Tristan Drage

Tristan Drage

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
August 9, 1978 (76)

Tristan Wolfgang Drage

Date of Birth: August 9, 1978
Full birth name:

Tristan- "Tumult, noise, bold" (Welsh)
Wolfgang- "Wolf way" (German- after Tristan's uncle Wolfgang Kirk)
Drage- 'Dragon' (Norwegian- Tristan's distant ancestors became experts working with this magical creature in remote northeastern Norway. More recently, his grandsons Seth and Slade have careers working with dragons)
Blood: Pure-blood
Heritage: Norwegian {paternal}; German {maternal}
Hometown: Alta, Norway
Current City: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada; As of 2052, relocating to New Zealand
Languages: Norwegian, English, German (conversational)

Physical appearance
Height: 6 ft 8 in (>2 m)
Weight: 230 lbs (104.3 kg)
Frame: Large
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black with silver and gray, straight, cut short, light sideburns
Eyes: Blue, blind on the right side

When he was younger, Tristian was an unpleasant individual. He was raised in a strict and rigid wizarding household and was taught to detest anyone who was not a pure-blood. At one point, he was very comfortable with murder and death (especially by his own hands.) He can still have a loud mouth, a high temper, and will be violent if the situation calls for it.

Throughout his long and wild life, Tristan's viewpoints have changed considerably. While he has had abandoned pureblood supremacy after having half-blood children, mixed-blood grandchildren, and a Muggle wife, he still has old biases and convictions that are difficult to shake. He has mellowed out with age and became a dependable parent, husband, and grandfather.

Strengths: calculating, physically strong, protective
Weaknesses: Impatient, quick to anger, stubborn, rude, arrogant
Boggart: All of his daughters and granddaughters afflicted with the disease that killed Estrella and his mother
Patronus: None, he cannot cast one

Tristan was born to Dorothea (Kirk) and Valcan Drage in Alta, Norway at Valcan's family property, Drage Herrogard. Tristan has had to deal with death since he was young. On Tristan's sixth birthday, Dorothea passed away due to a hereditary disease. This disease predominantly affects women in the Kirk family and is always fatal. However, contracting the disease is relatively rare. To add insult to injury, Tristan's favorite person, his grandfather Malkolm Drage, also died on Tristan's birthday, when he turned thirteen. Tristan was raised alongside his cousin, Sammael Stark, who he came to know as a brother. Later on, his brother and sister, Lief and Brunhilde, both twins, were born to Valcan's girlfriend, Iduna Sigurd. Tristan had a troubled relationship with his father, who expected perfection out of his first-born son and showed a preference for Sammael.

Hogwarts Scotland, Years One to Five
Since many of Valcan's activities were centered in the United Kingdom, Tristan initially attended the local magical school. He was sorted into Ravenclaw in 1989. Tristan was an average student, and was just as likely to put his smarts to mischief than to his studies. There, he met his best friend, Joshua Hanson, and his school sweetheart, Morgase Prince. Tristan and Morgase broke up in his fifth year. Fed up with instability and overly-relaxed policies at the school, Valcan encouraged Tristan to transfer to Durmstrang.

Durmstrang, Years Six to Seven
Tristan entered Durmstrang in his sixth year. While he missed Josh, Sammael, and (secretly) Morgase and had a lot of catching up to do, he soon settled into Durmstrang. He especially enjoyed the Dark Arts curriculum (a far cry from the patchwork Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts,) Transfiguration, and History of Magic. He worked towards his goal of becoming a healer after graduation. While his main goal was to join with the Death Eaters, like other members of his family, his father had encouraged him to gain a specialized skill. On a holiday before graduation, Tristan and Josh met up to attend a Quidditch game. At a bar after the game, Tristan and Josh loudly insulted the Bulgarian team. This angered Radoul Antoaneta, who assaulted and cursed both of the school-age boys, later landing himself in Azkaban. Radoul's best friend Kalif Zhefarovich (later Styx) also happened to be in attendance. After improving his marks considerably, Tristan graduated from Durmstrang in 1996.

Young Adulthood: the Start of a Criminal Career
Brief stint with the Death Eaters

After graduation from Durmstrang, Tristan joined the Death Eaters at the height of their terror. However, this period was short-lived. In 1997, Voldemort was killed and the Death Eaters were disbanded. Tristan has the scar left by the Dark Mark on his forearm. He has always taken great care to hide this with clothing or magic. Tristan was never apprehended or tried as a Death Eater. He spent some time hiding out after the fall of Voldemort.

Second encounter with Kalif: Prompting a name change
Early in his career, Tristan was assigned a task with Kalif Zhefarovich. The two harbored a mutual dislike of each other after the incident with Radoul, but they were committed to be professionals and finish the job. However, they were caught by Aurors in the act. Tristan fled, leaving Kalif to fend for himself. While Kalif escaped, his professional reputation was demolished and h was forced to assume a new identity as Kalif Styx. Tristan had previously been associates with Kanos, Kalif's twin brother, but the two stayed out of the same circles after Kalif's fall from grace.

