Transfiguration 1:6

Lesson Six: Learning Gemelitiar (book into a jewellery box)

"Good morning everyone, today's lesson will be kept relatively short." Leif said cheerfully as his students took their seat. "To begin, I would like you all to please pull out your textbook and place it on your desk. For a spell. We aren't doing more theory, you can all relax." He waited for everyone to pull out their books, nodding once it looked like every desk had one. "Good. Today, we are going to turn these books into jewelry boxes. Or trinket boxes, whatever you like to think of it as."

Leif paused as several students oohed at the thought. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a book of his own to be used in the demonstration. "We will, of course, be using the three tap method as usual. The incantation is 'Gemelitiar.' Like this." Professor Odegard tapped his book three times and incanted the spell, "Gemelitiar" and the book immediately changed into a beautiful jewelry box made of mahogany wood, inscribed with sentences from the books pages in reference to its previous form. Garnets and opals accented the boxes lid.

"Easy. Try to visualise a box that suits you and what you like, draw on familiar things that are easy to visualise, or memories of jewelry boxes you've seen before. I would like all of you to begin, I will be walking around as always. After you are done, use the rest of your time to study. Exams are right around the corner after all."

Note: "Finite" is a counter-spell, not Untransfiguration, and shouldn't be used to reverse any transfigurations.

Roleplay attempting to turn your book into a jewellery box for full marks.
Lilith skipped her way to the Transfiguration classroom, she was first to arrive and took seat in the front row. She sat down and stared at the Professor as a girl in yellow robes sat next to her. Lilith noted her being another very enthusiastic student she had seen. Paying no mind to the girl she just focused on the lesson. "He is so dreamy and amazing, isn't he?" She whispered to the girl that she recalled being perhaps Susan or Susie? Something like that. She had seen her around in the library and lessons as well as the truth or dare study session.

Lilith wasted no time in getting to work on their given assignment. She imagined the jewelry box, her grandmothers old one at home. Focused on the image of it and how it felt, anything really, before tapping the book thrice and repeating the incantation. She got it on her first try and was beside herself. Lilith looked at her box proudly, it wasn't perfect but it was a box nevertheless. The Ravenclaw sat down and leaned on her hands staring at their Professor before reminding herself to study as well.

As she opened her books she whispered to the girl beside her. "Honestly it is my favourite subject and the professor definitely makes it better. I like his way of teaching and the subject is just incredible on it's own." These weeks she had lesson after lesson been taken aback by the sheer amazement and beauty of Transfiguration. Somewhere along the way she had also perhaps developed a fascination towards the Professor. It amazed her that he knew so much about the subject to be teaching it and it seemed so easy for him. She was definitely looking forward to next year.

Before leaving the lesson she stopped by the Professor to do what? Stare at him maybe because suddenly no words made sense. "Well, so, these lessons have been the highlight of my semester, I am looking forward to this subject next year. Thank you sir, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week, see you on the exam day, I think..." She babbled eventually before making her way out, shamefully holding her head down.

@Susie Lagowski
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry Professor, she has taken a liking in your teaching :teehee:
Elijah sat up straight as Professor Odegard began the lesson, feeling both nervous and excited for the last lesson before the exams. The idea of transforming something as ordinary as a textbook into a jewelry box was both fascinating and daunting. He carefully placed his book on the desk, running his fingers over the cover as he tried to visualize what kind of box it could become. He imagined something simple but elegant, a box with clean lines and a smooth surface, perhaps with a subtle pattern etched into the wood.

