Turning over a new leaf.... or not

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden was enjoying her afternoon off. She had showed up to Ancient Runes only to be told go and enjoy the last bit of summer outdoors. So that was what Eden was doing. She had her rune stones out laying in the grass every now and than she would flip one over but she was not using them for a reading as of yet. The young Seer was more so playing with her silver snake Judas. "You know Judas I do think you where right Selwin is good for me. Granted him and I wont be together once Lolita tells me who she has picked out for me but until than I have someone to keep my mind off Chase. But than again not that, that matters because once he is out. I don't care who I am with I am leaving them to be with him." Eden whispered to her pet as she turned over another rune stone not even stopping to look to see which one she had in fact turned over.
Justin walked through the grounds, heading for the garden. Justin had had nothing to do lately, and he hadn't seen Trinity in like forever. Justin was hurt that she would just hole herself up and he would probably never see her for the rest of the year. Justin really hoped it wouldn't come to that, but he would just have to accept it if it did. Justin heard a familiar voice nearby and he walked over in the direction it came from. "Eden, I haven't seen you in forever. How much trouble have you caused today?" Justin asked, rolling his eyes at her. "I'm surprised the school is still standing with you in it." He said chuckling. It was a surprise to even see her outside, and even remotely happy. After all, Chase had been sent away to Azkaban for eight years. Even Justin has to admit, that was a little bit harsh.
Judas heard someone coming before she could and he stopped talking at once. Only a few people knew about Judas it was really hard to explain to someone how she had gotten it seeing as Judas was hand made by Lolita Silverback and anyone who was anyone knew that the Silverbacks where pure evil. "Hello there Justin. It has been a while." Eden said her voice carrying a dreamy like tone. The last time she had run into this boy he had seen her crying but that was not the case anymore. She missed Chase very much but she knew crying over him would not bring him back to her any sooner. "Whatever do you mean by that? I never cause any trouble, nor would I do anything like that. As a Seer in training I must make sure I stay on the positive side of things."

Eden laughed at the next comment. "Oh I have thought about bringing the school to it's knees but than I realized that there where better things to do." Eden gently picked up her pet and placed him on a low hanging branch before carelessly moving her left hand to push her runes into a pile. Not even realizing the sun as it glittered off her ring.
Justin rolled his eyes and then chuckled, he knew so much better then to believe that Eden was good any of the time. He was sure the only time she had ever been good was when she had attended Chase's trial, and even then she probably did something that she shouldn't have done. Justin wondered who she had been talking to when she was out here, there didn't seem to be anybody else other than her, and nobody had done a runner. Justin shrugged, and looked over at her. "You? Nice? I haven't been away from you for that long .." Justin said, chuckling softly. Justin smiled at Eden, "That'd actually be pretty funny, watching you bringing the school down. Who knows, you might even be able to do it." Justin said, smirking.
Eden looked at Justin for a moment as he laughed. I wonder what you are thinking Eden thought as she gazed into the young boys eyes. She could not read his mind he would have to be open for that if not than Eden would be blocked. Eden let a look of shook slide over her face. "I am nice. Whatever would make you think I am not?" Eden asked as she flipped over one of her runes. Sure she had something very nasty planned for the minister of magic but that women had it coming. She had taken away her Chase for at least eight years maybe more depending. Yes Eden had something for her. "I have decided that I have better things to do with my time than get into trouble here. I am almost out of this school and once I am I can start to think of ways to get my Chase out of Azkaban." Eden said her voice starting to get a bitter tone to it. She may be with Selwin but she did not love him the way she had loved Chase no one would get that close to her no never again.
Justin chuckled, he didn't know whether or not to take Eden's word for it, or to press the point some more. Justin wondered what she was thinking, because she can't be happy with the Ministress of Magic after what she had decreed when it came to Chase's punishment. Oh well, he'll be out eventually and then she'll run back to him. Justin chuckled at the thought of this, and it would probably be exactly what happened, not that anybody who knew Eden would expect anything else. Justin wondered what she must have had to go through, but then he realised he didn't exactly want to know. "That would be funny to see you try and break Chase out of Azkaban." Justin said, laughing.
Judas slithered out of the tree and back into Eden's lap "Mistress why is this boy laughing at you? Do you need me to put him to sleep." Judas hissed in perfect english "Judas calm down last time you over reacted it took me and Lolita three days to fix your broken fang." Eden childed her snake. Eden could not work until she was working at the Ministry and she could find a loophole or something that would get Chase out of Azkaban. "I will be doing everything in my power to get him out the legal way I see no need to break him out and than end up in there myself, but once Chase is out and it has been a while I will have words with the Ministress and once I am done she will think twice before sending the love of someone's life behind bars for so long when he did not even kill the filthy women." Eden said her voice losing her dreamy tone and holding a bite of poison to it.
Justin knew there was a bad and somewhat evil side to Eden, though he was sure that threatening, or 'having words' with the Ministress of Magic would probably end badly for Eden, and she would probably end up getting thrown in Azkaban. And then Chase would probably have something to say to the Ministress, and then they would be stuck in there together .. which would probably lead to a break out, or an attempted break out, which wouldn't end well. Justin chuckled, "Well, I'm sure you'll have fun with that, and I'm sure if there's a loophole you would be able to find it. Though, you probably should refrain from having words with the Ministress." Justin said, winking.

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