🌹 Rose Giving Turn into something beautiful

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
Lunch break was passing. As Ivy walked out of the library she knew she should go and get something to eat before the afternoon classes. But she had had a good find in amongst the bookshelves and as she was here she wanted to check out the lounge. she stepped in and looked around not particularly surprised when she saw a familiar face. since becoming better friends with Naveen she had spent more time with Dhivya out of pure logistics. she walked over to the other girl. "Hey Dhivia. Happy valentines Day. And I have a beautiful yellow rose for you. she said a wide smile on her face.

Yellow rose for @Dhivya Khatri title from yellow by Coldplay.
Dhivya had been reeling ever since seeing the rose Ivy had sent Naveen, reassessing her whole impression of her brother's relationship with the Gryffindor. She had suspected their Yule Ball date was a date, no matter how much Naveen insisted it wasn't like that, but now it was confirmed, and she wasn't sure what to think about that. It was good that Naveen was popular, of course it was, but if anyone hurt him... Dhivya liked Ivy, of course, but she didn't quite trust the other girl not to hurt her brother's feelings.

So it was jarring when the subject of her concerns showed up right in front of her, and Dhivya knew she wasn't managing to hide the shock on her face at all. She half expected Ivy to be here to ask her permission to date Naveen, like some kind of Victorian dowry situation. But it was a delivery for her of all things, and Dhivya certainly hadn't expected to get any roses today. "Oh... uh, thank you." She said, completely caught off guard by the whole situation.
Ivy's warm demeanour faltered slightly at Dhivya's reaction to her. it wasn't cold exactly, but there was something behind it. As much as she wanted to be friends with the Hufflepuff, because she really did need some friends, and dhivya made sense to be friends with. dhivias reaction defiantly showed there was still more that needed to be done to make that happen. she switched a couple of the notes around and handed out the rose making sure her hopefully friend got the best yellow one she had along with the correct note. She paused for a second, trying to think of what to say. "umm, are you okay?" she asked cautiously.

note said:
Happy Valentine's Day to the best sister ever!

@Naveen Khatri
Dhivya winced internally, not having realised her inner turmoil was showing on her face that much. "I - yeah, sorry, I just wasn't expecting to get any." She admitted, feeling a little guilty for not having sent any of her own roses. She accepted it and wasn't surprised by the signature on the note - there was only one person at Hogwarts who would think to send her a rose. "Thanks." She said with a slightly strained smile, though she at least hoped she was getting closer to her usual level of strain. "I, uh..." Dhivya continued, unable to quash the need to mention it. "I saw the rose you sent Naveen..."
Ivy shrugged. when Dhivia said that she want expecting any. "I don't know if i will either" she said. she had sent three. but she didn't have many friends and wasnt sure if the person who she had sent a pink one to would send any at all. not that she was expecting a pink from naveen or anything. but one rose from someone would be nice. maybe she would send herself one next time just so she didn't miss out.
it was then that she heard Dhivias comment. she had seen the one she hd sent to naveen. which means that naveen had received his. she felt her ears go red immediately looked away embarrassed. "oh no. how did he take it?" she asked hoping it hadn't been too much.

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