Closed Too Much to Drink

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx was miserable. The more he remembered, the less he wanted to. And with the revelation that Isla had lied to him, it had broken his heart. He had jumped on the chance to go to France with his uncle. He had to get away from everything. Everyone.

At least, it had seemed like a good idea. But now he was in a bar, alone while his uncle worked, sobbing quietly as the whiskey and rum blurred his thoughts together. He sat in a corner, head in his arms as he cried. He felt so alone, so worthless. He remembered Chrysander. He remembered being in love and he remembered the pain of being cheated on for over a year, the heartache from his traitorous love to his lying best friend… It was too much for him right now.

He had a half a bottle of whiskey left and he intended to finish it. To forget again. He sat up and put the bottle to his lips again, tears streaking his face and his hands shaking.
Jamie didn’t come to bars all that often but it had been a day. He had been working a lot - well he’d been working normal hours with the quidditch team, but supplementing them with hours at a local gym. Being 20 and at the peak of his own health was a difficult thing to maintain but he was managing it enough. He didn’t come to bars because that didn’t particularly help but a friend of the team had told him to come along, and Jamie with little else to do hadn’t wanted to turn it down. He was stood outside, a cigarette on his lips, the cool winter air barely hit in this area of France. But he’d long gotten use to it. He took a deep breath and pulled the cigarette out, blowing out the smoke after a moment. A terrible habit of his, but his friends did it more and he was just keeping up, his friend was taking about a recent play about the euros tournament, but Jamie was vaguely staring inside, where he spotted in the corner a young guy, with a whiskey bottle and tears. Jamie couldn’t leave someone in a bar sitting like that, if only he had to make sure he didn’t get hurt or something. He finished the cigarette and excused himself from his friend and wandered over to the boy in question. He was younger than Jamie, though perhaps not by too much. ”Hey” he greeted in french, ”You alright there?” he continued in his now mostly fluently and less accented french, ”Mind if I sit?” He could at least provide some company in this trying time for this guy.
Onyx was not in the mood for company. He didn't respond immediately, slamming back more of the whiskey and ignoring the burn as it went down. "Just leave me alone," he managed brokenly after a moment, rubbing his hands over his eyes. "I gave him everything and he cheated. For over a year," he hiccuped, voice slurring a little. "Lost my memories and she lied to me," he shook his head again, bringing the bottle to his lips again and forgetting he had company as he tried to drink away the heartache.
Jamie watched the guy slam back more whiskey. He grimaced at the sight of it, it couldn’t be fun for the guys throat. Whiskey burned. He caught the words, but despite the fact he was being asked to leave in english, Jamie just sat down next to him. He caught the words, and felt himself sigh. Clearly this guy hadn’t had an easy time of it recently, that he was drinking to try and wipe that all away. Though it was probably a little deeper than just heartache. Jamie reached out and wordlessly went to take the bottle in his hand, to pull it gently as he could away from the guy. ”Trust me, its not going to help you,” he said to him, in english, his english as not as practice as his french now was, and he had a slight hint where one might not be able to place where his english came from. He reached out with his other hand and placed it on the guy’s shoulder, ”Not to mention, I think you could breath fire with how much you’ve clearly had,”
Onyx opened his eyes again, whining slightly as his whiskey was taken. He turned dewey, dazed sapphire eyes to the man next to him, the world spinning too much for Onyx to really focus on him. He shut his eyes, running his hands through his hair- which only caused him to cry more as he felt the shaved side of his head and the scar there. "They had to cut my hair," he sobbed pitifully. "My beautiful hair, they shaved it off," he hiccuped, tangling his fingers in what was left of his ebony curls.
Jamie was pleased that the man didn’t react too poorly to him taking the whiskey away, though he seemed like a docile drunk. He watched as the man seemed to start crying even more, and Jamie couldn’t help the way his heart ached for the poor drunk man. He was so young, and those tears...He looked at the man’s hair as he sobbed about it. ”It’ll grow back,” Jamie assured him, though of course he couldn’t know if that was actually the case or not. He wasn’t sure what else he could do, ”Listen, is there someone I can get for you? Someone who can come take you home?” he asked, continuing in english, hopeful that he could help this man, and prevent anything from happening to him, including him drinking anything more.
Onyx hiccuped pitifully. When the man asked if he could get anyone, Onyx tried to settle, digging in his jacket a moment and pulling out his phone. "Unc-Uncle J-James," he managed shakily, setting the phone on the table. "He's- he's gunna be so worried," Onyx fretted, pressing his palms into his eyes. "Why did- I shouldn't have- since the attack hes taken care of me, I-I," Onyx crumpled, leaning over the table. "It hurts," he whimpered, referring to so many different things at once he wasn't sure where one hurt ended and the other began. His entire gut was twisted in knots, anger and regret and sadness tangling together in a dark pit of hurt.
Jamie couldn’t help but smile slightly at the fact the guy’s person was named James. He almost though maybe he was mixing them up. But, as Jamie watched the man take out the phone he realised it wasn’t. He leach out and took the phone, noting the few messages on the phone of this Uncle James looking for him. But this wasn’t a good place for this man to come get him. He reached out to the man as he leaned over the table. ”Let’s get you out of here, you need some air, then we’ll get in contact with uncle James and get you safe,” Jamie said. He stood up and he reached to the man to be able to pull him to his feet and hopefully get him at least outside to the street. At the very least, they couldn’t get rudely chucked from the place by an over eager bouncer or anything. The fresh air would help and then he’d be able to figure out the muggle phone and getting the man home and safe.
Onyx hiccuped softly, tears still soaking his cheeks, but he let himself be pulled up by the french man and let the stranger pull him outside. He laid an arm over the man's shoulder and stumbled along outside with him. He tripped a little on the way out the door, fumbling just a little and clinging to the taller man for support. Onyx glanced up at the french man from under long, dark lashes, his deep blue eyes shimmering with tears. The world was still spinning, but not as much as it had been, stilling just enough that he had a very wobbly vision of the man helping him. Onyx reached up with trembling fingers, brushing them lightly against the man's jaw. "You're pretty," He murmured softly, not realizing immediately that the world had stopped spinning so much because his vision was starting to fade a bit. For a brief moment, the strongest urge to kiss the stranger overcame Onyx, but as he leaned in he lost consciousness, slumping against the man's shoulder instead.
Jamie was glad he was able to help the man outside, he got him out of the bar, laughing lightly as the man touched his jaw, he looked at him and gave a little smile. The man was flirting with him. Jamie just smiled, ”Thanks,” he replied, ”You’re pretty too, and I bet even more so when you aren't drunk as hell with tears streaming down your face,” he told him with a little laugh. He got the man outside of the bar and pulled him over to a side of pavement he could lower him on to. He sat down next to the man on the curb of the pavement and let him lean heavily against him. He looked at the muggle phone and the messages and began trying to figure out how to use it. He hadn’t used a muggle device like this in ages, and he was mostly stuck trying to figure out how to get into the phone and call this James guy. ”Bud, what’s your phone’s password?” he asked the guy, shaking him lightly to get him awake enough to help him into the phone.
James was worried sick, when he came back from the shoot and Onyx wasnt in their room. At first it had only been a mild concern, but as time passed and Onyx didn't respond to any of James calls or messages, the dread in his gut increased. He snatched up his phone the second it rang. "Onyx! You cheeky little brat where are you? Are you hurt?" He fretted, heart thundering painfully in his chest. His eyes widened in surprise at the unknown voice on the other end of the phone. After a short conversation James threw his jacket on and hurried out to his bike. Thankfully Onyx really hadn't gone far from where they were staying.

