Truth or Dare

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Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose

Imogen hadn't really tried that hard for this years Halloween. She's worn mainly white. Since she was an Arctice fox. She had a furry white tail and furry ears which were the only things which made her seem like anything animal like. She didn't really care about what she was dressed like. She just wanted to have a good time. Immy smiled to herself as she skipped towards the hall. Of course to quicken things Imogen knew she'd take the secret passageway down to the Great Hall. She was very happy at how the year was going to. She hadn't seen Teddy in a while, but lately Imogen had been feeling less like she even liked him in that way. Immy wasn't too bothered, she didn't want to be too bogged down in relationships, she wanted to just have fun. Imogen very happily took the passageway and slide down to the little area before the door which went to the great hall. The door only Immy and Lauren knew about. Imogen stopped and stood. She wondered if she might come across Lauren here. She hadn't seen her best friend in a while. She hoped they might run into each other and have a little Halloween fun.
Lauren was in two minds to go to the halloween ball this year, she had fun last year but it didn't leave her feeling excited for the next one. But she decided to go, she had a outfit ready anyway, a good outfit at that since it was put together last minute. Last year she went as a bee and she decided to tone it down a little this year and a 60's outfit was perfect. She checked her hair in the mirror for the last time and went out of her dorm and out into the corridor.

Deciding to use the secret passageway Immy and herself found she took a slight detour. She reached the floor that the passageway was on and opened the portrait and climbed through. She slid down the slide and soon enough she was at the bottom. It seemed to have took a shorter time to get to the bottom this time, maybe because she enjoyed it more and she wasn't so scared this time.

Lauren smoothed down her dress being careful to brush off the dust that she collected from going down the slide. She opened the door that was in the far corner and she was showered with the bright light of the great hall. Lauren walked out and knocked into someone that was dressed in white. "Oh I'm really sorry" Lauren said biting her lip.

Imogen turned quickly around as someone bumped into her and then apologized. She'd known who it was by the sound of the girls voice, and exclaimed in happiness at the sight of her best friend, dressed in a 60s outfit. Imogen let out a happy laugh before pulling her best friend into a hug.

"Ohmygosh. Hey Lauren. Amazing costume" Immy said happily pulling out of the hug. "I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?"
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