Open Trying To Be Nice

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Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savanah thought it was funny that when she went to these dances, that a good outfit really did change her mood. She was wearing a dress she had gotten for a steal and it was beautiful. She felt grown up and proper in it. It was a far thing from what she might normally have on, and felt far nicer than anything she'd ever owned. It was visible not a brand new dress, but she liked it anyway. She took her time, trying to make her make up look nice and then was at the dance, a faint smile on her face, feeling good about herself. She would try to be kind and nice to others with her good mood but it was definitely unclear if she would manage it.
Ethan was feeling restless as the semester came to a close. For once he was truly eager to get home. He wasn't really in the mood for a dance but he knew he would likely go crazy if he stayed in his room all night. So he put on the nicest clothes he had brought with him and made his way to the great hall. He had hoped to make more friends this year but it was harder than he thought to break out of his shell. He scanned the room for his roommates or Wish but saw Savannah instead. "Hey." he said as he approached her, feeling like he had landed somewhere safe for now. "You look really nice." he said, every one did. It was so odd how different people could look when they were out of robes and into their fanciest clothes.
Savannah was never sure whether to believe other people when they were being nice. She glanced at Ethan as he greeted and complimented her and was watching him for a moment, trying to see how the compliment was supposed to be. "Thanks," she eventually said, just for once letting herself believe it. Letting his compliment be just a compliment. "You clean up," she didn't add anything else, keeping the statement a little blunt, but it was as close to a compliment as Savannah would get. "This sort of seems like the last place you would go,"
Ethan hadn't expected the compliment to be returned. At least he thought it was a compliment. "Thanks." he said and rubbed the back of his neck. He was momentarily distracted by the snow that was added to the usual enchanted sky so he hadn't been expecting Savannah's other comment either. He shrugged. She wasn't wrong. This wasn't his favorite place to be but it wasn't the worst either. "I guess but I usually come every year. Maybe I just keep showing up and hoping one day I won't feel so out of place." he said with a shrug.
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