James pulled up to the curb, pulling off his helmet as he dismounted the motorcycle before hurrying over. "Nyxy," he breathed, kneeling down to gather Onyx up in his arms. "Thank you," he looked to the young man that was there. "Thank you so much for looking out for my little Nyxy," he shifted Onyx against him, almost smiling a little as the drunk started to purr. "Useless little talent, isnt it?" He murmured affectionately, brushing back Onyxs hair and moving him onto the bike. "We're staying nearby, I should be able to get him back alright." Of course, the conversation they'd have when Onyx sobered up was already in the back of James mind. Why did Onyx suddenly do this? He had seemed... Happy. Better. James sighed, brushing his fingers over Onyxs face.
Jamie had almost dropped the phone in surprise when it began ringing, and after taking a short moment figuring out how to answer, he managed to. The voice that greeted him didn’t give him much in edgeways for a moment but he was quickly able to let the man on the other end know where they were and that he would stay with that man, Onyx, until this other person got there. Jamie had to imagine that this person would help the poor man beside him. The way he had been in tears, god, Jamie didn’t want that to get any worse. Very quietly, and making sure that no one was watching them, he conjured a paper cup and some water and held it to the other man. He could at least put him in a slightly better state with a little water. He looked up after a few moments, when a man on a motorcycle appeared. Jamie moved out of the way of the two men, watching carefully for any negative reaction out of..Onyx. But it seemed the too were close.
Jamie wanted to interject a little, ”Good, good,” he said first, but after a moment, ”Actually, can I give you my information, just so you can let me know he’s okay, I don’t have a phone currently, but,” he was able to produce a pen and some paper and was quick to jot down his address before handing it over to the older man. ”Take care of him,” Jamie said with one final glance. Though his night was certainly over, he retreated away from the pair. Away from the motorbike and towards home. Pulling out a packet of cigarettes and lighting one as his mind lingered on that man...Onyx. He didn’t know why he cared but Mel had always said once he’d picked someone to focus on there was little deterring him.

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