Old School Week Trying Again

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
open after cole

Vader had been lurking about the dungeons, hoping to catch a glimpse of Pho, he had to speak to her and quickly. He had to find her soon. The boy did eventually spot her and called out loudly, "Pho!" he chased down the corridor to catch up with her.
Asphodel hadn’t spoken to Vader in a month or more. Not since discovering he had a girlfriend. She was ashamed of herself if she were honest, for being so distant, but the ginger wasn’t sure how else to handle it. When she heard her name she stopped dead. “What are you doing in the dungeons?” She asked, avoiding eye contact.
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Vader spotted that she wasn't really looking at him. But he knew that he could move on regardless. "How've you been?" he asked, he wanted to wait a little before just asking about it.
Pho shrugged. “Good I guess.” She wanted to tell him she missed him, but the stubbornness in her soul prevented her. “What about you. How’s your girlfriend and sh*t.” She asked, adjusting uncomfortably.
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Vader nodded, "I've been...I'm...." he couldn't find the right word. "I'm fine," he settled with before shaking his head, "We uhh...we broke up," Vader said, looking away from her a little before glancing back, "I didn't like her like I thought I might," he said. "I realised I liked someone else," he said, speaking quickly, averting her gaze slightly and embellishing the truth slightly.
Hearing Vader stumble to say what Pho could only assume was a lie, made the ginger finally look at home. “Vader you don’t seem fine to me.” She felt a twinge if pain in her chest, she was sorry that he might be hurting, and jealous there was a new girl. “I know I’ve been a fu***** sh** friend lately, but you can always talk to me, Vader. Do you want to talk about it?” She asked, hoping maybe this person was a boy. It would be easier to accept he didn’t like her if he didn’t like any girls at all.
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"I'm fine," he repeated. He shook his head, "It's you, I like you Pho," he said to her, he could like Pho, he culd, if given the chance to he could like her, more than he had ever liked Isabelle. They had history, she knew him, she was a friend, she liked him more. They could be together and it would work. Vader would make it work. "I found you because I wanted to ask you out,"
Asphodel looked at Vader, shocked and confused. She had seen his last girlfriend. They looked nothing alike. “Why do you like me?” She asked, as if he was crazy, looking at him like he had grown a second head. She had spent all this time thinking she wasn’t enough for her first crush, so why suddenly was he making her believe she was. What if this was a prank?
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Vader was a little surprised when she asked why he liked her, he wasn't quite sure what to say about about it, "You're funny, nice, we get along," the boy told her, "Plus, you're....you're pretty," he managed to add, trying his best to keep his gaze on her as he spoke.
Asphodel looked up through mascara coated lashes. He thought she was pretty? Her cheeks heated up. "You mean that? Because... I was really jealous about the girl you were dated. I really like you. A lot." She admitted, biting her lower lip, almost sounding like they were words she didn't want to say.
Vader had found the words hard, though he knew objectively that Pho was pretty. Isabelle had been objectively pretty. He just wasn't sure if knowing that fact was supposed to be accompanied by anything, by a feeling of some kind. He forced himself to nod at her question, he was a little surprised when she'd said she was jealous of Isabelle, "Why?" he couldn't help but asked, though quickly followed it with, "So do you want to be my girlfriend?" he had to make sure he had this, and then learn to like Pho like he was supposed to, like he hadn't managed with Isabelle. Isabelle had been wrong that was the problem and certainly nothing else.
Pho shrugged. “You’re good looking, smart, creative. You’re forgiving. I...” Pho paused and looked up at him fully. “Yeah I’d like that.” She finally replied, offering a half smile that upturned her freckled cheeks. “I’d like that a lot.”
Vader shied away from her words, he shook his head lightly. He didn't mind her saying it, it was different from when Goku complimented him. It felt different. The boy was pleased when she agreed to it. He gave a small smile and leaned in, and with a little hesitation kissed her cheek. "I'll take you on a date?" the boy said nodded, "We can go to the valentines ball together? I have to work, but we can still spend time together,"
Asphodel’s face lit up like a Christmas bulb. “Uhm yeah but if you have to work I can just help you work. I’m not a very good dancer. So maybe I can just cast charms or help you get good shots?” She asked, after all she’d never been to a dance and didn’t want to make a fool of herself. “I have to go study though, so just uhm, let me know or something.” She said awkwardly, trying to hide her excitement.
Vader shook his head, "No, I can take breaks, we'll have time together, I'll just also need to work," he didn't want to make Pho work with him, he liked working a little on his own during it. "Okay, we could get breakfast tomorrow?" he said as she said she needed to go study.
Pho smiled and nodded. “That sounds nice. I’ll... see you tomorrow then.” She said smile growing. Pho wanted to kiss him on the cheek back, but the nervous slytherin instead turned away, heading back to study.

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