Taking a deep breath, Elijah pointed his wand at the book, focusing on the image in his mind. He tapped the book three times, just as the professor had demonstrated, and whispered, "Gemelitiar." For a moment, nothing happened, and his heart sank. But then, the book began to shimmer and shift, its form slowly transforming into a small, dark wooden box with a delicate engraving on the lid. It wasn’t as ornate as the professor's, but it was his creation, and he felt a swell of pride. He carefully opened the lid, marveling at the smooth interior, before setting it down with a satisfied smile, ready to study for the rest of the class as instructed.
Nox slumped into his seat, grateful to hear Professor Odegard promise a short lesson. With exams creeping up, he'd felt the stress mounting and was ready for a bit of a break. As the professor explained the spell, Nox grabbed his textbook, wondering what it would look like as a jewellery box. Watching the transformation, it was cool seeing something so ordinary change into something that personal.

He focused on his book, trying to picture what suited him best — a simple, sturdy design with a dark oak finish, maybe a bit like one of the old chests that sat in one of the many empty rooms. With a quick breath, Nox tapped his book three times, muttering, "Gemelitiar." He grinned as the textbook shifted into a small, rough-hewn box, its surface marked with subtle leafy carvings. It wasn't fancy, but it felt right. Content, he set the box aside and dug out his notes, feeling a bit more relaxed knowing he could still have a bit of fun in between all the studying.
Vikrams first semester was drawing to a close. He had to admit it had gone well. His clubs had been interesting, his classes gone well, and he liked to think he'd made a good amount of friends. He had a solid routine, one he enjoyed, and plans for the rest of the year. Ready for the day, Vikram ran a hand through his artfully tousled hair and headed to class.

He was expecting mostly review, and he was surprised when transfiguration wasn't. He decided to go over his notes later, taking a few new ones on their latest spell. When he was done, he pulled out his wand. Having what he thought was a good grasp on the spell, he took a few attempts before his book turned into a nice looking jewelry box. He smiled, pleased with himself. With the lesson over, he gathered up his things and decided to hit the library, get some more studying in.
Forrest was excited at the prospect of turning his textbook into a jewellery box; he loved lessons that involved practical magic, especially when they had a creative element. He carefully placed his book on the desk and focused on the incantation, repeating "Gemelitiar" under his breath as he watched Professor Odegard's demonstration. The transformation of the book into a mahogany jewelry box, elegantly inscribed and adorned with garnets and opals, was impressive and Forrest hoped his effort would at least be half as good.

Following Professor Odegard's instructions, Forrest tapped his book three times and clearly spoke the incantation, "Gemelitiar." To his delight, the textbook shimmered before morphing into a small, wooden box with delicate carvings of ivy and fern leaves wrapping around the edges. It wasn’t as ornate as the professor's, but he was pleased with how it captured the earthy charm he had imagined. Feeling a bit more confident, he decided to spend the rest of the lesson reviewing his notes for exams, hoping that his spell work would be just as successful when it counted the most.
Adelaide enjoyed Transfiguration. The professor was kind, and more importantly, he seemed really knowledgeable. She looked forward to the lesson each week, so she was disappointed that the semester was coming to an end. The blonde took her seat in the room right as the lesson began. Today, they would be learning how to turn a book into a jewelry box which seemed like a useful skill to a girl that enjoyed jewelry.

Adelaide looked at the book in front of her. She took out her own wand and focused on the spell. She did the wand movement exactly as they had been taught. "Gemelitiar." she said confidently. The book transformed into a pretty piece of white porcelain with delicate painted flowers on it. "How pretty." she murmured, pleased with her accomplishment.
It was quite unbelievable that this was the last lesson and it was sad. Rhea was a little late, but still arrived to class before the lesson started. It didn't take long when the lesson started and the professor told them what they would have to do. She looked at the professor with big surprised eyes, because she did not understand how it was possible to turn a book into a jewelry box. Rhea realized that she wouldn't be able to and that she would have to try anyway, if she didn't try nothing would happen.

It took a couple of minutes to catch up and she raised her wand over the book, then took a deep breath and spoke the spells out loud. "Gemelitiar." this time everything worked out the first time and Rhea was happy. Then she tried about two times and this time too everything worked. She tried until the end of the lesson, when it was over, Rhea said goodbye to the professor and thanked her for the lesson, and left the classroom.

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