Transfiguration Classroom Policy
Classroom Rules
Welcome to the lower years Transfiguration. Professor Edward Pirrip is excited to guide you through the art of Transfiguration but before you get anywhere near to turning your quill into a spoon, there are a few rules to read though and understand first. He’s usually laid back and fun loving guy, but don’t be fooled into thinking he is a soft touch. When it comes to discipline, he won’t hesitate to lay down the law. Follow the rules, work hard, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering one of the most complex and powerful branches of magic, and hopefully having fun along the way!
- No talking while Professor Pirrip is teaching, or over other students
- Show respect to everyone
- No bullying or disrespectful behavior at all
- Raise your hand when you would like to ask a question
- Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character during lessons
- If you have any questions, issues or concerns and would like to speak outside of class hours, please drop by Professor Pirrip's office. Tag me if you are starting a thread in his office.
There is no word count as lessons will be graded based on participation and the quality of your student’s work. Roleplaying your student as present and doing the required work for each lesson will typically earn an O. If you would like to choose to have your student refuse to participate or intentionally fail a Transfiguration spell for character development purposes, then that is absolutely fine but a lower marks may very well be given in those cases.
On that note, plagiarism is not tolerated. Never take others words and work to claim it as your own. You will receive a T for the entire lesson.
AI is banned from being used in lesson replies, you can read about the use of AI on HNZ here.
There will always be a make up topic to post any lessons that you might have missed that have been archived. I'll leave the lessons open for a week, maybe two, but if they are archived, just post in the makeup topic. You will not be deducted any points for posting late as long as you have caught up by the time exam week comes around. Real life happens. We have all been there. If you still require more time for lessons, reach out to me and I'll work something out for you.
Examinations will be posted on Monday of exam week and open until Wednesday. Again, if you need more time for your exams, let me know as early as possible. I will try to work something out.
Alternatively, the lowest default overall grade awarded is a P but if you wish to make a D or a T, you will need to reach out to me and I'll give you that grade.
Animagus Training and Additional Support
While Edward Pirrip has never trained to become an animagus himself, he knows the process to mentor and teach a student on how to become an animagus. In order to receive training, you must make an app and be approved by site admin beforehand. If you would like Professor Pirrip to mentor your student, feel free to reach out via PM. It's worth noting now, that you will need an O for all years in Transfiguration to be an animagus (and apply in your 3rd year) so if this is your goal, be sure to take the subject seriously from the very start!
Alternatively, if your student is finding the class material challenging, Professor Pirrip is more than happy to offer remedial sessions to help them catch up with the rest of the class. Feel free to reach out in this instance.
(Credit to Ghost (and a little of Camilla's) for the original classroom policy which I have adopted and edited into the above)