Too Busy To Mope

Ares Jeffreys

class of 2047 | trying | Kaikōura Kea Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 1/2" Rigid Larch Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2029 (32)
Ares did not have the time to do whatever it was his mind had decided he would do. He had been feeling a little down since the quidditch match, they hadn't won the game, and he felt disheartened by this. He had a great team, April was an amazing seeker, but they couldn't seem to catch a real break against any of the other teams. It was frustrating for a boy that hadn't particularly desired to be the captain. It had been given to him probably prematurely, and now the team was suffering because he just was not equipped to be a captain. A chaser yes, but captain, no. The hufflepuff didn't know why he was letting himself be so brought down by it. He'd gotten letters from the first few teams he'd sent letters to inviting him to try-out if he wanted at the end of the academic year. He was leading a club, he was captain, his grades were good, but all in all, it probably just figured that Ares was lonely. He had friends, he knew people, he had his twin, but with Damide gone, and the only other person who'd shown an interest in him being too young, he didn't have any outlet. He didn't have someone whom he could be close to in that way. So many others did and he just didn't.

The teen had come to the north tower, when he knew he should be sitting either studying, organising the club or on the quidditch pitch. His time was too limited for him to really have any time to just sit and think, and yet he could not help himself. He could not stop himself from sitting down heavily a one of the windows, and placing the book filled bag on the ground and just sat. Allowing the rushing noise of his ear be the only sound in the room. The only one he could hear. He looked forward to graduating, but currently with all the work he had to do, there appeared to be no end in sight for him. Graduation was still a long way away. He knew he could just spend ten or so minutes tops before he had to get himself together and go to the dorm and get the work done. Just ten minutes of time like this.
Therese felt sad about losing the game, but she figured she did well on the other hand too. She had played her very first game and it was really fun. Being a keeper was the best position she had ever wished for. She had congratulated Gabriel her cousin with their win, but she wanted to win the next game ofcourse. They had a great time she figured and she liked the team spirit. Therese was on her way to see her Owl and send a letter home about her first game. She climbed up the stairs and noticed a familliar face as she wasn't yet where she needed to be. Therese smiled as she noticed it was Ares her captain. The brunette smiled at the boy and looked at what he was doing. He seemed to be sitting here, perhaps he wanted to be alone or just relax for a bit. Though Therese would want to make sure he was ok. '' Hi Ares! Everything ok here?'' The brunette asked friendly to the older boy. Therese thought she would make us of this meeting by thanking him again for the position she got. '' Thanks again for letting me be your keeper. I really enjoyed it. It certainly was a start with being hit by a bludger directly.'' Therese laughed for a moment she saw the positive things into it. She could laugh about it, although it really hurted. But she had managed to not let Gryffindor score at her three rings.
Ares was certainly surprised when someone began speaking next to him, a voice that he'd come to be familiar with because of quidditch, and he looked towards her a small smile settling on his lips. He thought that she had a lot of potential for quidditch, she was good at the game, and focused. Keeper was a hard position but he had faith in her in the upcoming games. She needed more in game practice that was for sure but Ares knew that would simply come with time. At the question he nodded, since everything was fine, he was just moping about for no reason, he had no reason to not be fine, he had his classes and he needed to work on that sort of thing, he had a lot going on but it wasn't like it was anything bad, just a lot, and he didn't have anyone to really to talk to who'd understand the things he was going through, and he certainly didn't want to impart anything to Therese that she didn't deserve, so listening to her captain's problems was definitely one of those things. Ares nodded, "of course, you're good," Ares replied to her thanks, "Bludgers are never fine, but you do get used to them. It's what my brother always said," Ares couldn't help but remember the amount of times that Isaiah talked about getting hit with a bludger and the amount if times he'd been removed from a game because of it. Not as much as April had at this point but that was besides the point. "How are you doing Therese?"

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