Closed Trepidatious Tea Time

Chalcedony Michaels

Recluse- Eccentric- Gardener
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly Ten Inch Sturdy Pine with Billywig Stinger
3/18/1998 (64)
Chal didn't know what he had been thinking- asking a nice stranger over for tea? This was why he didn't go in public often- his people skills were terrible. Waiting was almost worse. He didn't know if Miles would even take him up on his offer, or if he would choose to ignore Chal and not come at all. But Chalcedony couldn't take the chance that Miles wouldn't come and have him show up and Chal wasn't ready. In an attempt to make the entire thing more comfortable, Chal had actually cleaned the small storefront. Straightened the bookshelves, dusted everything, polished the old metal register. Chal had moved his coffee table to sit in front of the window in the storefront, and two of his most comfortable chairs. He had just taken the kettle from the stove when he heard someone at the door. Swallowing nervously and straightening his shirt, he took the tea tray downstairs. "Come in," He called, setting the tray on the coffee table.
The thought of going to an unknown house to meet a man he had met only once, briefly, was one that kindof terrified Miles, but here he was anyway. Chalcedony had been very friendly, and if anything, even more nervous than Miles had been. It felt too rude to ignore his invitation, even if it had kept him up half the night. The man was pleasantly surprised to find a small storefront at the adress he had been given. Somehow, it made it easier to feel at ease. More like visiting a store, rather than someone's home. Miles opened the door after hearing the invitation, then smiled at the man inside. "Hello." He said, turning to close the door behind him. "I had no idea you had a store, how lovely."
Chal couldn't believe Miles had actually come. "Miles, how are you?" He greeted, shifting his shirt again. "Er- yes, not that its really busy. My sisters idea- I'm usually in the gardens," he chattered nervously before swallowing. "I, ah, would you like to sit?" He asked, smiling shyly.
Miles smiled as he entered the store, glad to see that he had the right place. He nodded. "It is me, in the flesh." He said a little awkwardly. "Your sister? Do you run the store together?" He asked, curious. He couldn't imagine doing anything of the sort with his own sibling, but he was aware his situation with Rupert was... unique. He decided not to think about it too much. "I think I would like to sit, rather." He said with a slight smile, then took a seat. "So... it appears you really love plants?" He added, trying to make conversation.
Chal almost chuckled at Miles question. "Oh no, heavens no. Ruby has her own company. I'm mostly here alone," he took a seat as well, pouring them both a cup of tea. "I do," he chuckled. "I've always had a way with my gardens. It's quite relaxing. I sell ingredients, from time to time." He smiled at Miles, stirring some honey into his tea. "What about you? Is there something you enjoy?" He asked.
Miles nodded as Chal told him they didn't run the store together. "So do you run it by yousrelf?" He asked, looking around with curiosity. "Oh, thank you." He said with a smile as he accepted the tea. He nodded as the other man said he sold ingredients, though it seemed that he was more interested in the gardens than the store itself. Miles nodded at the question, a somewhat sheepish smile on his face. "Well, I'm very interested in Arithmancy. So much so that I made it my career." He admitted. "So I'm often referencing numbers in books or charts, it sounds dreadful to most people but I enjoy it a lot." He admitted.
Chal smiled. "Sometimes. I cleaned it up a bit," He admitted, cradling his teacup in his hands. "I usually don't have company aside from Montgomery, but after I stuck my foot in my mouth I thought the shop was more neutral ground. Closer to the front door," He joked lightly, sipping his tea. It was a soothing herbal blend he had concocted himself, and it helped with his nerves. He listened as Miles explained about his love of Arimantchy. "That doesn't sound dreadful." He murmured. "I may not know the first thing about the subject, but if you find it so fascinating then I'm sure it's marvelous." He rubbed a finger casually over his teacup. "My sister never really understood my passion for my gardens, she's always found it to be dirty, tedious work." He chuckled. "I thought the same when she had four children. But we learned to respect each other's differences. Now she spends her days running her company and I fiddle around in my gardens."
Miles wasn't sure what to make of Chalcedony's answer when he asked if he ran the store by himself. He seemed to, but said he only did sometimes. He also spoke about someone named Montgomery, who Miles didn't think he knew. "I see. " He said with a slight smile at the man's joke. "Well, it's a lovely store." He said, though he was worried he was perhaps repeating himself a little. Though he had the feeling the other man could use a little reassurance. He was certainly very polite about Miles' interest in Arithmancy, which was sweet. "Well, as long as you enjoy what you're doing I don't think it matters that much what your sister thinks about it." Miles said quietly, still keeping his polite smile even as his mind went to his brother. But that was not a subject he wanted to get into with someone he barely knew. "As long as you have a passion for something, I believe you can be happy." He said softly.

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