Transfiguration OWL & NEWT

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Transfiguration O.W.L Exam

1. What are the seven types of Transfigurations? (7 points)

2. Name 3 of the 5 branches of Transfiguration that have very strict laws. (3 points)

3. What is the standard wand movement for Transfigurations? (1 point)

4. What is the incantation for transfiguring Beetles to Buttons? (1 point)

5. What is the incantation for transfiguring Squirrels to statues? (1 point)

6. What is the incantation for transfiguring a Teapot to a Tortoise? (1 point)

7. What is the incantation for giving movement to an inanimate object (like a chess piece)? (1 point)

8. What is the incantation for transfiguring Frogs to Grasshoppers? (1 point)

9. What is the incantation for transfiguring Rats into Rabbits? (1 point)

10. What occurs when a witch or wizard attempts magic on an animal or magical object that is un-charmable, un-transfigurable, and displaced from the realm of any sorts of magic that humans can muster? Give me the phrase or say it in your own words. (1 point)

11. What determines the form one takes when becoming an animagus? (1 point)

12. What is a Switching Spell? (1 point)

Part One- Written

  1. What are the 7 types of transfiguration?
  2. What are 3 of the 5 branches of Transfiguration that have very strict laws?
  3. What is the incantation for transfiguring Squirrels to statues?
  4. What is the incantation for transfiguring a Teapot to a Tortoise?
  5. What is the incantation for giving movement to an inanimate object (like a chess piece)?
  6. True or False: You can Transfigure a Cat to an Owl to send a letter.
  7. What is the incantation for transfiguring Rats into Rabbits?
  8. What occurs when a witch or wizard attempts magic on an animal or magical object that is un-charmable, un-transfigurable, and displaced from the realm of any sorts of magic that humans can muster? Give me the phrase or say it in your own words.
  9. In your own opinion, are the current laws/limitations on Transfiguration fair?
  10. What is a Switching Spell? Give two examples.
  11. What is a cross-species switch?
  12. Does the item you are switching need to be nearby?
  13. What determines the form one takes when becoming an animagus?
  14. What is Untransfiguration?
  15. What is the most important thing to remember about nonverbal transfiguration?
Practical Portion- Please RP in front of Professor Styx.

  1. Please conjure a glass of water in the provided goblet.
  2. Please conjure a single rose, color of your choice.
  3. Please conjure a chair out of the air.
  4. Please transfigure a frog to a grasshopper back to a frog, nonverbally.
5. Please transfigure your ears to goat ears and then back again.
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