TPBM needs to get a haircut.
true. often i feel like dancing when listening to music, which is awkward when on the train, or in the corridor in uni (i can sometimes be seen dancing along them slightly at 7:30 in the morning, iPod playing in ears)
TPBM: has read Winnie the pooh and the very hungry caterpillar
False. I don't get up in the mornings.
TPBM is RPing but having difficulty.
False-true. It depends on the movie.
TPBM- Has dyed their hair in the last two years
Yesyesyes to infinity and beyond. xD
TPBM has chapped lips right now.

TPBM wants to go to school....
Atm, no. But I do attend school. xD
TPBM is usually a perfectionist.
True... :shy:

TPBM- Loves to stay up late
False. I'm old :p

TPBM- Has three brothers
True, got the biggest brainfreeze once, but kept on eating :p
TPBM- Has brown eyes

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