Open Too Late

Louis Vernier

university student | muggle-oriented
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
(Open after Clara)

Louis had been playing way too many games of gobstones lately, but at least it helped him meet a few new people, not that they ever spoke to him apart from that. Making friends was very hard for the Hufflepuff and he wasn't really sure why. It was probably because he wasn’t interesting, despite how hard he tried to be, and he couldn’t help but be in such a bad mood that morning as he sat at the Hufflepuff House table. He stabbed his scrambled eggs with his fork as he looked in the distance at a group of people from his year group laughing and getting along. The boy just sighed, wishing that he was part of it but also knowing that it was way too late now to be making any friends. He had missed his opportunity and now he had to spend the rest of his Hogwarts years all alone. He poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice, glad that at least he could rely on it to help hydrate him.
Francis was hungry. Really hungry. He didn't know why he was so hungry. It wasn't as though he hadn't eaten yet that day, or some nonsense like that, because he had - plenty. He furrowed his eyebrows, this shouldn't be cause for concern, should it? His seemingly never-ending hunger was normal...right? He shrugged, and decided that he'd go get some food. After all, it was nearing breakfast time. Er, yes, he'd eaten, but he'd eaten the snacks he had in his room. Maybe that was the problem, it hadn't been real food. Not what was considered meal food, anyway. France settled at his house table, rubbing his hands together as he looked at all the delicious food sitting in front of him. As he took a bite out of his croissant, he glanced around the room, and he eye caught a sight nobody should have to see. Or experience. It was sad, and his classmate looked sad. In a second, he grabbed his plate full of heavenly food, and approached the hufflepuff table, taking a seat next to Louis. He was definitely upset. "Woah, what did those eggs ever do to you?" he asked with a gentle tone and a small smile, not meaning anything by it.​
As Louis heard a voice, his attention turned to it, smiling slightly as he realised it was a Gryffindor classmate. He hadn't spoken to Francis much before but definitely recognised him from classes. He was glad that someone from his own year group was willing to talk to him, and the sudden appearance of the boy definitely cheered him up a little. "Oh, nothing." Louis replied, dropping his fork back onto his plate. "I guess I'm just not really that hungry today." He shrugged his shoulders, before then picking up the glass of pumpkin juice he had just poured himself and taking a sip. "What have you been up to this morning?"

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