
London Howell

OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Still wondering why London was transferred to Beauxbaton, the little girl sat up and stood up, walking away from her bed. She felt like her father was experimenting on her but instead of making her drink potions she was transferred into different schools. First was the charms school and then Wizard Academy of Dramatic Arts and now Beauxbaton. Not that she mind being transferred into different school but she insisted a logical explanation from him. He had never told her the answer and this was getting into her nerves. She liked the old school and she was thinking about rejecting being transferred into Beauxbaton but knowing that the students here spoke in French, London didn't mind. Beside, it was a good chance for her to learn the language "Ahh okay" She placed a finger to her chin as she tapped it, still wondering what on earth was going on. She was the only one who had been into three schools in four years. None of her sisters experienced such thing, well at least not yet. Well just consider this as a privilege She thought and sighed as she started to think of home. She took a paper as she dipped a quill into the black ink as she started to write to her family. She then called her owl and owled what she wrote, feeding the owl of hers and pat it. "Good boy" She said as she saw him flew and disappeared from her sight.

After wasting time, thinking about this nonsense, London jumped on her bed as she took a book of hers and started reading it, flipping the pages one by one. It was a book about magical creatures. One day she was going to be in the ministry and worked in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Her eyes were focused as she started to read about the beasts that were written in the book. After a while, the window flew open as snow started to flew in. She walked toward the window and closed it. Feeling a little bored, the third year Beauxbaton stood up and took her coat, leaving the dorm of hers and the common room and started walking on the empty corridors. She took out her book and lean on the cold wall behind her, reading it as she performed lumos since the corridor was pretty dark. She wasn't sure why she would read outside her dorm and she didn't even care if other people would mock her from doing such thing. She did nothing wrong anyway so she had the right to do whatever she wanted. If a Professor saw her then they might have praised her, she loved the attention from them and she wanted it badly especially since she was new in the school. She wanted a reputation, she wanted the Professors to love her, she wanted to be the teacher's pet just like before in her previous schools.

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