Tristan Isaac Pierce

Tristan Pierce

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

--------------'i'm a simple thing with complex dreams and needs.'

( i ' m a b a d b o y )
FULL NAME, Tristan Isaac Pierce

NICKNAMES, Trist and several insignificant others

AGE, Twenty-two years young

BIRTH DATE, November 19, 2012

SEX, Male

SEXUALITY, Heterosexual

RESIDENCE, Wizarding area of New Zealand (a little near Brightstone Village) and muggle area of Canada
extra info, Tristan is not much of the permanent settler. He thinks staying in one area for years is a bore. That is why, his job is what brings him to live in two places whenever he needs and wants to. With the use of global apparition that was approved by the Canadian Ministry, he is able to go around the world, but of course, with a travel limit.

OCCUPATION, Veterinarian for both magical and non-magical creatures


HERITAGE, Canadian/American - Although certified north American

. Arrowsmith Education
extra info, One of the small, magical schools in the universe but still has good standards. Located at the north of Canada, this school contains a dormitory whose size is bigger than enough for a small population of students. Students here were strictly prohibited to use magic without any orders. Tristan was educated here from ages until 9-12.

. Northvale Institute for Magical Creatures
extra info, Located in the United States, this school is one of the grandest learning centers to know more about magical creatures. It has other subjects of course to offer, however its main focus is all about animals. Through his ages 13-20, Tristan explored his medicinal interest and keenly studied on how to treat these creatures with caution and care. He is now a fully fledged veterinarian.

views on blood, totally neutral. However, he has his distance kept with the purebloods and their snotty tendencies. Plus, he is somewhat biased when it comes to part-veelas.

WAND, 12.5" Yew, Essence of Dragon Heartstring

( a n d a c t c o y )
APPEARANCE, The first impression of Tristan from strangers is either he is a quiet man with observant eyes or he is cynical and mysterious. His eyes can be broody but that does not mean he is for that matter. The thing he hates about his eyes are that they are brown - a very ordinary hue in his opinion. Although the bridge of his nose is high and slanted, his lips are thinly shaped and light pink hued. His complexion is of the olive color, that can darken to a deep tan if he swam for five hours straight under the sun. He has a toned physique with muscles underneath the tight skin. The shape of his face is slightly bordering a square. He has a pronounced jawline with thin, dark eyebrows. His hair is very dark and he does not color it or style it in any way. It's rather tousled and only kept when he feels like it. He stands at exactly 6'3" proudly.

PERSONAL STYLE, Tristan is a sucker for long sleeved shirts that are tucked in casually with a neutral belt. The kind of slacks he uses are nothing bright colored. Rather, they are dull and nude. His wardrobe is a series of dark brown, light brown and black trousers. He also has jeans that have different shades of black and blue. Fitted knitted sweaters are also a part of his liking and he wears them whenever he feels the need to be comfortable in the part whilst reading a book. Or when he likes it, a beanie of sorts to keep his ears warm from the unexpected breezes.

( u p i n t h e a i r)
OVERALL PERSONALITY, Distance is what Tristan is fond of. He does not mean it all too purposely, but sometimes he feels that he has to unwind a bit. Tristan is quietly observant and has the tendency to be mysterious with all the vague answers he gives off. His indifference can affect others in such a way they will be irritable towards him but it's not as if Tristan would give a f*ck. Tristan understands puzzles, patterns and problems easily but that does not mean he would shout out the answer to it all of a sudden. With the knowledge he has, he radiates confidence yet with it comes aloofness. The whole combination of his personality makes it difficult for him to find a friend to lean on so his inner circle is comprised of pretty much two or three people. Tristan is calm most of the time, but his mind can run ten miles per second with all the thoughts that come and go. He is not the talker but he can be the most loyal guy in the world if you have heartily earned his trust.

NERVOUS HABITS, Tristan can be quite obsessive when it comes to alcohol. He's a drinker and if he finds the situation at hand to be a massive burden on his shoulders, he can go through the night with more than five bottles of beer.

HOBBIES, Visiting new places, photography, hitting the gym, reading classic literature, and having the day alone to play with Cosmo.

GOALS, There are not so many goals that Tristan has in mind for now. For him, his job has been his long life goal that he has now attained after years of hard work. His family that is in good health is what makes him happy. For romance however, he is not really finding Ms. Right now. He is happy enough to have some flings every now and then, along with meeting new people that he can feel comfortable with.

PETS, A male rottweiler named Cosmo

( l i t t l e b a d g i r l )
MARITAL STATUS, Oh, just sleeping around right, single.
whom, n/a

PAST RELATIONSHIPS, . Janica Orvay - These two worked out in the beginning. The relationship went downhill when Janica entered the modelling business. Tristan broke it off before she event tried out lingerie photoshoots. Up to date, they are not in touch and are in negatively awkward terms.
. Bettina Moore - Two months after Tristan broke up with Janica, he met Bettina or also known as Tina. Tina helped Tristan get over Janica with a little fun. They grew to be fond of one another, but that flame eventually died out after seven months. The sex grew boring after a whilst, so they decided to remain friends. They still talk to each other right now and consider themselves good acquaintances.

FLINGS, too many to mention

PERFECT FEMALE DESCRIPTION, There is no detailed description of that one, perfect girl. What he wants is someone who'll give him the thrill his whole lifetime. He wants one with the charisma to bring him to the wildest ride of life ever, even till his death.

( m o v i e o n f l i g h t )
<FONT font="Verdana"><SIZE size="50">


MIRROR OF ERISED, Tristan would love to see himself satisfied with life. There'd be an identical man staring back at him, his smile evident on his features and the background flashing with images of different places that he would love to visit and explore.

BOGGART, His own zombie father from the dead.

memory, When Tristan finally got his degree to become a fully fledged veterinarian for both the magical and muggle world.

AMORTENTIA, fresh grass, cinnamon, coffee, banana shakes and fresh breezes.

<SIZE size="50">laladidadi, here's a note ---

heya so all of this was made by me except for the header.
credit goes to whoever owns the lovely picture of that babe.
lyrics are from David Guetta's Little Bad Girl. check it yo!

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