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Ngawaiata Martin

🎶 stoic 🎶 not your friend 🎶 seventh year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sky) (Bisexual
Straight 11 Inch Sturdy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11/2043 (17)
After last year, Ngawaiata was glad to have both her grades and her social life back on track. What little social life she had, at least. A big circle had never really appealed to her, but Cameron and Margo were at least good people to have around, even if they also liked Isadora for some reason. Right now was a peaceful moment of restoring both elements of her life though; tucked away in a corner of the library working through her homework with Cameron. It was early in the semester yet, but Ngawaiata didn't want to risk getting behind. She was tearing through a book and jotting down notes for her essay, mind in overdrive and almost forgetting her study companion as she worked.
Cameron’s shoulders had been steadily climbing towards his ears the longer their little study session went on, inching higher and higher with each turn of a page or scratch of a quill from Ngawaiata’s side of the table. He however, was making little to no progress, still staring sourly at the first chapter they’d started working on as if he could maybe glare the words into making sense. They’d been here for awhile and he’d made zero progress on starting his own essay, not having a clue where to start. “Can’t you do that any quieter?” He finally snapped, dropping the book in a huff to glare properly at Ngawaiata after a practically grating page turn. “Everyone gets it, you read fast or whatever,” he said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, pointedly avoiding looking in the contrast of their various pieces of parchment on the table. For someone so quiet, Ngawaiata really was a bloody annoying study partner.

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