I have a girl crush on Taylor Momsen :r

TPBM is eating right now.
False, though I would love to change that.

TPBM- Has ideas for another character, but doesn't want to make them because they don't want too many characters.
False - I only have two topics to reply too.
TPBM would love to have more male charries.
True. I was thinking about making another one but I'm too occupied to do so.

TPBM is texting someone.
False. I don't text people because when I do, my phone get filled with messages in two days, in fact, it's alreayd filled with messages from friends. And I don't text back! xD

TPBM- Wishes they had more female characters (I know I do)
false, its brown, it was ginger but the dye has just about worn out, so it will be re-dyed soonish
TPBM: is listening to music and will say what they are listening to.
True. I am listening to the vibration of my cellphone which is nonstop since every two seconds someone is texting.

Yep. I am

TPBM has already read the book "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins and loved it.
true: I am hoping to go to malaysia some time next summer
TPBM: is currently procrastinating

TPBM is currently annoyed.
TPBM loves Meg Cabot books. (I want to read them but apparently, I don't have time to purchase them xD )
Oh! Absolutely true. I have all her teen adult books. My favorite is the All American Girl and the Airhead series.

TPBM has already read a Meg Cabot book.

TPBM has read the hunger games and cant wait for the 23rd
False. Never read any of it.
TPBM is really amazed by the fact that this topic has 127 pages!!!!
False - lawls.
TPBM spend his/her time in the shower for less than fifteen minutes.
False. To be honest it takes me more than 30 minutes to finish bathing.

TPBM knows how to cook.

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