- Messages
- 1,386
- OOC First Name
- Amanda
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Widow
- Age
- August 9, 1978 (76)

Tristan Wolfgang Drage
Date of Birth: August 9, 1978
Full birth name:
Tristan- "Tumult, noise, bold" (Welsh)
Wolfgang- "Wolf way" (German- after Tristan's uncle Wolfgang Kirk)
Drage- 'Dragon' (Norwegian- Tristan's distant ancestors became experts working with this magical creature in remote northeastern Norway. More recently, his grandsons Seth and Slade have careers working with dragons)
Blood: Pure-bloodHeritage: Norwegian {paternal}; German {maternal}
Hometown: Alta, Norway
Current City: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada; As of 2052, relocating to New Zealand
Languages: Norwegian, English, German (conversational)
Physical appearance
Height: 6 ft 8 in (>2 m)
Weight: 230 lbs (104.3 kg)
Frame: Large
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black with silver and gray, straight, cut short, light sideburns
Eyes: Blue, blind on the right side
When he was younger, Tristian was an unpleasant individual. He was raised in a strict and rigid wizarding household and was taught to detest anyone who was not a pure-blood. At one point, he was very comfortable with murder and death (especially by his own hands.) He can still have a loud mouth, a high temper, and will be violent if the situation calls for it.
Throughout his long and wild life, Tristan's viewpoints have changed considerably. While he has had abandoned pureblood supremacy after having half-blood children, mixed-blood grandchildren, and a Muggle wife, he still has old biases and convictions that are difficult to shake. He has mellowed out with age and became a dependable parent, husband, and grandfather.
Strengths: calculating, physically strong, protective
Weaknesses: Impatient, quick to anger, stubborn, rude, arrogant
Boggart: All of his daughters and granddaughters afflicted with the disease that killed Estrella and his mother
Patronus: None, he cannot cast one
Tristan was born to Dorothea (Kirk) and Valcan Drage in Alta, Norway at Valcan's family property, Drage Herrogard. Tristan has had to deal with death since he was young. On Tristan's sixth birthday, Dorothea passed away due to a hereditary disease. This disease predominantly affects women in the Kirk family and is always fatal. However, contracting the disease is relatively rare. To add insult to injury, Tristan's favorite person, his grandfather Malkolm Drage, also died on Tristan's birthday, when he turned thirteen. Tristan was raised alongside his cousin, Sammael Stark, who he came to know as a brother. Later on, his brother and sister, Lief and Brunhilde, both twins, were born to Valcan's girlfriend, Iduna Sigurd. Tristan had a troubled relationship with his father, who expected perfection out of his first-born son and showed a preference for Sammael.
Hogwarts Scotland, Years One to Five
Since many of Valcan's activities were centered in the United Kingdom, Tristan initially attended the local magical school. He was sorted into Ravenclaw in 1989. Tristan was an average student, and was just as likely to put his smarts to mischief than to his studies. There, he met his best friend, Joshua Hanson, and his school sweetheart, Morgase Prince. Tristan and Morgase broke up in his fifth year. Fed up with instability and overly-relaxed policies at the school, Valcan encouraged Tristan to transfer to Durmstrang.
Durmstrang, Years Six to Seven
Tristan entered Durmstrang in his sixth year. While he missed Josh, Sammael, and (secretly) Morgase and had a lot of catching up to do, he soon settled into Durmstrang. He especially enjoyed the Dark Arts curriculum (a far cry from the patchwork Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts,) Transfiguration, and History of Magic. He worked towards his goal of becoming a healer after graduation. While his main goal was to join with the Death Eaters, like other members of his family, his father had encouraged him to gain a specialized skill. On a holiday before graduation, Tristan and Josh met up to attend a Quidditch game. At a bar after the game, Tristan and Josh loudly insulted the Bulgarian team. This angered Radoul Antoaneta, who assaulted and cursed both of the school-age boys, later landing himself in Azkaban. Radoul's best friend Kalif Zhefarovich (later Styx) also happened to be in attendance. After improving his marks considerably, Tristan graduated from Durmstrang in 1996.
Young Adulthood: the Start of a Criminal Career
Brief stint with the Death Eaters
After graduation from Durmstrang, Tristan joined the Death Eaters at the height of their terror. However, this period was short-lived. In 1997, Voldemort was killed and the Death Eaters were disbanded. Tristan has the scar left by the Dark Mark on his forearm. He has always taken great care to hide this with clothing or magic. Tristan was never apprehended or tried as a Death Eater. He spent some time hiding out after the fall of Voldemort.
Second encounter with Kalif: Prompting a name change
Early in his career, Tristan was assigned a task with Kalif Zhefarovich. The two harbored a mutual dislike of each other after the incident with Radoul, but they were committed to be professionals and finish the job. However, they were caught by Aurors in the act. Tristan fled, leaving Kalif to fend for himself. While Kalif escaped, his professional reputation was demolished and h was forced to assume a new identity as Kalif Styx. Tristan had previously been associates with Kanos, Kalif's twin brother, but the two stayed out of the same circles after Kalif's fall from grace.
Healing and hurting
When Tristan felt it was safe to return to the wider wizarding world, he resumed his career as a self-employed Healer. Tristan's client base included witches and wizards who wanted to hide their activities from magical government. He also accepted side jobs that paid well and were usually criminal in nature. As a young man, Tristan committed murder, kidnapping, torture, theft, and other harmful activities. He also had a reputation for philandering. While he worked closely with Scitorari members, Tristan ended up never joining this organization, as he did not feel strongly about any of the groups.
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