Transfiguration 3:6

Lesson Six: Registering as an Animagus
"The progress of becoming an Animagus is without a doubt one of the most dangerous branches of Transfiguration." Leif began his lesson. There was still a lot to cover today so he might as well get on with it. "Of course, all branches come with their hazards, but, in order to be an Animagus, you'll need to have a high standard of dedication, skill, intelligence and common sense. It's far from easy, and few witches and wizards succeed."

Leif walked around the classroom before ending at his desk, leaning against it like he often did and glancing over his students to make sure they were paying attention. "It can take years, even decades for some, to master the ability. Everyone is different, and responds to the process in their own way. The training is strict and requires the utmost concentration. The mind is a complex system that you have to learn to take control of in order to master Transfiguration."

"There have been a great number of people who have wasted away their lives, attempting to learn this art, but never made it. It takes great care because you are essentially transfiguring yourself. In many cases, some have gone on to transfigure themselves into an animal, with no way to reverse it or no one around to assist them in reverting to their human state, so they remain that way." There was no telling how many animals in the world right now could have potentially once been people, stuck that way forever. Which was not a thought he'd like to linger on. "Failure is part of the process, something you'll have to deal with if becoming an Animagus is your goal. As is the hard work you'll need to put in. Transfiguring yourself into an animal literally means having to transfigure the cells in your body to those of that animal. It takes a lot of effort to make those cells listen to what you're trying to do."

"Once you succesfully become an Animagus, you must register with the Ministry." Leif spoke, pausing for a second so everyone could have a moment to catch up with what he had just told them. "It's another time consuming process because you'll have to undergo tests about your ability and responsibility. We don't want Animagi using their skills to go unrecognized and break the law. Which is why the registration includes any specific markings or traits of your Animagus form so you're easier to identify. Those who wear glasses can find their animal form has ring like patterns around the eyes, for example. Blindness, deafness, missing appendages, are all also things that will cross over into your animagus form." He paused again, although perhaps more for himself than for his students. He dreaded giving long lectures as much as he was sure his students dreaded having to sit through them, but the information needed to be given.

"As I said, to become an Animagus requires a certain amount of ability and dedication. Even with hours upon hours of practice, most people never quite learn the complete transformation. Often, it goes horribly wrong. There are plenty of stories about cases gone wrong, like how one time a boy managed to turn himself into an anteater for a few seconds but faced the repercussions of his failure when he felt the urge to eat insects for the remainder of the week." Leif told them, deciding on a rather innocent example to indicate things often didn't work out.

"Also, if done improperly, you may become disfigured permanently with some of the features of the animal. Like I told you last week, you do not have control over what animal you might turn into. There's a couple of things that could give you hints about it, but it's never sure until you succesfully master the art of becoming an Animagus." He finished. "Right, I'd hate to give you homework after such a long lecture but I promise it's not that bad." Leif offered them a smile. "Simply write to me about what animal you think you'd be as an Animagus and why. And should you stumble upon any questions while preparing for exams, my door is always open."

Roleplay the lesson for full marks.
Write about one or two animals you think your Animagus form could be for extra credit. Doesn't have to be long, between 50-100 words is fine.
Kyousuke entered the classroom, fully expecting another revision lesson but was pleasantly surprised to find a whole new lesson to engage with. He got out his notes and took down the information as the professor spoke; he wondered if he could undergo the training to be an animagus. It didn't seem to be a thing they taught at Hogwarts so maybe he had to wait until he was older - or perhaps he could teach himself? He wasn't really sure, but it seemed like a good challenge to tackle. Almost like learning a new language, in a way. It took time and dedication. Kyousuke took note of the homework once the class ended, and went on his way.

