Dear God, no! Too old. So Falsemondo.

TPBM fiddles during church/class/meetings
False. LOL. I used to, (kinda) when I was three. I named her Mary-Anne, and found her squashed by the road the next week. I was an odd child :p

TPBM....has never had a filling
tpbm, has yellow clothes on
Half False. Bizarrely enough (to those who know me) I was wearing baby pink. Shh, I didn't say that. But I do have yellow flowers on my boxer shorts. :r

TPBM Would rather not go sky diving, thank you very much. xD
False. I don't know, I'm not allowed one :( my sister told horror stories to my parents.
(Just felt like saying that i would not skydive. i value my eyeballs too much for that)

TPBM...has an irrational phobia (a fear of something that cannot hurt you, eg a fear of pillows)
False ish- I have a fear of jellyfish. whenever i go into the sea instead of worrying about sharks i worry about being stung by jellyfish.
TPBM- should be doing something else, but is procrastinating
True. I'm supposed to help my little sister with her maths hwk, but I keep saying "1 more minute!" for the past half hour xD

TPBM didn't know that Valentine's day this year also falls on the first day of Chinese New Year ;D
true, but wouldn't it be the other way around as valentines day is always the same so the chinese new year will fall on 14th

tpbm: lives in the southern hemisphere.
Wrong! I live in Europe.

TPBM has more than 2 pets
FALSE. I'm neither. Or Team Tyler's Van/Team James. Yeah, that's me.

TPBM is sleep-deprived.
False. I am getting exactly the right amount of sleep that I ought to be ^^ ... Just at the wrong time. :shy:

TPBM has a strange scar in a strange place.
True! I have a cat, a rabbit, three birds and some fish.

TPBM bites their fingernails.
Soooooo wrong! I love them (well, most of them)

TPBM had never skipped class
True ! The teachers always take attendance, so I'm too afraid to skip class.

TPBM is afraid of the dark.
False! I used to be when I was like 5, but now I am not. Just afraid if someone I hate happens to be hiding in the dark, then I am.

TPBM is loves to play UNO and eat chocolate! :p
At the same time? False, it gets chocolate on the cards. Seperately? Yeah. Especially about the chocolate!

TPBM has never seen Amelie (or, as it's called in France, Le Fabulous Destin D'Amelie Poulain)
False, I saw it several times (in theaters, on DVD, on TV, on my computer, subtitled in English (that was funny)), I love this movie, one of my favourites, and btw it's Le FabulEUX Destin d'Amélie Poulain.
(Oh, and my real name is Amélie ^^)

TPBM had always wanted a pony for Christmas
False. I always wanted a koala bear for Christmas. They're just so adorable and cute !

TPBM is a vegetarian?

False - But not by choice, non vegetarian by force.

TPBM hates all forms of exams?

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