Healing and hurting
When Tristan felt it was safe to return to the wider wizarding world, he resumed his career as a self-employed Healer. Tristan's client base included witches and wizards who wanted to hide their activities from magical government. He also accepted side jobs that paid well and were usually criminal in nature. As a young man, Tristan committed murder, kidnapping, torture, theft, and other harmful activities. He also had a reputation for philandering. While he worked closely with Scitorari members, Tristan ended up never joining this organization, as he did not feel strongly about any of the groups.
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Lovers and descendants: A string of broken hearts


Lorelei Bennett & a half-blood daughter
In 2004, drinking at a pub near London, Tristan was bragging to Sammael about the many witches he'd (truthfully) slept with. Sammael made a bet with Tristan; that he could not make the first woman they saw outside of the pub fall in love with him, without the use of potions or magic. Tristan was determined to prove his brother wrong. Sammael was entertained when the first woman that walked by was a Muggle. This was how Tristan came to pursue Lorelei Bennett. She was a Muggle astrophysicist from the United States, in the UK pursuing her PhD. Unfortunately for Sammael, and, in hindsight, Tristan, he wooed Lorelei so intensely that she fell in love with him. Tristan pursued the relationship for three months just for entertainment. However, he was no longer laughing when Lorelei became pregnant. Tristan hid this from everyone but Josh, as he knew he would be strongly ridiculed for his half-blood daughter.

Estrella was born in early 2005. While he had a soft spot in his heart for his daughter, Tristan felt nothing for Lorelei, a muggle. Ashamed of siring a half-blood child, he returned home infrequently, causing tension between himself and Lorelei. He supported his daughter financially, but was absent for the most part. When he did show up he filled his daughter's head with tales and information about the magical world, with the hopes of one day taking her to live with him and be raised as a witch, as she rightfully should.

In late December 2010, Lorelei was planning to return to the States with her daughter. On the way to the airport, however, the two were in a Tube accident. Lorelei perished in the accident while Estrella survived without a scratch. Tristan was nowhere to be found. Estrella was a ward of the state until February 2011, when she was sent to live with Muggle family in the United States.

Tristan fought to obtain custody of Estrella from her Muggle uncle, Carl Bennett, and her guardian, Winona Desmarais, a no-nonsense Auror who saw right through Estrella's father. Tristan finally gained custody of Estrella in 2016, several months before she was to start school. Estrella had long-since become disillusioned with Tristan and had her sights set on the local magical school, Ilvermorny. The girl was distraught when Tristan told her they were moving to New Zealand and she would attend the local school there, opening that year.


Yrsa Kvalheim & an unwanted son
In late 2016, with his daughter off at the school, Tristan started a brief but intense relationship with Yrsa Kvalheim. The Kvalheim family, like the Drages, came from a line of Norwegian purebloods. Despite this, the Kvalheims committed to a strong matriarchy and were known for chewing wizards up and spitting them out. Tristan, still flailing in his role as father to Estrella, was devastated to learn that Yrsa was pregnant with triplets.

When Yrsa gave birth in April 2018, she was furious with Tristan. She stated that two of the triplets, both girls, had died in childbirth. She wanted nothing to do with her newborn son, who was inferior in her eyes. Yrsa gave the boy to Tristan and told him, "If you do not want him, drown him." Bewildered, Tristan left with his son and swore never to speak of Yrsa again.

Although he was on his own, Tristan was a better father to Erik than he ever was to Estrella. He had a brief physical relationship with Lissandra Zabini, a witch involved with the Scitorari who was also obsessed with Tristan. Lissandra pretended to like Erik, but secretly, she wished to dispose of him. Tristan nearly killed Lissandra when he found her positioned over Erik's crib with a pillow. Tristan threatened her and promised to follow up on his threat if she ever came near Erik or himself again. After some public interactions with Aurors, Tristan needed to go into hiding.


Morgase Prince & a wanted son
In late 2018, Tristan went straight to Morgase, his first love and school sweetheart, who was hiding out in Western Russia. Morgase had married Sammael Stark decades before, bearing two of his children, but she had enough of his cruelty and decided to separate from him. Tristan and Morgase rekindled their love for each other. Morgase doted on Erik and rose him as her own son.

Morgase was so protective of Erik that when an enraged Lissandra entered their flat to kidnap and kill Erik, Morgase murdered her with a well-placed Sectumsempra. Tristan transfigured Lissandra's body into a vase and gave her to a Scitorari member as part of his collection.

Morgase's feelings for Tristan started to sour when he showed no signs of wanting to leave his previous lifestyle. She kicked Tristan out of her home and kept Erik, later moving to her brother Montague's. Tristan tried to patch up their relationship, but his stubbornness prevented him from making any real progress.