If I were an animagus, I think I'd be a reptile. Whether that's something big like a komodo dragon or something smaller like a gecko - I'm not sure which it would be, but it could be either. I think I'd be a reptile because I'm adaptable (reptiles utilise a lot of interesting different adapatations to survive, and I can relate to that). I think a komodo dragon because it is a dramatic sort of animal - a larger than life animal if you will - and I appreciate the dramatic arts. Both animals are also reptiles, similar to snakes, which is the symbol for Slytherin.
A week ago, Lucy had thought that exams were going to be the scariest thing to happen to her this year, but that idea was laughable now. She hadn't slept a full night since facing the Boggart in Defense Against the Dark Arts, horrible visions shooting her into awakeness every few hours. She felt sick to her stomach just at the thought of it, and the unfairness rung through her. She should be focusing on her exams right now, but for some reason Professor Waldgrave had thought it was a great idea to show a bunch of teenagers the most traumatising things their minds could conjure up, as if they would just be able to go back to normal life the next day. She had considered making an appointment with the counselor, but couldn't quite bring herself to knock on the door just yet.

Classes were at least a good distraction, and Transfiguration had been particularly interesting this year, even if there wasn't a whole lot of spell casting. She got her things ready to take notes, pleased that they were continuing with their study of animagi. She had never met one to her knowledge, and she was excited to learn about such an interesting and unusual branch of magic. She jotted down notes as Professor Odegard spoke, disappointed to learn just how difficult a skill it was. It would have been super cool to try and learn how to turn into an animal herself, but it just didn't seem all that realistic. Lucy didn't have that kind of attention span. She jotted down the homework assignment quickly once she was done, excitedly considering what animal she might be.

I had to think about this for a long time, but I think if I was an animagus I would be a chicken. My dad has always called me Chook as a nickname, and I think chickens are super cute. They're so cuddly and love to run around just like I do. I don't think I would want to lay eggs, but I do like how chickens always get so protective of their chicks, because I always feel protective of my family like that too.
Minerva listened intently to Professor Odegard’s lesson, her interest piqued at the mention of becoming an Animagus. The idea of transforming into an animal had always fascinated her, and she felt a spark of curiosity as the professor spoke of the dedication and skill required. Minerva could feel the room shift as everyone considered the possibility of becoming trapped in an animal form forever.

As Professor Odegard explained the requirement to register with the Ministry, Minerva’s mind wandered to the possibilities of what her Animagus form might be. When he assigned the homework to think about what animal they might become, Minerva immediately started brainstorming ideas. She made a mental note to ask more questions about the process later, her curiosity now fully engaged.
Ever was so sick of this boring week with nothing going on but studying. Did the professors really not have faith that they could study on their own? Apparently not. All of them were just wasting her time. Ever would prefer if every professor just canceled class instead. But she couldn't be that lucky. The Slytherin girl had a sour look on her face as she entered the Transfiguration classroom. She walked to the front of the room ignoring all those around her as she took her seat in the front row.

She set her bag down with a loud thump, crossing her arms as she waited for the lesson to begin. The professor had one thing going for him, he didn't make them wait long. Ever realized soon that he was actually giving a lecture today. That was a surprise. She had not expected that. She dug into her bag for her note taking items, grimacing at the condition her quill was quill was in now. With her youngest brother coming to Hogwarts next year, Ever doubted she would be able to afford another one, but she would certainly ask, by ask she meant extremely annoy her parents until she got her way.

The Slytherin girl turned her attention to the professor who was still discussing animagi. It was interesting enough. Ever began to take notes. She enjoyed the fact that it was so challenging to become one. Maybe she would have to give it a thought. Still wasn't a priority though. She continued to take notes, smirking at the examples of it going wrong. Dumb people She thought shaking her head. Others misfortunes always made her smile.

