Open Totally Innocent. Completely Harmless. (Probably.)

Hachiro Kaster

sarcastic | aussie
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Chiro had been at Hogwarts long enough, he’d decided, and he’d laid low and been a generally good boy. Unfortunately, his mother had not put a time frame on his good behaviour, so he figured enough time had passed now. It was late afternoon as he leaned lazily against the low stone wall of the courtyard, one foot propped up on a bench, the other tapping away against the stones beneath his feet. He was holding a small enchanted firecracker in his hands - completely harmless, of course (probably). There was a group of students not far away, totally unsuspecting, probably, since they hadn’t seen him yet, and if they had, they hadn’t moved so probably didn’t suspect he had something in his hands. A little harmless chaos never hurt anyone… right?

Right. He quickly flicked the firecracker up into the air, and it popped with a burst of colourful sparks. See, completely harmless. He turned to look away, as if he had nothing to do with the whole thing at all. Who me? He would ask, because this had nothing to do with him at all.
OOCOut of Character:
The firecracker was set off in the courtyard so anyone in the courtyard would have seen it, it was quite loud though so not impossible for those outside the courtyard to have heard it.
Miles had decided he was going to make the most of the nice enough weather and try and spend some time outside. Though, he couldn't fully be bothered to trek all around the grounds or anything. Instead, he'd just decided to hang around in the courtyard, finding a nice corner to sit in so he could perhaps try and do this History of Magic homework that needed to be handed in for the next lesson. He'd honestly been putting it off for far too long, and he really wasn't in the mood to lose house points or end up in detention for not doing it. Not that he was really making much progress with it, nose scrunched up as he flicked through a book on the Witch Trials he had picked up from the library.

But, he was so focused on the boring book that he hadn't noticed the firecracker being thrown into the air. Not until it had exploded, causing his heart to almost jump right out of his chest as he looked up from his book. "What the hell," he huffed, looking around as he tried to calm down his beating heart to try and work out who had just thrown that, "That could give someone a heart attack."

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