Angry and alone, Tristan buried himself in his work. He had all but given up custody of Estrella to Valcan, as he had abandoned her again. Estrella spent most of her holidays at the Herrogard, living under Valcan's influence and turning against her father more and more.

In 2020, Tristan's life was shattered further when Sammael found Morgase and killed her. Protecting Erik, Montague then duelled Sammael and killed him. Montague returned Erik to Tristan. Devastated over the deaths of his first love and his adoptive brother, Tristan vowed to leave the underbelly of the wizarding world. He had a cataclysmic fight with his father and became blinded in one eye. Tristan found comfort in Thorine Dolohov, a beautiful woman and tavern owner. They had a one night stand and Tristan left her the next morning.

Tristan soon disappeared with Erik to the United States; there, they assumed the new identities of Ethan and Erik Mallard in a Muggle community.


Julie Bennett & a new identity
Lonely and reeling from Morgase's death, Tristan was convinced he would never fall in love again. He shared a duplex with a Muggle woman and her young daughter. That woman was Julie, a widowed nurse with a girl named Eliza. Tristan thought little of their surname; Bennett was common and besides, Julie lived a state away from Estrella's family. The man found himself falling for Julie and became comfortable assuming his Muggle identity.

Tristan found out that he was very wrong about Julie's heritage when Estrella, her cousin Luke, and her friend Lily showed up to Julie's for a visit over the school holidays. An enraged Estrella revealed Tristan's identity without hesitating. Julie was shocked and upset- though she'd never met Tristan, he had a reputation in the Bennett family as a no-good, deadbeat father. She broke up with Tristan on the spot.

Later on, Julie and Tristan repaired their relationship. She was still stunned to learn that Tristan, Erik, and Estrella were magical. Estrella's uncle Carl and his friend Winona corroborated the story. That said, they strongly discouraged Julie from pursuing Tristan further. There was a reason he had changed his identity and Winona had long suspected his criminal past. Carl and Winona again revisited the thought of pursuing custody of Estrella, but at this point, she had become attached to Valcan and had no desire to leave Hogwarts New Zealand.

After rebuilding their connection, Tristan and Julie quietly eloped and moved in together. Julie found out she was expecting a child. Then, Tristan disappeared.


Thorine Dolohov & a fabricated family
Being the most dangerous woman Tristan has ever met, Thorine is a formidable part of Tristan's history. The always mistrustful Thorine was enraged that this man would use and lose her. She found out later that she was pregnant with his son. After giving birth to her pure-blood son, Christian, she decided her boy would have what he deserved: a father, whether Tristan was willing or not. She sent her loyal house-elf, Goia, to retrieve Tristan from hiding.

Thorine drugged Tristan with a love potion for months, making him forget everyone but her and Christian. He was a Dark Arts practitioner again and very much her puppet. Tristan joined her in her demonstration of terror on Obsidian Harbour.

While things were perfect on the surface, Thorine began to detest the simple-minded man she had created. She kicked Tristan out of Carrow Hall, letting him go once and for all. In 2024, she murdered Scott Anderson, an auror. A witch-hunt ensued and Thorine was brought down by New Zealand's head auror, Nicolas King.

The son who wasn't a son
Sarah Reine, a witch who Tristan did not remember, contacted him and claimed they had a son together after a one-night stand. Since it was not out of the realm of the possible, Tristan agreed to meet the boy, Sumner Reine. Sumner was a hotheaded Ravenclaw at Hogwarts New Zealand who happened to be two years behind Estrella. The family resemblance between Tristan and Sumner was uncanny, both physically and personality-wise. Tristan accepted Sumner as his son without question.

Later on, it was revealed that there was a reason Tristan did not remember Sarah; he had never met her in his life. Sumner's true father was Valcan, who wanted nothing to do with an illegitimate son. The boy had a troubled home life- Sarah was an abusive mother at best. Tristan continued to treat Sumner as his child anyway.
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Homecoming & redemption
Ashamed and violated, Tristan returned to Julie in early 2023. Just weeks before, she had given birth to their daughter, Evan. Learning that Tristan had all but been a slave to Thorine, Julie slowly forgave him. They moved to northern Manitoba, Canada, for a fresh start.

Julie found a job as a nurse and Tristan soon established himself as a skilled healer for the remote, but tight-knit wizarding community. Their son Elijah was born in February 2024. They lived with Eliza, Erik, Christian, Evan, and Elijah all under the same roof, creating a chaotic yet warm and loving home. Julie and Tristan chose to adopt Sumner as their son and became close with both Sumner and Lily, his new wife.