The lecture went on for way too long. Even worse, they were assigned homework. On the last week nonetheless. Ever wrote down the assignment before packing up her things and leaving the Transfiguration classroom. She would drop the essay off at the Professors office sometime this week.
Apolline walked into the transfiguration classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started. It was obvious that this would be a lecture as the professor got started so Apolline pulled her notes and books towards her as the professor got started. She began taking notes about the work that was needed and then the other additional information that the professor was telling them about being an animagus. She continued to get it down, and was sure, now more than ever that she was not about to try to become one. It was absolutely not for her. Eventually the lesson was wrapped up and Apolline packed up her things and then headed out of the room.
Makaria took her seat in the Transfiguration classroom. Professor Odegard's explanation about Animagi had already been intriguing, but today's lesson seemed to dive even deeper into the complexities and challenges of the process. As he spoke about the extensive dedication and skill required to become an Animagus, Makaria couldn’t help but think about the commitment it would take. The idea of transfiguring oneself into an animal seemed both fascinating and daunting. The stories of those who had failed or had become stuck in their animal forms were both cautionary and sobering.The example of the boy who had briefly turned into an anteater and then had to deal with the repercussions of his failure was particularly memorable. As the lesson progressed, Makaria thought about the homework assignment. She considered which animal she might be if she were to become an Animagus. Once the class was over, Makaria gathered her things and made her way to the front of the room to hand in her homework, and then left for the day.
Hazel looked forward to the yule ball, but she had some lessons and classes to get through first, as well as exams. She took her seat in the Transfiguration classroom and tried her best to listen to the long lecture. It wasn't uninteresting, but Hazel was tired. She had hoped for a study session, but it seemed like Professor Odegard had more to teach them. She took some nose, writing down that animagi sometimes had specific markings like the glasses they wore in life as a human. That was pretty interesting. But becoming an animagi sounded like a lot of work, so any fleeting fantasy she had of becoming one dissipated quickly. When the lesson was over, Hazel was glad. She left the classroom quickly.
Osiris Vale slouched in his chair, half-listening to Professor Odegard's lecture on Animagi. Ozzy’s mind wandered as he listened to tales of failed transformations and the inherent risks. He found the notion of people getting stuck as animals oddly fascinating, though he couldn’t help but smirk at the example of the boy turned anteater. When the professor mentioned the necessity of registering with the Ministry and the potential for physical traits to carry over into the Animagus form, Ozzy’s interest perked up slightly. He idly wondered if he’d end up with any unusual markings if he ever attempted the transformation. Despite himself, he could see the appeal in mastering such a complex form of Transfiguration.

As Professor Odegard wrapped up his lecture and assigned the homework, Ozzy's attention snapped back. The assignment to write about which animal he thought he’d become - and why - seemed relatively simple compared to the depth of the lecture. He drummed his fingers on his desk, contemplating what animal he’d choose. When the class was dismissed, Ozzy slouched out of his seat and grabbed his things and left.
The yule ball was on the horizon, and so was school break. Aroha ignored exams. They were...well, they were kind of important, but Aroha didn't feel the need to try too hard at them. It wasn't like anything really rested on it or anything. Just grades.

Aroha settled into class, a little bit surprised it wasn't just revision but a whole new lesson to get to the grips of. Great, she thought, as she took out her notebook. She'd kind of planned to do some revision but she could do that later. As it turned out, it was a pretty interesting lesson. The nitty gritty details of animagi was fascinating to Aroha, who couldn't help but wonder what kind of animagus she'd end up being if she could ever be bothered going through the process. She found it pretty funny that someone could do all that work and then just end up being an insect or something like that. What if you ended up a fish? Aroha took note of the homework, finding it interesting and decided to do it for once.

As an animagus my animal would be a pīwakawaka. They're curious but also a little bit cheeky, like I can be sometimes. My māmā used to always say I flitted about like a pīwakawaka when I was little as well.
It was finally the last week of classes and Violet was very excited. She hoped that the last week was just going to be full of the professors running out of things to teach them and simply just letting them go over old material. She was unsure how much further her patience could go. She packed her belongings into her backpack and headed to her next class. As she entered the Transfiguration classroom, she sighed as the professor began to continue his lecture on animagi. He spoke about the process and how long it took to finally be registered as one. Violet thought it was all too much work for something that wasn't necessary, and she figured the only people that would ever want to do this surely had to have a job that required them to be one, as there was no point otherwise. As the lesson finally came to an end, the Ravenclaw was quick to head out and go straight to her next class.

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