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Kasey Blake

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Feather

Hi all.It has finally come tim efor my trip that I have been awaiting from four years.I am travelling to India to see Taj and to Dubai.My trip is about two months long so I'll be returning around Jan 10. Till than its bye to here.

I've done all my lessons for next term as well as the exams excpet for Divination.So, I am happy that I won't be having any problems with my grades.I might do Attendance Posts for Divination before I leave on Friday.

Messages to:-

FF club members: Miss me and we wont be having any meetings till next year when we shall plan beach party and plan that each member is to make a first year get used to this school like how we had planned.

Owner of Magical Menagerie: I'll be back for sure so don't fire me. :D

To All people with whom I'm Rping currently: I've soprt of tried not to enter any RPs and stick to my RL and RP lessons as I did all my lessons for all subjects like before the term started so it was hectic but if I am forgetting some RP's please forgive me for that.

My Professors: I'll misss you all so much. ;'(
Friends and Fellow RPers: You too.Hope to come back fast and continue with my RP life.

Love you all
Miss you
Kasey Carla
Have fun!! I hope you enjoy your trip. :D
I feel like an idiot, I thought it was recent ;) -facepalms-
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