Open Triple Threat

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (26/07/2046)
Dahlia had spent a lot of her holidays watching musicals. She had tried to jump back into netball, but it just wasn't the same, and as much as she loved sport she had to realize she didn't love Quidditch, and she couldn't dedicate herself to muggle sports anymore. It had hurt, but she just had to accept the cards she was dealt. What she could do, however, was act, and even if she wasn't going to be able to push to go to one of the big drama schools back home, she could do some practice on her own and then after graduating maybe go on to one of the wizarding drama schools. She could refine her charms and transfiguration work to be able to add her own special effects and that, she thought, would be pretty cool.

But to be a true performer, not only did she need to perform charms and read lines, she also needed to be able to sing and dance well. Dahlia had always been a shower singer, but her skills didn't really go past that point. And while she was active, dance routines were another matter entirely. She would've really liked some video guides, but the lack of technology was a real hinderance. But she would not be deterred, making the best of what she had by humming a song she had half learned a routine to in the last couple of days of the holidays and trying to remember the rest of the steps.
Todd peered down the corridor, his steps tentative as he approached the Conglomerated Arts room, unsure if he was allowed to use it if he wasn't a member. He had been handed a broken wireless wizard radio that couldn't be fixed with magic. He wanted to take it apart but didn't have the correct tools at Hogwarts. He was hoping he'd find what he needed here. As he pushed the door open, a faint humming sound greeted him and a girl, doing something. He wasn't sure what she was doing exactly.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt!" Todd said, holding the radio under one arm, "Don't mind me, I was just hoping to, uh, work on a little project," Todd explained sheepishly, having no idea where he would find the tools that he needed.
"Hmm, hmm...huh?" Dahlia was mid spin when she came face to face with a boy. Probably older than fifth year, as she didn't recognize him from classes, and not a Gryffindor otherwise she would've seen him in the common room. Her cheeks reddened a little. "Oh my gosh, this is super embarrassing," she giggled, brushing down her skirt and making sure she was at least somewhat composed before looking back over at him. "I wish I had my music player from home, it's like, sooo hard to try and do dance routines from memory. What's the project?" she asked, figuring she'd at least try and be helpful. He was kinda cute, after all.
"Don't worry, I've seen worse," Todd reassured her, pausing as he realised the potential misinterpretation. "No, not the dancing stuff. I mean embarrassing stuff, like I've walked in on way more embarrassing things," he clarified, feeling the heat of embarrassment creeping up. "Your dancing was great," he added quickly, trying to alleviate the awkwardness but somehow making it worse. Clearing his throat, Todd shifted gears, grateful for the chance to divert the conversation. "This is the project" he said, tapping the radio under his arm. "It's a wizard radio. It's supposed to tune into some wizard channels and play music, but it's not working," he explained. "I'm going to strip it back and hopefully get it working again."

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