Tristan still had a long way to go to repair his relationship with Estrella, who married Jaken Styx, the (presumably adopted) son of Tristan's long-time enemy, Kalif. Despite how much he wanted to dislike Jaken, Tristan came to appreciate the kind-hearted and principled Auror. He was sad to see Jaken crippled and later murdered, leaving Estrella a widow with four children.

For some time, Tristan and Julie shared custody of Christian with Goia, Thorine's house elf, and Nastasia, a squib and nanny. Christian came to adore Julie and fear his own mother, now a deranged ghost living at Carrow Hall. Goia insisted that Christian attend Hogwarts New Zealand so that he would be close to his family home. Christian was sorted into Hufflepuff. Several weeks later, he had a mental breakdown and demanded to move back in permanently with his father and stepmother, leaving school just after his studies had started. The eleven-year-old boy decided that he deserved to have a consistent home. A reluctant Goia gave in. Christian enrolled at Ilvermorny and never returned to Carrow Hall in Goia's lifetime.

All of the children, except for Eliza, attended and graduated from Ilvermorny. Julie and Tristan were happily married for almost thirty years and enjoyed raising their children. They later spoiled the grandchildren that Estrella and Jaken, Sumner and Lily, and Christian and Teuila gave them.

Loss & end of an era
In 2048, Tristan and Julie learned that Estrella was suffering from the same hereditary disease as Tristan's mother. She passed away in late 2050. Tristan feels personally guilty for Estrella's death and is overly concerned for his daughter, Evan, and his five granddaughters.

Julie passed away in her sleep at the age of 71 in November 2051. Her funeral and celebration of life were attended by wizards, witches, and Muggles alike. Putting so many Drages in the same space made for a raucous and emotional gathering. Erik goaded Lily and Sumner into announcing that they were expecting. Estrella's impulsive Slade, ignorant of history, dragged Kalif Styx to meet with the rest of his siblings. Surprisingly, Kalif expressed condolences for Tristan's loss, although he was not pleased to be invited to a Muggle's funeral. Valcan made a brief appearance, but not to console his grieving son- he told Tristan that he had a task for him. Tristan's old friend Joshua Hanson protected Tristan and had several choice words for Valcan. All in all, there were many drinks, tears, and memories shared to commemorate Julie's life.

Sliding back into darkness
Months after Julie's death, Tristan felt the depth of his loneliness. He decided to pay his father a visit at the Herrogard to find out his task. Valcan, who had become close with the twins Seth and Slade over the years, expressed concern for Slade. The boy was impulsive, disrespectful, and ambitious- not unlike Tristan when he was younger. Additionally, Slade had joined up with the Anarcho-Magic faction of the Scitorari and reconnected with Kalif Styx, his paternal grandfather. Valcan worries that Slade will be eaten alive by the underworld he has willingly jumped into. He is convinced that Slade will be killed, whether it is by one of the Scitorari or his own family.

Tristan begrudgingly returns to New Zealand to try and scare Slade back onto the right path. Except, for Tristan, it is all too easy to slip back into his old ways...
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Family (to be expanded)


Valcan Geirmund Drage
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Retired Norway MoM official, Dark Arts practitioner, Former Death Eater
Education: Durmstrang
Widowed: Dorothea Kirk
Birthdate: October 21, 1956
Dorothea Annegret Kirk
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Mother, homemaker
Education: Durmstrang
Married to: Valcan Drage (until death)
Birthdate: December 1, 1956
Death date:
August 9, 1984


Estrella Dorothea Drage
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Profession: Obliviator
Education: HNZ (Ravenclaw)
Widowed: Jaken Styx
Birthdate: February 18, 2005
Death Date: December 27, 2050
Sumner Adam Drage
Adoptive Son/Half-Brother
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Quidditch Coach
Education: HNZ (Ravenclaw)
Married to: Lily (Potter) Drage
Birthdate: January 28, 2007
Eliza Jane Bennett
Blood Status: Muggle
Profession: Nurse
Education: Muggle undergraduate & graduate studies
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: June 23, 2017
Erik Malkolm Drage
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Potioneer
Education: Ilvermorny (Thunderbird)
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: April 27, 2018
Christian Antonin Drage-Dolohov
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Profession: Author, activist
Education: Ilvermorny (Pukwudgie)
Married to: Teuila Faumuina
Birthdate: June 4, 2021
Evan Maya Drage
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Profession: Retired Quidditch Player, Inventor, Time Turner enthusiast
Education: Ilvermorny (Horned Serpent)
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: January 1, 2023
Elijah Nicolas Drage
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Profession: Quidditch Player
Education: Ilvermorny (Wampus)
Relationship: Single
Birthdate: February 29, 2024

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Topics and Summaries*

*Disclaimer: Many historical topics have been left out of this thread. Since I joined HNZ in 2007, many of the threads Tristan participates in are overly fantastical and not compatible with the revised site plot. I have made many necessary changes to keep Tristan's story consistent, but more realistic.

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