? Or would they only read what they wanted them to read? It was hard to tell with magic involved. As he walked, he noticed someone from his year. Oh, crud, what was her name? Monday had a hard time remembering names but he was getting there. So, he approached and greeted, "Hey, you are... Margo Fox, right?"
Margo shouldn't have been surprised that her aunt had picked out a good book. But she was surprised just how quickly she got hooked and the pages flew by. She had only intended for the distraction to last a minute and now she was looking up suddenly as someone approached her. For a moment she was startled as if she was caught doing something wrong. She blinked a few times and recognized the boy in front of her. She recognized him from her lessons and he was hard to miss with his blue hair. Margo grinned as he used her full name. "That's me." she said cheerfully. "You're Monday." she replied with a nod. "Getting some fresh air?" she asked and moved over on the bench a few inches. "Did you want to sit?" she asked and glanced around the courtyard. There were a few empty spots but she figured he was probably trying to sit with a somewhat familiar face. Margo tried to move over her books too but some of her spare pieces of parchment started to get free. "Oh sorry." she muttered as she scrambled to pick them all up.
Monday was relieved when he got the name right. Good, because he didn't want to confuse someone for another and be humiliated for it. He nodded when she said that he was Monday. Yeah, he wasn't exactly forgettable, especially now with his hair that was blue, though likely wouldn't stay for long. He laughed softly, "Something like that. One can only remain in the castle for so long. And I got done with all my homework and didn't have anything to do." Monday hoped that didn't sound too late, but what could he say? His people skills were a little rusty. Even now, he was hiding the fact that talking to people was still a little hard on him. How should he carry himself? Did he even look friendly? Did he look like he looked down on people? All of those thoughts constantly ran in his head. She offered him a seat, which broke his anxious thoughts, but then some of her parchment started to go elsewhere. "Here, let me help." He bent down to help catch some of the runaway parchment. "I'll be honest, I saw your book and it looked like Ancient Runes. Do you think those runes can really tell us what we want to know, or does it rely on what we want to see?"
Margo nodded sympathetically when he mentioned only being able to stay in the castle for so long. "I know what you mean." she said agreeably. "I usually end up in the gardens when I get too worked up after being in the library all day." she said with a light laugh. As she knelt to pick up her things she tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled when Monday joined her to help. "Thank you." she said genuinely as she got all of it sorted once more. With a sigh she sat back down and it took her a moment to realize she had meant to do her Ancient Runes reading before she got distracted. "Oh right." she said and picked up the book and flipped through a few pages as she considered his question. "I'm not sure." she admitted. "I think they can probably influence our choices and become true. But I like to think of them more as a guide." Margo explained. "If you have a really big question and they tell you one thing but you really want to make a different choice then that kind of solves that." she shrugged. She hoped she sounded wise but in reality she hardly knew what she was saying. She was too scared to ask the questions she really needed guidance in, least they tell her something she didn't want to know.
Monday nodded along as she said that she ended up in the gardens. That was a place that he had yet to really explore since he had been here. Maybe he should one of these days. "I normally find myself at the lake. It is relaxing after a long day, especially if you know how to skip pebbles." Monday had several useless talents, and one of them was making the stones skip on the water a few times before sinking into the abyss. He doubted that he would ever use it. She might have been just as baffled as he was when it came down to Ancient Runes. It was enough to where he considered dropping the course, but he was too stubborn to even consider it. "Interesting take on it, since I am a little skeptical on the stone reading thing." Monday did think of it more like a flip of the coin on decision making, but was there actually magic in the runes? As someone from his background, it was hard for him to wrap around it. "Divination is similar, I feel. But to answer questions, I think the best, fool-proof method is a list of pros and cons. Then luck is not involved." Monday gave Margo a smile since he felt that he was likely rambling on about his own doubts in some of the courses.
Margo smiled as Monday talked about going to the lake. He seemed quite serious in class so it was hard to picture him skipping stones. "I've never gotten the hang of skipping them. But I haven't tried in a long time." she said without mentioning the last time she had tried was when her family was still in tact. She shook off the thought before it could being her memories with it and tried to focus on their current conversation. She had to admit she didn't think that hard on whether or not she believed in runes or divination. She guessed she did since she had gone to Professor Le Fay with questions about her brother. But she was a seer. Everything else, she was less sure on. "Fool proof yes, but not as fun." she said with a grin. "But you are right." Margo sighed. "It's just easier sometime to feel like you can give that responsibility to someone or something else." she said wistfully.
Monday remembered how he taught his sister's friend how to skip rocks, though it was uncomfortable to demonstrate. He would need to figure out another way. "I can teach you. I'm not the best. I once made it skip six times, but never again, or more after that." Monday would love to skip more than that but it might actually be impossible. Monday decided to tease a little bit since not everyone found fun in lists. "What, lists aren't fun? I love making them, so I thought everyone else did too," Monday joked, which did seem uncharacteristic of him to even do since he came across as someone serious. He sort of was, but he was trying to be a bit more social. "If you have issues making decisions or afraid you might decide wrong, yeah, that would be easier. But, Margo, is there something going on that you would resort to that or am I overanalyzing?" Monday had that issue with reading too much into something. That was why his essays often went off on tangents.

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